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Everything posted by Murp

  1. Implying mass effect 2 isn't a buggy mess
  2. I'm really happy that they're doing this when they really didn't have too. It'd be quite nice for future replayability. I am generally really annoyed by turn based combat and am kind of worried that this might make an affect on future titles if it goes over well, but I trust Obsidian will do right by us RTwP lovers.
  3. Avellone still buttmad I see. Probably has his codex goons backing him up as well.
  4. I really hate when crpgs have the option to use npc portraits for your character. It's really awkward to walk up to an important person and find out you're wearing their face.
  5. M-maybe it will be a good thing??
  6. Thanks for the suggestions. Now all I have to do is wait until the game is playable.
  7. That isn't exactly the kind of build I was going for but thanks. Right now I have an Inquisitor of Iomedae and I thought it might be cool to take some levels in Aldori Defender for flavor.
  8. I'm trying to play a melee inquisitor but I'm not sure I'm building it right. I know I'm putting way too much into charisma but I can't bear dump it because of the whole "king" thing. Any suggestions?
  9. If you people are really saying this shlock is better than PoE2 you're in the wrooong forum. Russian collusion is real.
  10. I'm not playing on Unfair, I'm playing on Hard. It was a decent experience until you leave the prologue. After that it's just complete bull.
  11. Then how is that my fault?
  12. Except that the flasks only do 1 damage if you're playing on anything above normal. I'm not "whining", there are legitimate problems with the game but you're too blind to admit it.
  13. And a tip straight from one of the loading screens that actually help against them (if you have any useful AoE spells, or any AoE prolly), you can use "control" on your keyboard to lock AOE onto targets, and then toggle with "control" to unlock and redo it, if needed. Unless you happen to not have an arcane caster, then you're screwed.
  14. Have you fought one of those swarms that they throw at you at level 2? The ones that you can only kill with fire spells or 10-20 alchemist fires? That stuff really isn't fun. I think most people can agree that there are aspects of the system that are convoluted and outdated.
  15. Yeah an established system that is beyond flawed. The sliders make it even worse because it means they don't even have to bother tuning encounters or anything, just tell the players to mess with the settings. Why craft a reasonable challenge when you can just boost the enemy stats to ridiculous proportions?
  16. yeah a bug free BM. A remake would only be an improvement.
  17. I've been playing on hard with 0.7 as opposed to full damage. I figured that would be reasonable for somebody already familiar with the rules (and again the settings are pretty cryptic)
  18. I mean I'd argue that's more of a neutral good option but whatever
  19. Yeah that's gonna be ruff. I was really hoping to get into it.
  20. So I backed this game and boy uh I guess I hate it? I really want to keep playing but there are so many horrible things about it that make me want to tear my hair out. Going around the map is really tedious and with fatigue setting you have to stop and camp or your stats get shot to high hell. The difficulty is all over the place and the settings are vague as to what's a good challenge and what's nigh impossible. Even with an optimized party you will miss 90% of the time while one lowly bandit can KO your entire party with three crits in a row. The alignment system is extremely cumbersome in certain circumstances. One party member is a cleric of a "neutral" deity and when responding to his faith the good option is to insult him, the neutral option is to make fun of him, and the "evil" option is to respect his beliefs. I know this is a new game with a new company and I really want to like it, but it really seems like they had no Idea what a CRPG needs to be today for it to be enjoyable in the slightest.
  21. It would be great if we could use god challenges with mods. Maybe obsidian could make it so that you can use them but you only get the achievements if you play with all requirements met (no mods, expert, PotD)
  22. The Codex is neckbeard incarnate. How would they even know what a relationship is really like?
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