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Everything posted by Kgk4569

  1. I can net ~230 gold every 15-20 minutes via farming. Therefore it is perfectly reasonable to suggest that I could get 5000 per night when I would be sleeping, or when I would be working. So, someone tampering with their saves could easily get 50000 gold per week by claiming to have no life, wifi, and live in a bad reception area. This is equal to 70 treasure chests, or just over $35. And Obsidian would have a tough time proving that this person deserves a ban. Obsidian is first and foremost a business. They need to turn a profit to ensure they can continue to employ their excellent staff and pump out great games and addons. By putting this server side they can ensure that anyone unwilling to farm needs to pay. Additionally, if you are a big farmer (like me), you won't do it if you aren't gaining gold. So you will wait till you have reception, and this way all your hard work is backed up in case your device is destroyed. Edit: @PinkRose: I don't mean to sound condecending. I just want to clarify for any future people who stumble across the thread, or ask the same question.
  2. If you do the scenario with a new party, with characters that have not played that scenario, you will get 100, 150, and 200 gold for beating each difficulty level. If your characters had already beaten a scenario on legendary, they can only get gold from legendary, at a rate of 200 per success.
  3. In closing 1-2 at the festival location it requires you to defeat or acquire the next card. I encountered the Goblin Raid barrier. Both Lini and Sajan killed their goblins, but location would not close.
  4. 4 person. Not going to try 6. Lol.
  5. In Quest mode it should be > legendary. Maybe on location deck creation 1/1000 chance it gets added.
  6. Hi! Happened to me too. Easy fix. See this thread to report it: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86260-bought-the-season-pass-or-daily-gold-content-did-not-unlock-please-read-this/ It has to do with a loss of connection when the app is trying to report the cards to your account on the server.
  7. Such as? I have bought 70 chests, and am about to get 11 more. (Chest high score?)
  8. It is really interesting. A little difficult until I get some L1 and 2 cards under my belt, but my win/lose ratio is still good. The biggest issue is that the timer runs close. I have 0 almost complete, just need to beat 0-3 on legendary and I am golden. I used to hate that f*ckin weasel ally until I met Lini. She Pwns with it.
  9. This happens to me a lot too. The weapon/item/ally/spell stays revealed (even in cut scenes and the map), it does not return to the hand, deck, discard, or buried piles, thus it us unavailable for the rest of the scenario.
  10. I can't wait! Though it just got pushed off till next week. The guy who is hosting it cancelled since his GF's birthday was this week and he thinks they may do something special tonight instead of tomorrow night.
  11. I'm playing a weaponless/armorless campaign now, Lini and Sajan Not worrying about 1/2 the loot is kind of freeing.
  12. Yes. It is a known issue with using experienced characters. You can get extra cards bouncing around.
  13. Last year before I got married I made my last big gaming purchase. I bought all of Pathfinder (all 3 games and expansions and Addons). My group has been massively reluctant to start playing because it is a pretty complex and long game. Then a few weeks ago the app came out and I pressured all of them into getting it and playing at least the tutorial. Now they feel comfortable enough with the game to play! I spent a good chunk of last night organizing cards, and tonight we play...FINALLY! So thanks for making the app! I will now be able to introduce a game that I have been looking forward to for a long time.
  14. "Not a contest..." I don't understand the idea you are trying to explain. .
  15. Last roll of the scenario means I use up all my good cards. :D
  16. Yuppers! Once I get a chance to pull down my save for the other one I wil send.
  17. Attached pic of adding 2 dice w/ blessing.
  18. Fighting Xanesha using Wisdom, then I use Blessing of Gorim and it adds 2d12 instead of 1.
  19. Yup, so far! Don't bow out! Keep them coming! (FYI found the blessing bug I'd been hunting for awhile. Will post tomorrow)
  20. His text states that you add 1d4 to the difficulty to defeat him. Instead it adds 1d4 to all checks, including those to defeat the monster you summon before you act and spells you recharge after said monster.
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