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Everything posted by Fenghuang

  1. Silly Portugal.
  2. Feng's Advice: Don't listen to Bok, filthy money-pooper!
  3. Grindhouse is already out...
  4. It's still funny. In a black humor way.
  5. Didn't they say the shooter at VT was Asian...?
  6. ... F.C.B. Lou, F.C.B.
  7. You can only have body armor if you paint a big Punisher style skull on it Eddo. This is the only way.
  8. Wait, how is Doomy right this time? Thing is, I don't think that Beth's Fallout will be near as bad as everyone thinks. I actually think it'll probably be pretty good. Not the same as the old Fallouts, but to be completely fair, it's been [almost] ten years since a Fallout 2; nothing is going to be the same.
  9. This post has changed my life. Sigged.
  10. The nooby scores big points. Unfortunately DR Points have depreciated in value greatly in recent months. The Fallouts, while good games for their time and still fun to play, were never the godlike things you've all put on a pedestal. BIS and Interplay are dead, Beth has the rights to an all but dead franchise and it's more than likely they're going to reinvent it. Be glad you're getting anything.
  11. (Is this a Fox programme, or am I missing your reference?) House.
  12. YOU SHUT YOUR FILTHY MOUTH YOU!!! Dr. House is my hero.
  13. yes please, someone 'translates' the amount into Euro 4.2 million Euros. It's good to be a genius.
  14. Duh!
  15. When I was little I didn't realize that black people existed except on the television. The first time I saw one up close (I was like five) I automatically assumed he was a character from Sesame Street. My mom almost killed me.
  16. The only time racism is funny is the day when all sports teams are named after slurs. I can't wait for the **** to play the ****.
  17. Dude. I came across these while I was watching the recorded episode of House from this last week just now, and liking animation, and especially 3D animation I perked up. Only to be disgusted. Now, the tone of the article I linked to doesn't reflect my political views at all, but the shorts were blatantly racist; even before I'd read the article and caught all the stuff I'd missed just viewing it. What's the deal Fox?
  18. P.S. Calax don't ever hire Blind Magic to do any work. Srsly. Pedos.
  19. My previous employer (the blind and window place) hired not only illegal immigrants, but since illegals usually can't speak the language well enough to interact with the customers as necessary; he'd also hire known felons since he could pay them less. I found out that one of my coworkers was a pedophile shortly before I quit. Keep in mind that we'd be going into people's houses, largely unsupervised, oftentimes around their kids. My employer knew this, but since nobody else would hire the guy, he could pay him minimum whereas anybody else he had to pay them more.
  20. That doesn't even make sense but somehow I want it anyway!
  21. Three hundred dollars dude! Think of how much A&W Creme Soda you could've bought with that money!
  22. For $300 he could've stuck a nipple on it and handed it to a toddler after I'd sold it to him and I wouldn't have batted an eye.
  23. I don't know why anybody would want a liquid gold enema. Sure it'd make your colon look pretty but goddamn if it wouldn't be painful.
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