It sure isn't funny to see a guy in a wheelchair try to get up a flight of steps, when there isn't a ramp. Even when I rocked around in the wheelchair I'd rented, flapping my arms around and making rocket noises, I couldn't get a laugh.
If I had my say, I would have made it so Hitler went to Heaven instead of Hell. Think about it. In Heaven, everybody'd be giving him dirty looks and swatting him in the head for all eternity. In Hell, he'd just be getting high-fives all the time.
Who would have guessed that the summers of yesteryear would disappear so quickly? Well, if anyone did, I'll bet it was Batman. He's a detective.
If you're being tried for something, and the court's got a whole lot of evidence against you, and you're probably going to go to jail, don't just jump up and try to run away. It turns out they're prepared for that kind of thing.
If the government really didn't want me to have sex with children, I'm sure they would have made a law about it by now. No, I mean about me specifically.
"Look, just listen to me," the psychiatrist said. "Screaming at everything all the time solves absolutely nothing." I had no idea what he was talking about. A good screaming should fix his wagon.
It doesn't bother me at all when the scientists laugh at me. I say, let's just let time be the judge whether dinosaur skeletons were left for us to pore over and examine (dull), or to tie up and use in merry puppet shows. (fun!)
Those are all Jay Pinkerton. I couldn't pick just one.