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Everything posted by HooAmEye

  1. The codex is an awful and horrifying place The fact that I used to agree with the people over at RPGCodex is a persistent source of mild shame for me. Codex is a cool place with many interesting and nuanced discussions, and a very diverse pool of members from all around the world. Not sarcasm. Diverse, sure (although the internet is a just diverse by itself). Nuance? No, definitely not. Just lots of casual slurs, racism, sexism, and tons of whining
  2. Just got back from a quick look at the codex. Highlights include calling any women warriors "trannies", describing Pelligrina as a "negress", a giant anti-Beamdog circlejerk, and some bizarre assumptions on history. Why is it a place with great articles, and some pretty decent place in games is filled with such **** people
  3. Nah, Josh has become so balanced through the balancing of the balance, that the cosmic balance has balanced his ability to balance through time
  4. Plenty of people seem to be upset at how health systems are handled this time round, along with dialogue choice. However, are those things even possible to be changed at this point in time?
  5. American slang, it means criticism or verbal backlash
  6. So Obsidian is teasing something new https://twitter.com/Obsidian/status/928109844665483265
  7. I'd reccomend it, the UI is still a hot mess, but the story/ aesthetic/ pacing is miles beyond the original. Also, why do you place PoE as the king of the current renaissance. Personally, I'd place Dragonfall and Heroine Quest above it
  8. LGBT romances! https://mobile.twitter.com/jesawyer/status/925844372175728640
  9. Ken Levine is the video game equivalent of Damon Lindelof, a narcissistic pretentious jerk who completely bought into their own hype.
  10. We did it guys! https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/25/opinion/work-culture-video-games-crunch.html
  11. It is the same situation with dwarves. The original pop culture touchstones are Tolkein and Wagner, both of who had their dwarves as these multilayered characters, with their individual cultures and spirituality. Nowadays though everyone expects dwarves to be these hard drinking lugs
  12. Dragon Age (as revealed in Inquisition) and Warhammer
  13. Man, I don't want any nudity. Also, it is a bit more than a dragon here and there. Not to mention that rape was never as common as it was made out to be in those kinds of arguements. For example, women under Edward 1 could sue their rapists, Islamic invading armies have very few records of rape, and peasant women often did the same work as their male counterparts. GoT takes way more from the Modern Era than either Middle Ages, what with all the trading/continental politics/ European-Middle East exchange
  14. I can see it for the first pair, but the second two look not even remotely alike.
  15. CDPR isn't even among the worst. Check out the stories from Rockstar and Japanese development. The book "Blood, Sweat, and Pixels" has some fascinating accounts on the issue. The industry has a massive problem with handling this, expecting so many many to place their entire lives into the job. And even this ****show is not as bad as the situation in silicon valley.
  16. -Go to school first man, tuition isn't that horrible in Australia, and Defence Jobs (https://www.defencejobs.gov.au/students-and-education/defence-university-sponsorship/) helped my friend quite a bit. -Write a ton, and experiment on your own with different engines, and such. The miracle of the modern age means that one no longer need to be part of a major corp to get business. Take a look at similiar Australian startups for games like Team Cherry, Alexander Bruce (who is very good about responding), and Defiant Development. -Seriously, write a TON. Robert Kurvitz of the upcoming No Truce With the Furies, and Obsidian's Carrie Patel were both authors before coming into the game business.
  17. Let us just ignore him. ..... ..... ...... ......... So anyway, does anyone know when the next update is?
  18. I will admit that the english translations are somewhat shoddy, but the original polish is absolutely brilliant.
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