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Everything posted by Kgk4569

  1. Treasure cards should be TCG style once online play is up an running.
  2. This post belongs in the bad luck thread.
  3. So...I just started playing it on Heroic. Every time I acquire an ally it deals me 1d4 Force damage....
  4. I was fighting Malagus Kreeg. Lini plays Orb of Magic to aid herself in the fight. Succeeds and then Sajan steps in for the next check. Sajan is unable to use his Amulet of electric fists.
  5. Ah, you are speaking of conquoring her in that manner...
  6. Well, crowbars are used to pry things apart. Not that I'm condoning that behavior....
  7. Hmmm....the Scenario Reward clearly says a random ally, which you get in addition to all those. So you get double rewards the first time?
  8. Also: In HctF: Rescued allies are not available to put into players decks after the first play through in normal.
  9. Nope, as I said, I've had 2 epics drop in one chest.
  10. No, what SHOULD happen, is if you forfeit you lose, no matter what. Um, no. In this particular scenario, "forfeit" is the card game equivalent of players just spending 'empty' turns, because they know they already have enough allies to beat the Magga. So winning on forfeit is correct (if you have the needed allies) http://www.dictionary.com/browse/forfeit That is not what Forfeit means. If you want to run out the clock, just go through the pain of ending each turn individually. While they are similar concepts in every other scenario in this game so far, this one scenario highlights the difference between Forfeit and "Run out the clock". By calling it "Forfeit" it is synonymous with loss. If you just want to run out the clock, it should be called something else. Are you implying that for some tactical reason you might want to lose a scenario you've already won? Because if it is just lexical consistency you're after, we'll have to agree to disagree - I'd much rather not have to press End Turn a dozen times and watch the stupid Magga animation every time. Agreed, it does suck to watch that, but Forfeit means Forfeit. It is universal. Had it not been generalized as "Forfeit" and instead said "Forfeit Remaining Turns" then it can be argued that forfeiting turns does not mean forfeiting the game, or if it even said "End Game".
  11. No, what SHOULD happen, is if you forfeit you lose, no matter what. Um, no. In this particular scenario, "forfeit" is the card game equivalent of players just spending 'empty' turns, because they know they already have enough allies to beat the Magga. So winning on forfeit is correct (if you have the needed allies) http://www.dictionary.com/browse/forfeit That is not what Forfeit means. If you want to run out the clock, just go through the pain of ending each turn individually. While they are similar concepts in every other scenario in this game so far, this one scenario highlights the difference between Forfeit and "Run out the clock". By calling it "Forfeit" it is synonymous with loss. If you just want to run out the clock, it should be called something else.
  12. Ditto for me, I had 2 epics in one chest. 152 chests opened, my legendaries are: Mail of Escape Brooch of Shielding 2x Amulet of Inescapable Location 2x Flask of Magic Slaying Sword Slaying Axe Rare and Epic are distinguishable if you know what to look for. Also, when looking at the cards after opening the chest they have a different Aura. Common - standard white glow around it Rare - light Purple box around it Epic - Orange box around it Legendary - Heavy purple box around it
  13. No, it's just not intuitive. It needs to be better clarified. Obsidian will probably do it at some point.
  14. Great write-up, Tobold! Just to clarify one thing, though: Black Magga can (and will) try to eat from closed locations. The real reason you don't want to close locations is that it's not necessary for winning and therefore not worth spending resources. For example, if all the cards in your hard are good, there's no point sacrificing one of them to close the Village House, since an open and empty Village House is no worse than a closed one. That said, you will probably want to close some of the locations in a 6-player party. The Dam won't let you leave if you don't close it, and some characters might have trouble leaving the Treacherous Cave. If you have a spare junk item to toss to the General Store, why not see if any quality items are on sale? At the rate Black Magga eats, time is never going to be a problem in this scenario, even in a max-sized group. ...Black Magga still goes to closed locations. At least she does for me...
  15. No, what SHOULD happen, is if you forfeit you lose, no matter what. There are a few issues here: 1) It did not mark as complete. That is how it should be, you gave up, whatever justification of having over half the allies or more allies doesn't matter, a forfeit means you are withdrawing from the game, your points (allies) cease to matter. Thematically your characters and all their allies are laying down in the middle of the town and drowning. 2) The game registered as a victory. It should not have, see above. 3) The crow got "stuck". This is a known bug, it can be remedied by clicking the gears (settings button), going into the vault, then pressing back. Or, since it was Animal Trick, you can just press the Animal Trick button again (it highlights again when the animal is functionally (though not physically) removed from the revealed state). 4) He could not encounter the nightbelly boa. This sounds like a new version of the collapsed ceiling bug. You need to press on the card and drag it to the encounter area (The upper right of the screen). This may take a few tries.
  16. Just want to point out, that the Fox actually is NOT part of the base game.I bought the whole Rise of Runelord set, including the Char-sets.Maybe I am wrong and B stands for something else? What DO they belong to? Noble Brat is another treasure card btw. (just picked that up in another threat) That image is a fan made checklist for the Bard Character Deck. That's a product that didn't come out until Skull and Shackles. The B does stand for Base, but it had nothing to do with Rise of the Runelords and it gets even more confusing because it has to do with Organized Play. Additionally I will point out that (B) means that it is in the Base Adventure Deck, NOT that it is part of the Base Game. All of the character addon packs (which are not in this game yet) add cards to the Base Adventure Deck to balance out the loot. This is the reason you don't see things like the "Temple Sword" which would be EPIC to get for Sajan. Obsidian has been "leaking" some of the more generically useful content to us via treasure chests. There is A LOT of content for Pathfinder Card Game, and Obsidian has done a great job of making it available to us. Yes, parts of it can be done better, but for $25 you get a lot of bang for your buck. Would I like to buy cards on a card by card basis? Hell yeah! But seriously, you can play the game without issues with just the included content.
  17. Nah. As long as she's only proficient and never takes a CARD FEAT for weapons or armor, it's still a weaponless armorless compaign. She just has the ability to use the ones she picks up before she dumps them at the end of the Scenario. It aggravates my perfectionism. :/ If I am taking the Power, then I might as well get the Card too. It is just a minor :/ not a big one. I caved. My weapon of choice for her is.... *drumroll*..... SCYTHE+1! With her D4 str, the animal companion, and the scythe's power converting 4's to 5's she can hit pretty hard.
  18. NIIIIIICE rolling! You had an average of 114.5 with those dice, so you rolled excellent!
  19. So, it seems the bug reversed? Now there was NO check and I was not allowed to play weapons or attack spells....
  20. Oops. The issue I reported last night was missing, but it magically reappeared?
  21. After failing to beat him he splits and will be at multiple locations (ie. instead of henchmen he shuffles himself into the other decks). I just got my ass handed too me hardcore.
  22. I know you guys totally have! And you guys have been doing a great job. Just chill for me. Wifey and I viewing a house, chores, cleaning, gaming, then friends over. All with farming so I can get one or more of those Healing Staffs (Staves?). Lol. Wifey is making chinese BBQ for memorial day, and I am making my famous pierogies (with butter, bacon, mushroom glaze). You got any fun plans?
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