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Darth InSidious

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Everything posted by Darth InSidious

  1. KotOR II again, PS:T and SoZ. Tried to play KotOR I on a speed playthrough, but even with the game heavily modded, I got bored by the end of Dantooine. Kashyyyk and Korriban I could manage, but Manaan and Tatooine in combination look rather indigestible this time around. In TSL, I just finished Nar Shadaa again, this time as the Light Side Messiah , Sentinel/Watchman. Skills ftw! In PS:T, I've just gotten to the brothel. The cupboard/chest of drawers is probably the funniest thing I've seen in a game to date (with the possible exception of a couple of cut HK-50 lines for TSL). In SoZ, I'm starting to make enough cash to fund an economic stranglehold, although I fear I spotted the plot twist... almost the moment we entered Samargol.
  2. It's only the third game of basketball? The folks at OE must play quite irregularly.
  3. Technically, the Ink Spots were still going into the mid-60s...
  4. NX3 would be my bet, if we're betting on things which are vaguely possible to predict. Possibly-vaguely-maybe. Before anyone says "KotOR III", there's probably less chance of that than Jedi Knight IV.
  5. It's not ultra-new, with 50% extra novelty, batteries not included?
  6. Someone has to ask. If both of your statements are true, why do you people even bother with maintaining such a thread? Why does this thread exist? Someone has to ask. When will Project Nemesis be done? In other news, loving the demonisation of Dash as some kind of cheap TimFX knockoff. Perhaps as an encore we can blame him for the coal mine closures of the late 80s, take the pressure of Baroness Thatcher for a while?
  7. Drat! I spent so much time on that readme file, too. My module file exceeds the size limit on NWVault, so I'm waiting on approval from their site master to host it up. Thanks a lot for the advice. I'm keeping an eye out for feedback, and I'm trying to encourage those that play it to share their thoughts. With any luck, I'll know what needs to be addressed soon enough. Wow, must be a big mod. Readmes are always going to be ignored by a certain proportion of your downloaders, though. The most time-efficient answer to most of the queries you'll get is probably going to be to read the thing. On the other hand, I was exaggerating somewhat the number of people who don't read them.
  8. Personally I'm more worried about the environmental effect of all the hot air that this, like all global white elephants, will inevitably generate.
  9. It's almost exclusively made up of Members of the Houses of Commons. This is also the dying days of a third term. Really, there should be few surprises in what's going on. Admittedly, NuLab politics was never terribly bright ("hai guyz! let's get rid of the Lord Chancellor!" - maybe for an encore you can flog the mace on the Portobello Road? Not to mention the gold scandal, or the Lords "reform"...), but we are now at the bottom of a barrel full of dud apples. Not that I expect any better from the Conservatives - partly because most of the Tories among them are confined to the back benches, post-Thatcher. The more I think about it, the more I reckon the Parliament Act was a terrible mistake. Freeing the Lords would be an enormous check. Another thing which might encourage better ministers is the old policy that when an MP wished to take over an office of profit under the Crown, they had to fight a by-election. Certainly, it would increase the accountability of the contemptible wunch of bankers in the Commons at present. @Gfted1: The Conservative and Unionist Party is the second-largest party in the UK, and one of the oldest. Broadly speaking it covers the right-centre-right spectrum between Margaret Thatcher, Disraeli, and Ken Clarke. It's foundation derives from the split in Parliament in the late 17th Century. The word "Tory" was originally a term of abuse, toraidhe, which their opponents slung at them. The word is a name for something like an Irish outlaw, as opposed to a whig, which was originally a term for a waggon-thief, IIRC. From around 1860 until roughly the Second World War, it was characterised by, for the most part, a belief in One Nation Conservatism. Since the 1980s and the ascendancy of Thatcher (who regarded One Nation Tories as "Conservative wets"), it's been largely characterised by neo-conservative principles. In short, there's little difference at this point between the two major political parties in this country.
  10. Well, first you need to bask in the glory of having released your mod, and hype it (and yourself) as much as possible. It is customary at this point to start to develop a personality cult, and become convinced of your own imminent apotheosis. Next you need to provide technical support for the twenty-thousand people who are going to try and use your mod while having no idea how to unzip a .rar file, and the other fifty thousand who tried to install your mod over two mutually incompatible works. You will also have to deal with the untold masses who are incapable of reading a readme file. Then you start work on the next project, are equally hated and loved for it, rinse and repeat. More seriously, I started work on the next project, tried to provide technical support to the people who needed it, patched the mod where necessary, released updates, and began work on the next project. This is not necessarily sensible, though. Oh, and I'd advise releasing at nwvault.ign.com - it seems to be where the majority of the NWN/2 modders post their stuff, so if you're looking for feedback, it's probably one of the better places to go.
  11. Telekinetic Hair Salon World Cup - Use your Jedi powers and Wii Remote* to cut, dye and dress your way to the top! Bizarre Big Game Hunter Brawl - He's an ex-accountant who hunts Rhinoceri; she's a bounty hunter who hunts people. They fight each other! Repeatedly! Flying Mushroom Gang - I'm at a loss with this one. Something like Ape Escape, maybe? Art of Dinosaur Kingdom - almost tacky enough to be an RPG. Double Buddhist Crime Scene Investigation - He's the reincarnation of a particularly good brahmin; she just wears saffron because she thinks it suits her**. They fight crime! Sid Meier's Afro Warfare - Presumably goes with Telekinetic Hair Salon World Cup . Frankenstein's Guitar Legend - ...It was the Monster Mash!... *[insert incontinence joke here.] ** It doesn't.
  12. In secret temples far from bustling cities and priestly hierarchies, orders of esoteric warriors train their initiates in ancient traditions now forgotten or forbidden by most religious organizations. The champions of these orders are avengers
  13. Can Obama afford the loss of sweatshop-manufactured goods, though? I'm not an economist, so I may have serially misjudged that.
  14. Ah, yes. This. This looks like it's the same 'patch' one Cryptobionika made in late 05/early 06 by sticking together a whole load of mods by other modders without permission and then claiming it as all her own work. She was from Russia, IIRC, so it fits. For fairly obvious reasons, those who remember her don't do so fondly.
  15. Warlock might be more like what you're looking for. Less fragile than other spellcasters, gets the crafting skills as class skills, and has no use limit on blasts/invocations. The class gets 2 skill points per level as a base, so be sure to have a reasonable INT score.
  16. KotOR II again. Damn, I'd forgotten how awesome this game is.
  17. That's a funny understanding of the concept of altruism you seem to have. Sounds more like you want to come off as some sort of holy benefactor to save the 'community' from another let down. As for 'torching' your house, you must really have a big idea of yourself to think that. Blatant plagiarists and rip-offs have been dealt with much less and there have been many more letdowns in 'the community' than simply waiting for this particular mod to fully materialise. On the one hand you say you don't want to raise false hopes, but on the other you mention on more than one occasion how you are going to hire a crack-team of programmers to do the mod. You say you want to keep it secret, but then you go on about being shot down by TG for not accepting your alleged deus ex machina help. What's the point of that if you don't want to raise false hopes and sympathy for yourself? Lame. I guess my original response was a little too spot on for the mods tastes. You obviously are either on the beta team or are insanely devoted to them. Regardless, since you had to change my words in order to present me in an unfavorable light I think you have pretty much written my answer for me. For the record refuse didn't flag your post I did, for no other reason than I felt that the language and tone of your first post was totally unwarranted. Had another member posted the same things about or to you I'd have reported them. I do not know anyone who works on the TSLRP, but I am sure that constantly posting negative comments about their work is hardly a great way to get on the team - even if they were looking for someone. Which they are not. As far as they know you are simply making wild claims in the hope that you can get an early version of the mod, which you will then release claiming it as your own. They've already had one leak, effectively ruining some 4 years of hard work, so I seriously doubt that they will let anyone they don't know can be trusted anywhere near the mod - no matter what help they may offer or claim to be able to provide. Look, I appreciate where you are coming from but let's keep things in perspective. It is just a game mod done by hobbyists for a product they do not even own. Maybe this is just me but I wouldn't care if someone "stole" my half finished mod so that they could make their game break and crash every ten seconds. I suspect might feel rather differently after working on it for four years.
  18. That's a funny understanding of the concept of altruism you seem to have. Sounds more like you want to come off as some sort of holy benefactor to save the 'community' from another let down. As for 'torching' your house, you must really have a big idea of yourself to think that. Blatant plagiarists and rip-offs have been dealt with much less and there have been many more letdowns in 'the community' than simply waiting for this particular mod to fully materialise. On the one hand you say you don't want to raise false hopes, but on the other you mention on more than one occasion how you are going to hire a crack-team of programmers to do the mod. You say you want to keep it secret, but then you go on about being shot down by TG for not accepting your alleged deus ex machina help. What's the point of that if you don't want to raise false hopes and sympathy for yourself? Lame. I guess my original response was a little too spot on for the mods tastes. You obviously are either on the beta team or are insanely devoted to them. Regardless, since you had to change my words in order to present me in an unfavorable light I think you have pretty much written my answer for me. There is no 'refuse' on the beta team.
  19. Group of fundamnetalist American loonies hate plays about '****' as much as they hate '****'. And, presumably, shellfish.
  20. Cuz, y'know, that position's not hypocritical at all.
  21. Link to part 2. Interesting stuff, definitely worth reading. Don't you think you're taking the messianism around MCA a little far?
  22. So long as they don't include any of the sex from the original, they'll probably be alright. Provided Madame Eglentine speaks in Frenssh after the scole of Stratford-atte-Bowe, I'm in. Edit: Botticelli also did a series of illustrations for the Divine Comedy.
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