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Everything posted by Kgk4569

  1. I've never been able to get him again. He seems to absolutely disappear.
  2. Yup!!! How about you Aarik? Are you and the rest of the staff ready for the holiday weekend?
  3. Only two of our team is at PaizoCon. The rest are here in the office. I hope you all have a great memorial day after the patch is out!
  4. No, it is an Easter Egg: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86543-aldern-foxglove-turns-into-stalker-mask/?hl=%2Bstalker+%2Bmask
  5. Since O can change values on the card (they frequently do so for Veteran cards, Zombies, etc.) they should change the AV deck # on the card to reflect the Difficulty Tier the card is in in Quest mode.
  6. Fair enough. As a very frequent Kickstarter backer, I find them to be MUCH more transparent and timely than many other companies.
  7. Yeah, this has been reported...a lot. and the joke "What does the Fox say?" has been made. Will be fixed at some point in upcoming patches.
  8. They are the same right now. There have been requests to make them different, at least in quest mode.
  9. Well, that's a bit ... unethical. I figure the whole point of the Daily Gold (which I purchased) is to get more chest so you can collect the Treasure cards. It's a tricky thing. I don't think that Daily Gold has an objective "whole point" -- technically, it's just 6000 gold over 30 days. For someone who bought the season pass, yes, that gold is just for treasure chests, but if I didn't have the season pass, then none of my daily gold would go there. But I do think that Obsidian should have been transparent about the size of the treasure card pool. The community shouldn't have had to figure out which cards were implemented and which weren't. Thinking that the card pool is bigger than it really is might have caused a lot of players to purchase/open more chests than they would have otherwise. Damn skippy it does. I'm looking for the Legendary healing staff, If I had found out that I opened 104 chests for nothing (whereas I could have been saving) I would have been pissed. It would be nice if the cards that were affected were labeled with something other than a ?.
  10. Wait I thought they closed the Normal and heroic after another party has run through it? ...Not yet, at least not in my game. I think it gets closes once per playthough per party.
  11. I have discovered I get roughly 22 chests per week just through standard play (10000 gold). Currently, if you start a new party, you have 4500 gold available just from adventure rewards (10 x 100, 10 x 150, 10 x 200), and about 900 from combat (figuring 30 per adventure, 10 adventures, 3 play throughs per adventure). Which equals 11 chests. I'm not worried about not getting treasures.
  12. Yes, don't salvage till the new patch unless absolutely necessary. NINJA'D
  13. They did. Post #91 located on the page before this one.
  14. Yes, BUT you must keep in mind the rarity of some of the cards, I am at 104 chests opened so far and have only 4 legendaries and 31 Epics (ALL I WANT IS THE D*MN MAJOR HEALING STAFF!!!!for now....) lol
  15. Remote Healing Promo Card It would be awesome to have a Promo/LEGENDARY spell that has remote healing capabilities. It is one of the weak points in healing that it can't be done.
  16. I don't know how many of the people I speak for, but take your time, we trust ya! Seriously, I know there has been a lot of belly aching around here, but you guys have made a good game, have a great support presence, and are just great to work with. While we all want to play everything ASAP, most of us know that this stuff takes a lot of time and resources, especially when supporting across multiple platforms. You are doing a great job and we appreciate everything you guys are doing.
  17. Same rate. They are just rarer to see from Treasure Chests.
  18. "It's a rather simple game and completely dependent upon luck". I don't agree with the writer on either point. Too many non-boardgamers or non-PnPRPGers think dice automatically equals luck. They don't realize that the damage, combat, loot, and encounter algorithms behind their favorite games operate the EXACT same way behind the scenes.
  19. Not really. "Early next week" is certainly subjective, but only to a point. It doesn't translate to "the last possible moment of next week." It's their game, and they can release it whenever they like. I just wish they'd simply said "next week" so we weren't all foamy over when it was going to happen. My quest mode is currently broken until the update. So here I sit. He is talking about unlinking the terms "Early" and "next week". So Early = early in the morning next week = ....next week So "early next week" = Some time next week very early in the morning.
  20. Nah. As long as she's only proficient and never takes a CARD FEAT for weapons or armor, it's still a weaponless armorless compaign. She just has the ability to use the ones she picks up before she dumps them at the end of the Scenario. It aggravates my perfectionism. :/ If I am taking the Power, then I might as well get the Card too. It is just a minor :/ not a big one.
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