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Everything posted by Kgk4569

  1. I had one metric ****ton of weasels. I hate the weasels.
  2. What if you got google drive and set the save file to sync? Would that work?
  3. The Cloak of Escape has a bug that it will sometimes cause a location to close when evading a henchman! So there's that.
  4. That dude with the scripted 1s makes me want to shank a halfling.
  5. I wonder, since those level 8 characters are there, is it possible my save file corrupted so that they can't advance when I save them? I was playing for hours, it is possible I set it down for an extended period of time while doing stuff.
  6. Ok I'll send it once I get hooked into the computer (tomorrow). I tried questing before the patch with Kyra and Meri. Once questing was available I did it again with them, I got pretty far, had 2 power feats and a few skill feats unlocked. After a quest I clicked the gears and Quit Game. Later I came back and under Experienced there were Meri, Kyra, and some other characters that I didn't play except in Story. At the end there were leveled Kyra and Meri, but they aren't as far as I was. Later I selected them and played more, got them closer to where I was. Quit Game again and they were back down to lvl 8 or so.
  7. @Stormbringer: That is beautiful! With the blue dice I bet that roll looked like it was raining dice. I love how there are dice on top of other dice!
  8. Stormy needs to make a challenge for this, first person to post damage in excess of 100.
  9. Wow, the averages on that are epic. Min: 29 Average: 74 Max: 109
  10. Nope, gone. When I scroll over on EXP there is (oddly) only characters I added to parties in Story mode, but they don't have any of the boosts that make them experienced.
  11. :D I always Alpha Strike FTW on the last roll. This was the best so far. We need more posters on this thread....
  12. Meri doesn't take well to pushy suitors. Skinsaw man? More like Skinsaw Pincushion!
  13. Ah. Sucks to be an iPhone user.
  14. Did you guys stop allowing DLs to phones? My buddy is trying to DL on his iPhone and it says it is not supported.
  15. Yes and No.... Is it worth it? Kinda. But keep in mind, many, if not most, of the cards in the chests are for decks 3-6. These adventures have not come out yet. Do you plan to be playing when they do? Will you be buying the adventures then?
  16. Mine aren't. My characters disappear. @escata: no, cards are in your gallery regardless of "finding". You need story or treasure chests to get new ones. Farming gold in quest mode is useless if I have to spend hours boosting characters to farm.
  17. Nope. They are gone. Not in experienced.
  18. My opinion is it is fun, but since none of my parties save it is useless.
  19. I tried questing again this morning. Quit Game option deletes my party. No point in Questing.
  20. ..... If you Quit game, do you lose your Quest party characters???
  21. Ah, and kind of a third. Is XP character specific or shared. I ask because I camped a character at one of the "at the start of a turn, summon and defeat a Bandit" and both characters got even XP.
  22. It is crazy easy to level with Questing.
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