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Everything posted by HooAmEye

  1. I have been adoring this event. So often they're so hyped up as world changing, it is incredibly awesome to have an event as fun as this
  2. NEW STAR CONTROL REPEAT NEW STAR CONTROL https://dogarandkazon.squarespace.com/
  3. I hesitate to link to the rpgcodex, given how horrible the place is, but this page does have a bunch of screen caps from the talk http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/index.php?threads/obsidian-general-discussion-thread.84849/page-208
  4. Honestly, I don;t get why at this point why we don't just wait for the game to come out. We have no idea what her archetype will end up being, nor do we possess control over what she could be.
  5. Those are both buzzwords nowadays, devoid of any true meaning. They are mostly just used in an effort to shut down conversation, like the terms virtue-signaling/ feminism/ liberal
  6. It is open now
  7. Does anyone think that the companions might have been created so Obsidian wouldn't have to design new companions from scratch for the expansions?
  8. A ginger asian is pretty unique, I'd say unprecedentedly so across any medium. I buy it. It is not all that uncommon among Mongolians.
  9. It's so that you google them up and ask yourself "Wait, aren't those two dudes?" But seriously, if anyone's a fan of either property (Naruto for Yakushi Kabuto, Valkyria Chronicles for Lezard Valeth), I really don't think the similarities with the first sketch of Ydwin are going to be lost on them. They're all sort-of mad scientists too! I don't know, I'm more confused that that guy is part snake. More of seinen and gekiga guy myself
  10. You say that like I should know who those people are
  11. It seems to me that there is basically three types of way to define RPG. To the codex crowd it is all about the combat, and old school sensibilities. Examples are Age of Decadence, Underrail, and Grimrock. The mainstream has the idea of rpg elements, which ends up with the idea that RPG must be about customizability. This is why you have games like CoD being touted for rpg elements. Examples are Diablo, most JRPGs, and Dark Souls. Finally, there is the classic definition, which is that an RPG must live up to its acroynm. Games in this category include the Infinity Engine stuff, Fallout, and text adventure works. Now you might just say that there is a ton of overlap in the aforementioned works. Of course, you'd be correct here, and that is the point ya dummy. Tabletop rpgs can be played and focused in any number of ways, which is how gaming works too. The definition is so insanely broad now, that there is little sense in attempting gatekeeping
  12. https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/913565055207194625 https://twitter.com/jesawyer?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor Now I'm even more disappointed Ydwin didn't make it in. At least it finally ended the whole anime debate
  13. That's not a beard, this is a beard
  14. And House of Many Doors, Night In The Woods, Edith Finch, Little Nightmares, Wipeout Omega, Prey, Sexy Brutale, Dream Daddy, and Battle Brothers! This has been my favorite year in games in forever
  15. Honestly, I kinda see it like 3d tv at the moment. While there is a wave of initial hype, the stage now seems mostly ambivilant with companies pushing it. There is a ridiculous amount of problems with the hardware at the moment (controls/ motion sickness / input delay), I just don't see it catching on any time soon
  16. Past 500K now, I'm expecting a million by next summer
  17. I don't know if that is wholly accurate. Personally, I found much of the story to be quite interesting, just very unevenly paced. Sure, there are way too many missed oppurtunities, but the sequel looks to be fixing that. For example, both Hiravias/Devil/Eder had quite engaging stories. Also, I too disliked Durance. His story was absolutely fascinating, but didn't change the fact that he was a gigantic ass.
  18. Yeah, the whole field of associated figures is absolutely intriguing. The study of thaumaturgy and hermetics were what I had hoped the conflict over animancy would have been. Given that so much of medieval alchemy is focused on the idea of workings of the soul, with the end result of being either ascension or knowledge through the magnum opus. Given that in Pillars souls are actually real, the debate over animancer is much more legitimate. For example, can animancers actually handle the results of the Sephirothic? Or what about the destruction and manipulation of souls, which John Dee viewed as the ultimate punishment. Adding the fact that Gods are real, and are ........, then that would mean Geber's ideas of holy reunification are accurate. It could have been so cool, but what we got instead was a "Oooh, science bad" thing. Disappointing
  19. Today I learned I am afraid of 17th century alchemists
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