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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. Surreptishus and Lucius sitting in a tree.
  2. Draken didn't reply to my PM, so nobody talk to him. Boycott!
  3. By that I mean, almost all of that applies to her.
  4. Sur's post reeks Darth Launch.
  5. I descrive it to be both innuendo and a threat of violence.
  6. Don't listen to then, they're both a couple. Couple of morons! Oho, zing!
  7. What are you accusing me of? I can't descrive.
  8. He's lying to you. The datapad that you find on the Starforge planet that was Revan's diary says 32, so about 34 by the time the game takes place.
  9. I just realised my comment about the fist and Rosb could be taken in a sexual manner.
  10. Is that some sort of hooker?
  11. Next match is Rosbjerk and my fist.
  12. I assume they are. Next match up are Alanschu and Grommir.
  13. d the first match is: Kirrotu and Balthy!
  14. Oh, I get it, because box can mean pfffftt hahahahahahaha
  15. Tom Waits - Sea of Love.
  16. Meta was talking about the fact that in the contract it says .002 cents.
  17. Wait, so you're mad that the DVDs that were supposed to be crappy were crappy?
  18. They just released DVDs of the movies the way they originally were in theatres. you can find them.
  19. The Pixies rock.
  20. I'm a pretty pretty princess!
  21. I hulked-out and lost control.
  22. You're an ignorant moron. Don't even come into the music thread anymore you cretin.
  23. What are you trying to argue here? Let me break it down for you. The point of my statement was to clue you in as to why people were using the number 54, because you seemed to think that people weren't justified in their outrage, because the guy wouldn't face the maximum sentance anyway. So in essence, you appeared to have been saying that they shouldn't be crying about him getting 54 years, because he probably won't. I said that they were saying it was ridiculous that he could possibly be sentanced to that. I was just saying that they can think it's a ridiculous ammount of time in jail if they want to, and that just because you are saying he probably won't get that, or even get charged, doesn't mean their outrage useless. They can still feel outraged about that being the maximum sentance for the crime. I'm not arguing what you think I'm arguing. And you look like a huge jerk when you use that incredibly condescending attitude. I'm just telling you for your benefit in case you don't want to look like a huge ass*. *let's stop this term at this point eh? tarna
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