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Ben No.3

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Everything posted by Ben No.3

  1. Although I'd recommend you creating two characters... It may happen at some point that there are two simultaneous tasks that need to be done (for example a quest and an escort).
  2. Something I already said a few days ago but that I feel like fits the entire conversation about life, death and so on: Okay, here is how I see the matter of life, death and the sense of life. Try to envision your own death. What do you see? Black, maybe? Darkness? Or maybe you see your funeral? Your beloved, grieving at your coffin? I can assure you, you do not see what will actually be the case: Your own non existance. No, not blackness. There will be no blackness. There will be nothing, because you yourself won't be. But our minds are limited. They are not capable to envision their own non-existance. So, we conclude that that simply cannot be the case. That there will be no end. But everywhere we look, we see death. That is in great contrast to what our mind has concluded. But rather than questioning it's conclusion, it tries to combine the two. We want there to be a reason. A reason why all of this happened. Why we can not live forever. Why we live in the first place if it all has an end. In our search for a meaning we create our own meanings. Most notably, we create religions. And with it, we create the idea of an afterlife. We create the idea of being chosen by a god or gods. We create the idea of having a greater purpose, a greater task, something else than sheer survival and procreation. In conclusion, we create the idea of a meaning of life. And that thought stuck with us. The idea of being meant for some greater purpose is extremly encouraging. The idea of being chosen by a higher power is extremly uplifting. The idea of having a protective good we can relate to in desperate times is extremly comforting. So resenting these ideas is hard for us, especially wince we have been brought up with them. But I think that happyness lies in acceptance of the fact that there is no greater purpose. That life has no meaning. That it will all end, that end is unavoidable, that there is no higher power or afterlife to reward us for what we have done in our lifetime. And while this may at first seem very decouraging, there lies beauty in senselessness and the randomness of life. Because if there is no greater meaning to everything, if our very existance is a short spike of randomness in an universe where everything must come to an end and nothing lasts forever, then that means that we have no greater meaning to pursuit in life other than that what we choose to pursuit. We create our own meaning. And by doing so, by taking controll over who we are, by giving meaning to the meaningless. And I find it extremly uplifting and encouraging that who I am lies in no hands but my own. We have the ability to think. So why should we waste what little time we have following false ideas? Why not start thinking on your own?
  3. Hey, someone might actually find this interesting
  4. So here is how I see the issue of Freedom: Absolute freedom is not archievable not only for every human being but really for any living thing that is capable of thinking. You see, the main issue with absolute freedom is how easily it is destroyed. If you introduce even the slightest limitation, that freedom is not an absolute one. Now, if we follow that line of thought, then we need to avoid any form of limitation in order to preserve our freedom. But here is the problem: any thought that I have, any idea that I come up with, really anything that crosses my mind, influences me. And in doing so, it limits me, because an influence means that I will think in a certain direction, I no longer have the freedom to think absolutely free. And really, the same principle can be applied to even the simplest form of thinking, including instincts. THE CAPABILITY TO THINK DISABLES MY ABILITY TO BE ABSOLUTELY FREE. Thus, ironically, death is not the violation of my absolute freedom... Life is. Just something I came up with that I thought thought was worth sharing. Please note that by no means I think absolute freedom is something that is good. If I love someone, that is a huge limitation to my freedom. I'd rather live. I'd rather love.
  5. I have not heard of that case before, please bring me up to date, and please point me out how it's the EUs fault if a grown has sex with an underage girl. From what I know, at least in Germany we call that sexual abuse with consent, rape without.
  6. Look, another thing we agree on: let's forget religion. Look, a whole bunch of things we disagree on. By prohibiting abortion you will disable victims of rape to abort they're child. By prohibiting abortion you will disable poor women who did not intend to get pregnant from aborting the child. That woman may not be able to afford her own life, needless to say that of a child's. So, rather than saving one life by prohibiting abortion, you are ruining two lifes: that of the mother who needs to witness her child growing up in agony, and the child who grows up in agony itself. By prohibiting abortion you will disable women who carry children with a major genetic disorder firm aborting the child. So, what kind of existence are you saving? You may save a exitence, but you destroy potentially two, three, four or however big a family may be lifes. And one of those destroyed lifes, and in some cases the most destroyed life, is the one you were so keen on saving.
  7. If laws "evolve" they need to "evolve" by people voting, not on the whim of tyrannical judges. May be you should try winning an election for a change, since people like you claim that that stuff is so popular. Guns and religious freedom are both in the Constitution, abortion and gay marriage are not. Hobby Lobby may not be a person, but its owners are.I know this is the Declaration of Independence, but it says "we hold these following truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal, that they have been endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that amongst those are: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." So, definitely gay marriage and arguably also abortion (I'd say it is so, but you might disagree) fall under the "pursuit of happiness" part, wouldn't you agree? Religious freedom is great. Guns are not. Also, you realise judges can not MAKE laws?
  8. Funny enough, I agree. Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. Not my words, Rousseaus. But I agree with his message. But then again, it is impossible to have absolute freedom. Let's say hypothetically you have a society with perfect freedom. Then that society can not have religion, philosophy, science, politics, law.... That society can not think, because every thought is already a restraint of absolute freedom because you decide to go one way rather than the other, limiting yourself to the chosen way. So, your idea of absolute freedom is only archievable if we give up the one thing that (in my opinion) makes the difference between existence and life: The ability to think.
  9. Hey, no worries... I'm abusing the situation for shameless self advertising
  10. Have a look at the strategies forum anyway... You might find something helpful. About armour... I wrote a section about attack speed in my guide, so that might help you
  11. Yes obviously. Nether the less, I believe there is something you should take into consideration about how this competition probably will work. You compared it to racing. This will be exactly like car racing: there will be highly dedicated builds that will be better than any other ones. But like a racing car, these builds will be excellent at one job (in the cars case racing, in our case killing specific bounties. But a racing car is not the best car. In order to avoid at least work against this becoming a competition of builds dedicated to one particular purpose (the bounties), we should maybe consider giving bonus points for support, crowd controll and (de)buff capabilities, rather than grading exclusively by how fast a build can kill. Again, I like this idea. And having a highly dedicated competition is nice as well. But it's just something I felt like worth mentioning.
  12. Maybe we can help you? Post your situation on the strategies and builds forum, a lot of good players can help you there.
  13. Oh yeah... That... He can't be allowed to participate in the competition
  14. If not draining, then what about restore major endurance from my all time favourite looking sword steadfast? Should be affected by the healing boni, right? Also doesn't look to shabby with dragons maw...
  15. While I generally am in favour of this idea, we need a more extensive rule set in my opinion... Especially we need points for kill aiding through CC, buffs and debuffs. Many builds are really favouring these, but they probably won't get a lot of "kill points", although being very strong and central to the party (or being very strong solo characters, for that matter). Right now, the system heavily favours DD classes. Edit: although buffs should get fewest points as they don't need to hit against any defense. And then about debuffs vs CC.... Difficult to say which should be valued higher, or if one should be valued higher at all.
  16. Examples?Major examples would be abortion, gay marriage, immigration enforcement and voter id's. I do not know enough about most issues to comment on them, but the right to abort and gay marriage sound pretty good to me, wouldn't you agree?
  17. Yes, obviously it is possible, also in a peaceful way. But I can not think of any constitution that allows a country to split.
  18. Well, can you leave a country? No... Not in a legal way.
  19. I will love to answer these questions, just clarify for me: where concretely where the migrants put above the law?
  20. That plus refers to today's development btw
  21. For all of those who say Brexit will help UK... Instead of burning my fingernails on typing the dozens of scenarios that are likely to happen, I've simply attached the pound compared to the USD since Brexit. Quite telling, don't you think?
  22. Besides the stacking of status effects , I would like to add a section regarding the companions to the guide I recently started. Why is that? Well, a lot of guides talk about how terrible the companions are, and that everybody should only use custom builds. Now, I'll admit that even I catch myself sometimes thinking of the companions as poorly build... recent example is devil. But then I quickly get disproven. So, how do you usually build companions? Obviously I don't expect anyone to write a guide, but something like "companion X usually takes the role of a (...) in my party" would be quite helpful if you can spare some time. Maybe also a sentence or two on why, I'd really appreciate it Thanks for any input
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