Prostitutes are bad
an essay by Lou Gutman
I think it was an episode of Tales of the Crypt, our Protagonist, a smart mouthed detective named Gutman played by Dennis Miller, is hired by a young blond broad who works for a televangelist. Her brother went missing and Dectective Gutman is sent to find what happened to him. After a few leads he finds himself at a whore house, and long story short all the prostitutes end up being vampires, and everyone that goes to the whore house gets turned into a vampire, and the brother was turned into a vampire, and the head vampire is a really sexy prostititute vampire who takes her ques from the televangelist that the blond chick works for. He has her running this vampire whore house to kill off sinners and stuff. The moral of the story: Look out, the blond chick turns into a vampire in the end.