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Everything posted by Fenghuang

  1. Isn't this his wife's parents, too? Yes. I shouldn't type after 26 hours without sleep. Yay college!
  2. Date on Friday went well, we're supposed to be going out again this week supposing I call her. On Sunday I went to the house of my friend's inlaws so that I could be introduced to the parents of his wife's sister since she's trying to set me up with her. Went well, her mom didn't hate me, so that's a plus since she hates most people. Did say I was a dweeb though. Monday I hung out with my family during the morning, went to Fry's and helped my sister pick out some peripherals for the laptop I helped my dad find and purchase for her as her graduation present. Then I hung out with friends from school and we had a LAN Party and spaghetti dinner. Today is okay, I'm back at work again, but work's not bad now that I've got a tech job with the state...just tiring. That has been this week in Jim.
  3. Traffic flow varies according to people's weekly timetables, too; people who have a day or more telecommuting from home tend to take their work-from-home day on the days adjacent to the weekend. Hence Friday traffic is typically a lot less than other days. This. Especially on the second and fourth Fridays of every month as in California these are the days that are 'set' as State Sanctioned telecommuting days.
  4. Yeah, I mean, it's not like Asperger's is a much more serious disorder than ADHD, that results in those afflicted by it never being able to fully integrate themselves with the rest of the world socially. Those jerks. Seriously, quit effin' cryin' about ADHD. I've got it, you deal or you don't. Don't use it as an excuse to fail, be a prick, or just generally annoying to those around you.
  5. Fenghuang

    Hi there!

    You're just jealous of my double major in Underwater Basket Weaving and Non-Verbal Clownery
  6. Ah so you got a sugar momma!
  7. Fenghuang

    Hi there!

    *runs into room* *pulls down pants* *runs through a plate glass window*
  8. Girl who stood me up on my birthday was, in fact, in the hospital. She's alright now, we'll be going out Friday.
  9. Waitaminute didn't you work as a professor at a university prior to this? What's your wife think of the career change?
  10. I could use some insanity.
  11. I missed yesterday. Literally. Slept for 27 hours, post birthday depression. Back at work now, and I'll be in class tonight. Being a grownup sucks.
  12. Yeah, the series was good times. Not the same quality as the movies that were good, but good television.
  13. I am still waiting for a girl who I asked out on a date Tuesday to call me back giving me the go ahead. Tomorrow is my 20th birthday, this is when our rendezvous was supposed to take place, she grinned like she'd just inherited a million dollars from a distant relative she didn't know when I asked her out, but I haven't heard back from her since Tuesday and she wasn't at school yesterday. She is cute, and has been flirting with me since the beginning of this quarter; I help her with her coursework occasionally and sit next to her in class. I ramped up the flirting and recently she's started waiting around for me and we chat each other up on break and before and after class. I am not sure what the hell went wrong, but this is a major downer for a day that should be good. At least my mom's not about to die this time.
  15. Today has been pretty freakin' sweet so far. I got up, came to work, and then spent half of my workday attending GTC. Saw Woz's keynote presentation, and picked up a whole bunch of swag on the vendor floor. Also learned about a couple interesting new products.
  16. Hahahaha No really, that's pretty funny even if it's horrible.
  17. Aren't the highlighted ones the ones still on the list? Starcraft is now greyed out. I'm just as disappointed as you.
  18. It looks like Starcraft is off the list.
  19. Do the big knives enhance the flavor?
  20. My bad, regardless I would even go so far as to say a new Baldur's Gate could maybe work even better on the DS than on current PCs as far as remaining true to the original games goes. Shoot, if Fallout 3 was made on the DS, there'd be almost no doubt the fanbois would be getting turn based isometric.
  21. No it is all doomed because they are not listening to the real fans.
  22. Wals' SPAM recipes in the SPAM thread have made me hungry and I am curious as to what he can do with real food. Therefore without asking him ahead of time I have created this thread so he can share his cooking expertise with us. Hopefully he knows how to cook with meat that doesn't come in a tin.
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