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Everything posted by Kgk4569

  1. 1. Attempting to temp close a location by defeating bandit it would not let me use M's sneak attack. 2. Cards put in reveal position "stick" sometimes. They don't get discarded, or return to the hand, or the deck. They sit there in the middle of play, for all characters. Changing location does not fix it.
  2. It is only Magic, there are a lot less Magic cards than Weapons and Items total. Plus you must PASS the check, which means there is a chance of failure. Ok 5 turns, that is still a lot, one of the wild cards removes 5 turns and that can be painful. So 5 turns at that location, maybe 2 or 3 the next... it adds up.
  3. Additionally, since his power heavily relies on him acquiring the items and weapons, the wildcard that forces you to discard when you acquire a boon will hurt pretty badly.
  4. I think one in each chapter. I haven't seen Ezren, so I don't know what he would do. It would be more than 5. Because it starts with 10, you are taking 1 turn, you explore again when you encounter anything that is not a weapon or item or armor (location), then explore again when you encounter anything that is a weapon or item (power). It will take yoy as many turns as armors in the deck.
  5. Quest mode, on the other hand, could pay out up to 200g at legendary difficulty, because each run is randomly generated and thus there's no specific "easy mode scenario" to farm. People who want to earn gold above all else would be directed towards this option. I could live with that.
  6. Crowbar (I actually like it and use it a lot) Amulet of life (It's like an extra armor for my Meri since I only have 1 medallion)
  7. *drops to his knees weeping* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Any chance you can introduce a mini quest mode into the Story Line? Where you can just click a button and it builds a quest based around your party and their progression? Farming is a huge thing in RPGs. @Brainwave: Local Heroes is an easy one to farm.
  8. Interesting. You have restrictions on your combat additions, which is great. I'm only seeing one VERY broken thing. If you put him at one of the locations with the "If you encounter anything other than a weapon or item, you may encounter again." He would burn through the entire location deck in 1 turn. Making things very easy in any mode (Effectively adding 9 blessings to the deck).
  9. I'll be trying it in a week or so, once I get another 48 chests.
  10. I understand. It would be fun to quest between scenarios instead of farming.
  11. If it is a reward then I'll have to get him again with a new party, he isn't one of my current allies.
  12. I'm gonna have to track him down....must have easter eggs.
  13. Where to find this info: - Click on the character stats icon - Click on Powers - If there is a (green?) Icon with a sword and a bow see if there is a check mark in the small box next to it. If not then you are not proficient with weapons. Unlike PnP Pathfinder, or most PnPRPGs, you do not gain individual weapon proficiencies. It is all or nothing.
  14. I have a question about questing, If I am in story mode with a party, can I use the same Party to quest? If so, how do I do this? Just wondering for when I get the patch. Although I have resolved to NOT DL the patch right away so that I can take advantage of the 200 gold to get me another 48 Treasures.
  15. It is a bug and will be fixed in the newest patch coming out shortly (or not so shortly if you have Apple) https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86626-update-patch-102-submitted/
  16. Yeah, 'exploit', riiight... In my opinion, if someone is 'farming' for Gold and they're doing it on any difficulty other than Legendary - it's obvious they don't really know what they're doing. You really can't effectively farm gold on any other setting. Once you beat it 3 times you only have the option for legendary. (I think) *Typing while frantically farming Brigandoom* MUST GET 20K!!!!
  17. Waaaaait.....I can't farm gold from scenarios anymore...... le sad.
  18. You know you are now obligated to make a promo called "Horseclippers +1" Two Handed Magic Elite Does 2d8 +1 worth of damage. For every 1 rolled while weilding Horseclippers discard 1d4 cards, unless you bury an item with Stone in the name.
  19. I dropped it for the codex, cause paper beats rock.
  20. I pushed for dropping the patch to both Google and Apple at the same time and let them release it when they will.
  21. At least you get the +1 and an attempt to recharge for a grand total of 3 cards! Unless the cure bug happens, then only 2. Dying? Banish your Healing Potion. Roll 1. #Pathfinder. Maybe, I ignore healing potions so I don't know if it extends to it too.
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