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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Heh, funny... here I am WANTING to put in the friend zone . That's a new one. But yeah, "romances" in games are usually horribly exectured (see: BioWare). Outside of a story the progression is awkward, combined with the story there's not much optional, and being forced is, well, bad. Also, I seriously doubt without romances we wouldn't get flirty stuff to say (just without leadup to SEX like with that other developer), and will enjoy awesome one-liners like; Just because I saved her doesn't mean I was going to charge up her loading ramp. It's a bit forebaring that your PC will just completely avoid sex or passions just because there are no "bone-buddies" in this time...
  2. Didn't they call it Dragon Age 2. The game context-less metadata brought about. And it was horrible. Anyway, to the discussion at hand, it's really like the people saying 'why say no to the extra stretchgoals? Are you insane to say no to more content?' No, we aren't. But in order for this content other content or overall quality would suffer. Which is a reason by itself to say no. There is no 100%, 100%. It will be 50%, 50%. They can counter such by hiring more people in, true. But that costs money. Money that ISN'T there. So unless you throw 50k at Obsidian there's nothing to change it. And since we know the quality of "romance" in other RPG's and speficially Obsidian RPG's do you think that 50% will be worth it. Or instead put their 100% in the parts or writing where they really shine? The choice isn't that hard for me...
  3. It's not so much we are glad with less companions or wilderness. More worried adding that would distract from QA, quality of writing or progress timing. Especially if added so late in the project, with the other stretch goals being pretty much taken into account before the first pass of the world was done. Well, I was just talking about the companion. The areas obviously would need a host of other people working on them, as shown in an earlier update. True though that I did forgot about potential companion quests and the scripters and area designers that may need. Publishers. In this game WE are the publishers. Developers go to Publishers to ask them for money for their idea; In this case the additional stretchgoals. The Publishers didn't give enough money to do so, so they wont. It's rather simple really. Project Eternity is, by it's own definition, a GREAT risk. Producing a RPG that goes mechanically to 2000 in this era of cinegraphic RPG's where there's more cutscene than game, where player skills determine conclusion rather than stats? Yeah, it's a great risk already, no point making it even more so. Anyone else went "ENEMIES" when seeing those yellow circles. Odd color, still
  4. Just a question; Any reason why this isn't in the "no romance confirmed", and an additional thread?
  5. It's a green shirt! After it!!! (And now it's DLC... greeeeeeat)
  6. Writers cost money. You can hire free ones like in the modding circles, but there's a reason most custom 'free' NPC's are utter crap...
  7. I suppose they didn't want a repeatal of "Handmaiden wont talk to me anymore... RAGE!!!"
  8. As for the whole "stretchgoal" discussion, I am one of the people voting 'no'... now you might wonder "Why not accept free additional content?" like a poster on the previous page. EDIT: 2 pages back now. Since the content ISN'T free. The stretchgoals where set up after the Backer portal went life, assumingly to linger on new pre-orders (read; money) on the game. It's not far a stretch to imagine the leaving off the goals simply has to do with not sufficient money being brought this way as Obsidian expected. No cash, no way to add that 'free' content. Not without cutting edges on other fronts that is. And I am glad that Obsidian decided not to do so. This is their change to show without Publisher preasure they can deliver a bug-free, finished product. Shoe-horning features in without having the funds for them has a great risk of tarnishing that, and establishing a true conviction amongst some that even without leash, OE makes buggy products. I wouldn't want that, they wouldn't want that, do you want that? Hence I voted no. The risk/offset is just too big. But in the end it really didn't matter what we thought about it, all that mattered was if they got the finances to do so. Apparently, they didn't.
  9. Most Europeans are also more PC-centric than console, which can explain that. And also thus interest in PC projects like PoE...
  10. Now this godlike discussion makes me want to have a "random god" option, which wont tell your god, you have to find out during the game, with appropriate unique dialogue. "You're a godlike. What deity?" "I... don't know" "Oh my. That is rare. You should see the headmasters of the temples, maybe they can determine your heritage?"
  11. Hate to say it, but this wasn't at all unexpected. UNITY isn't know for it's modability... many more devs who used unity and wanted modding ended up with... nothing. Because to really get to the depth of it, the modder would need a rather expensive unity license (not expensive for companies, but it would be for individuals)... I don't think Obsidian can really do much about this anymore, since it's a little late for going a whole different engine...
  12. "I want to be a cat!" Also, love the screens... giving me a nostalgic Baldur's Gate vibe... which is great. The only downside to me are the rugs (rug in one, pelt in the other) in both screenshot looking... weird. Can't quite put my finger on the why, but they stand out... in the bad way. Also not a big fan of the godlikes look, be it earth or death. Guess that wont be the race for me...
  13. Offering now... for $2 I will add the following to your PoE after release. The line "1. I love you <fullname>. My love for you is lovelier than the loveliness of love. I want your dong in me so bad." Selecting it will give the line "<fullname> and <charname> have hardcore sex.", then it will go back to the main conversation branch. Get in now for the best romance plot made ever... and only this half year for a discount price!
  14. According to Steam records I saw recently, Europe outclasses America there too, so I doubt the "market size" is that different, or even hoveling to the US. And yes, I pretty much said the same about Europeans and RPG's last page
  15. Likewise. It's hard to remain a fan if all you get is crap. I base companies on their work. If it's good, they get better in me eyes. If not, they don't. If it's terrible, I'm going to like them less. All BioWare needs to sway is a good title. But I have more of a feeling DA:I will turn it to the "like them less" spectrum...
  16. Shadow. Haven't really played more with it though... having a large break; not missing the game much...
  17. Considering that seems to be a large part of their fanbase (based on romances, 200 page lectures on ME3 endings, BioWare forums etc.), that doesn't seem like a bad business-strategy, really...
  18. I first thought that was a horribly modeled BW random generated face. Then I saw it was an actual photo of a human being...
  19. Looks actually good 0_o Also lol at "This is Alpha, you have funny hide scraps for 30g a piece" xD Still should have a go at Skyrim actually... purchased it, but Oblivion was so bad I somewhat fear going in 0_o
  20. Sad, was thinking about buying, but yeah, that's... just too much farting. If it's any indication of the full game then... yeah...
  21. I remember playing Mass Effect 1. Just picked up whats-her-name-blue-girl from the last planet, and since it was the last planet, I could go through all her conversations in a row. I was just being nice and all, when suddenly they "romanced"... WHAT THE... Where did that come from? I don't want this... make them stop. Sadly, they became love interests, somehow. From that one series of conversations, which still make me scratch my head how. I nuked racist girl since she was so so annoying, and set up to be a romance otherwise. Well, guess what? I don't want your romance! *nukes* Ah, good ingame romances... nuke-targets. That's the way it should be
  22. Why should the AI self-act? This isn't some 3D adventure like KOTOR or NWN where your team is hard to use, but BG2 style, where your party is about as easy to control as... ehm... BG2. A lot of people fitted on Dungeon Siege 1 "playing itself"... and now you want that to happen to PoE? There's absolute no need for an AI doing your teammates in Baldur's Gate kind of games. If you do, play Dragon Age: Origins, and tell me how fun it's combat is... Also I found both BG's and IWD's pretty difficult. Of course I didn't rest spam, or haste each fight and such similar "strategies" I sometimes see used when the old IE-games got discussed.
  23. Which, again, is EXACTLY the point. No arbitrary limitations... people cry 'nerf' at me, and now complain I allow more than BG2. Make up minds what I am please . And, with something like the powerful Diva being summoner only, not for other wizards/spellcasters, well, having 4 of them is solved too (unless you have 4 summoners, but like I said, that's most likely a suicidal party combination). And summoners should feel valuable for having the more powerful summons. All in all, I did thought all this through... odd, ain't it?
  24. Yes, you could. But then you need 6 summoners in PoE... good luck with that... Figurines would replace summons, so using a figurine while a Planetar is summoned would undo the Planetar in question (and as thus, are perfect for summonless classes). Anything else that's totally the intention you want to point out to me ?
  25. Although probably already in this thread (didn't read all 19 pages) I will repeat aforementioned idea; Have a working bookcase in your stronghold. Not one just holding books as physical items you need to put in your inventory, but where once a book is stored, you can simply read it from the list of books collected right there. Try to collect them all! Especially handy for books in series, which will no longer require all, say 5, in your inventory to read the full story once. Which happened a few times in the old IE games.
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