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Everything posted by Fenghuang

  1. I still want a GTA MMO.
  2. Why not? They already made a NWN for cellphones that got awesome reviews.
  3. Pie is good. Today I slept until 5PM, got bitched out by my family for not being up and doing yard/housework with the rest of them even though I've been effing sleep deprived all week due to a combination of insomnia, work, school, and a really long commute and I didn't fall asleep until around 5AM. So I ate some food, went out and got rid of some weeds with the weedeater until the line broke, then I came inside and watched my hands swell up to several times their normal size. I am not using the weedeater again.
  4. I went and had dinner with my family at the Spaghetti Factory after work, then we went to see Spiderman 3. It was cheesy as hell but I loved it. Also I now have a new avatar.
  5. See, my boss is all about telling it like it is with an almost complete lack of concern for self preservation. He's hella cool, but I'm still trying to figure out how he's made it in a government job so long.
  6. Well mine is definitely bottom-facing then. He is a pretty cool dude, there just isn't that much for me to do right now. Currently I'm preparing a laptop for a user.
  7. This is what I do, for instance, today I had to show up half an hour early because there was a meeting. I ate a free bagel, sat around for an hour, then I went to my cubicle, where I proceeded to sit around for some twenty odd minutes. Then I thought to myself "Self, I should probably finishing those computers I didn't have time to yesterday." "That's an excellent idea Self, let's go do that!" That took about twenty minutes, then I came back and sat around for another hour or so. Then it was lunch time so I went to get lunch, came back to my cubicle and sat around for an hour eating. Then my boss found me some work to do so I did that, it took about twenty minutes. Then I came back and sat around some more. Then he found me a little more work to do that took thirty minutes. Then I sat at my desk for another hour, then I fell asleep for an hour. Then my boss woke me up and told me it was time to go home. I get paid $12 an hour for this. This is California's taxpayer money at work people. My job would be really boring if I didn't have internet. Help your boss with some of his work. He'll either take all the credit, feel guilty and hate you, or take all the creidt, like you and promote you (take you with him as he goes up). I've been helping him with his work, but so much of his work acting as insulation between the upper management and my department, as well as dealing with suppliers, I can't help him with the bulk of it.
  8. This is what I do, for instance, today I had to show up half an hour early because there was a meeting. I ate a free bagel, sat around for an hour, then I went to my cubicle, where I proceeded to sit around for some twenty odd minutes. Then I thought to myself "Self, I should probably finishing those computers I didn't have time to yesterday." "That's an excellent idea Self, let's go do that!" That took about twenty minutes, then I came back and sat around for another hour or so. Then it was lunch time so I went to get lunch, came back to my cubicle and sat around for an hour eating. Then my boss found me some work to do so I did that, it took about twenty minutes. Then I came back and sat around some more. Then he found me a little more work to do that took thirty minutes. Then I sat at my desk for another hour, then I fell asleep for an hour. Then my boss woke me up and told me it was time to go home. I get paid $12 an hour for this. This is California's taxpayer money at work people. My job would be really boring if I didn't have internet.
  9. I finished the last little bit of work I wasn't able to finish yesterday and now I don't really have anything to do today. Pro - I get to dink around on the internet all day. Con - It can get boring sitting at my desk all day. I am not sure what kind of people the state usually hires that take as long as they expect me to with the work they give me, but I never have enough to keep me busy. It's not really that big a deal though because I'm okay with being paid $12 an hour to do nothing.
  10. Obviously your opinion doesn't count then. Actually this is because I just copied and pasted the survey I made for in class...where everyone is eighteen or over.
  11. Guys, why is the skeptical emoticon not named Spider?
  12. And my dad's an MFT, before I was majoring in computer science I was majoring in psychology so I've taken several college level Psychology and Behavioral Development courses, and now my sister's majoring in psychology. What I am saying is I am not unfamiliar with the profession or the field. To clarify, by common sense I meant peering through all the crap and getting at the real answers, which is the most important function of most therapists, IMO, along with a level of empathy and academia.
  13. 90% of a shrinks job is common sense and being willing to say things nobody else wants to, the other 10% is bull****.
  14. Most of those are multiplatform titles. Can you try and be a little bit more biased?
  15. That would be Leonard Boyarsky, the best in the biz. See, this is where you went from appreciative fan in your last post to rabid non-rational fanboi.
  16. ...No? No but seriously, I need this info for a paper.
  17. Fenghuang


    Zzyxz Rd. by Stone Sour
  18. Copy and paste this after you've answered the questions please What age range are you in? __ 18-24 __ 25-30 __ 31-55 __ 56+ Are you male or female? __ Male __ Female Do you think overpopulation is a problem? __ Yes __ No What do you think should be done to solve it? __ A maximum limit of children per family enforced by law. __ Colonization of currently non-habitable environs. __ Nothing, new technologies will be developed to allow us to place more people in the same area without stripping the planet of its resources. __ Nothing because I
  19. I had some Apple Berry juice stuff this morning. Sipping on water while I'm at my desk. Today looks like it's gonna be slow.
  20. So instead of playing videogames I went to a party and ended up making out with numerous beautiful young women? I just finished gutting the last 24 (out of 96) towers of Hard Drives and RAM and then restacked them here at work and now I'm sitting around waiting for something else to do.
  21. I've never played it before, and since she canceled there's not really anything better to do. Meh.
  22. So today I sat at home playing GTAIII instead of going on a date with a beautiful woman. Go me.
  23. You have used 0bytes of 30mb Also way to go Bok, ruining the unlimited attachments for everyone.
  24. California? Sure! (PS Sulphur ) Right, and Aluminum is actually spelled Aluminium. Silly foreign person.
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