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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Same... I used to play it SP, and OMD1 definitely trumps OMD2 in SP... but now I play it co-op with a friend... well, even it's ugly artstyle I no longer mind
  2. So yeah, go away for a while, they show ingame footage... just my luck... observations on this video (and from what I hear the others are the same, just with different lesser commentaries)... so here we go; Notices: * Humans mentions bonus to Strength and Willpower. Both of those don't exist. Also, shame it doesn't list those things stastical in both race and class. * Doesn't make much sense picking a culture after stats if they affect stats (and they do, as can be seen in the stats screen before that). * Variations will make a lot of options, and as can be seen browsing the same dude 5 times for the next is... iffy. Probably best to first select the guy, and have a sub-section for changes, so you don't need to shift through all these variations all the time. * Yeeeeeaaah... that game-UI sucks. The other ones (dialog, trade) are nice though... A little less impressed with the popup 'floaty' inventory :/ * I see red-filling of characters! Yay... apparently that's stamina, and the green bar health. Still not fond of the ugly green bar... but can't quite think how to resolve that. Maybe having decorations around them make them less stand-out and ugly? That's atleast some way... * Camping stock sounds like all those potions and wands and scrolls I carried around in the IE-games... items you think you need, find valuable, and hence never use since 'maybe I need it more later' and then you never use them... * Design looks great. Probably want a bit more zoomed out personally * Combat? Not so much... don't recall having to beat up stuff quite so much in the IE games early on... not sure if that increased hitpoint gain will add much fun. Doesn't look like it, but we'll just have to see when playing ourselves, right?
  3. @ sibakruom; Actually, I would say it's a textbook case of HOW to create a good area. How to properly add different paths and choices. Something Obsidian should look at and try to incorperate into PoE at times. The only thing "how not to do" was the XP-system. Which is the current discussion. If it worked with PoE's system it would have been amazing. Sadly, it stuck to combat XP systemwise, and well... it totally shat all over the encounter. Which is why I look forward so much to PoE implementing this, people seeing it's totally the best thing ever, and RPG's evaluating to something better, rather than getting stuck into being poor action-game knockoffs. As much as some people on this boards would not want that, and I don't understand why. Maybe they don't understand. Maybe they're afraid of progress. Maybe they need their fix and a reward each kill, maybe they're homicidial... but I very much look forward to "real" RPG's taking a proper step towards Role Playing Games rather than Murder Simulator Games. @ Immorales; Except nobody does... I see plenty of people who don't... including myself. Yes, there's a path... nothing prevents you from going way out of order on all of it though. So if it's rails, the rails are made of air or something... Again; it's no different. (You're fooling yourself if you don't think PoE will be build up like that... and are in for a cold shower... it's not TES:Obsidian) Which makes me all the more 'wtf?' when you say it would be fine in D:OS, but then the sky will fall and frogs will rain and it will be the worst thing ever in PoE... despite both games following the same philosophy actually. Explain it to me... @ All; Yeah, the dungeon worries me too. Not because of XP-reasons, but because I can't see a 15-level dungeon work properly in a Baldur Gate way. Especially a 15-level optional dungeon. Larian wisely decided instead of doing one mega-dungeon to spread them around the game, and although it got them some flak, I definitely think it would have been better to do so here too than hold on to the 15-layered optional dungeon. But we'll see if they can actually make it work proper.
  4. Because it's not being made with consolification down the road in mind, but a pure K&M setup?
  5. So... why then complain when PoE does the same... if it's the same game more or less? (but with less need to do the boring filler combat... that by itself increasing enjoyment a dozen-fold, especially in the apparently compulsory to RPG's bad endgame) Also, I'm still wondering where the tight on rails idea comes from when it's the same as BG2. "Here are a bunch of quests, finish them..."
  6. Pretty much nailed it. Another good example would be KOTOR2 Nar Shaddaa, Regufee Sector... who really has resolved it peacefully between the Refugees and Exchange when it gives approximately 1% (not exagerating) XP compared to killing everything? You mean, pretty much like the Baldur's Gate's? Or any of the other IE-games... No respawns, and random events weren't exactly very random. They broke the game in beta since they wanted some challenging events with respawns, and those gave XP... you can guess what happens... instead they needed to 0XP several foes and such... still not all work as intended ingame. Great joy... Rails? What rails? Did you play the game? You mean that one is RtwP and the other TB? Cause aside from that I can't see much difference in the pacing. Oh, it's slightly shorter than Baldur's Gate II... but really, what game isn't. PoE will be aswell. Did you like... read my example? It's all right there how they DESIGNED AREAS, and then had their XP-system wreck the idea to kingdom come... Doesn't seem like a moot point... or the game's design and XP-design really mix nicely...
  7. * EU-leaders where in Kiev shouting amongst the protesters for the government to leave. * EU gave 2 billion to the new Kiev government, no strings attached. 2 billion that's not even there due to frail economic times and massive bailouts everywhere... * EU complains about police brutality in Kiev... turns a blind eye to tanks,jets and heli's used against population in the east. * EU happily goes along with US-backed sanctions against Russia, without proof, and massive harm to ourselves. Not to mention I still find it funny that everyone calls on Moscow, not Kiev, to restore peace in Ukraine... can we ask... pardon me, FORCE, the US to resolve the Mexican government and drug cartel wars too... even though it's not even their sovereignity. What do you want? Them to act there, or not... make up your bloody mind.
  8. Getting pretty sick of people going unanimously after Russia, nicely forgetting we HAVE the war to thank to a US/EU backed coup-detat on a legally elected government. One who immediately responded to similar objections to rule that got THEM into power by sending the military on their ass. What a *lovely* government. Sadly, people are stupid, and can only gulp up the EU/US propaganda, as I see her daily from Dutchies being outraged and wanting to go to war with Russia for our own little war. And we still haven't gotten proof of their involvement. And all those fun economic sanctions are REALLY hurting our economy, desperately trying to scrape back up after the recession. Why the hell do we want to re-start our depression over an Ukranian war-mongering government that shouldn't be there in the first place? Seriously, EU, get your butt out of the US ass and stop ruining your own economy to appease the US, who laughs in their first as both Russia and the EU are harmed by the sanctions. And the EU happily helps them dig their own grave. I so hate the EU... :/
  9. This again? Fortunately, I got fresh blood to add to the conversation, namely... Divinity: Original Sin. I'm really wondering how much better it could be with Objective XP compared to what we get now. It has quest XP, fairly little though (despite having like 100 quests in the game), exploration XP, a lot of talking with bosses and inbetween combat encounters. It would be perfect for this. Instead they went with kill XP, it being the major source even. And look what that gives; you indeed are somewhat forced into useless combat encounters, the endgame devolved into combat upon combat and medicrity, and there are legions of people commiting genocide on friendly cities to get that additional XP. An especially excruciating part is when you enter an area and are faced with 3 choices; Combat, Stealth, or using your skills and gear to get around that on path #3. And Path 2 and 3 offer around 20% of the experience of the combat-path due to the system, and is arguable the easiest of the 3. There goes choice, there goes giving the player good paths... there goes a whole bunch of area and encounter-design wrecked it's neck by the XP-system. I couldn't help but sigh when I encountered it. It would have been great as PoE will do it. Now; it's just a total waste of developer's time. So yes, yes, I do totally want this in. Even if I wont stealth... and running past everyone definitely ain't possible (especially seeing Sawyer's "sticky" melee combat)... I just kill things I need to kill, and be fine with it. But not be forced to whipe an entire map of boredom just to get the XP needed to move on. Because that's... boring. And I like my games to be fun. Don't you?
  10. The "persistant world" question makes me wonder... Did they consider adding a first person mode to it? Did it came up during discussions? What about RTS basebuilding? Nuclear weapons? Platform gameplay? I mean all of that is obviously going to be thought out making a real old-school RPG, right?
  11. IWD2 UI sadly enough. But fortunately, yes, it's aiming to be more like Baldur's Gate II than IWD.
  12. Of course the reply is heavily marred with "if I recall", the post linked was made 5 years after release. Also mentions of 'more cutscenes with Atris' but those are not fleshed out at all. And there's nothing in the files. Personally I think they wanted him in KOTOR3, and leave him ambigeous... they didn't work up all the "Kreia can't read him, the Exile can" for nothing after all...
  13. You seem to have missed the government sending out the army on their own soil, and the many civilian casualties they made during their operation. I can savely say the Ukranian government killed more Ukranians than the militia did... Seems populair to me. Also, I am, how many months later now, still waiting for proof of that aledged "foreign-funded" theory. Funny seeing how they could prove the rebels shot down the plane apparently within 24 hours... but this... they couldn't have done yet. Makes sense, right? Also, again, it's not proven yet which side killed 300 citizens. But apparently facts wont stop accusations. Who needs facts right? Only get in the way like in Iraq, and what a glorious victory that was... *cough* Considering we can determine causes of planecrashes so easily in 2014, care to tell use where MH370 is, and what happened to it? Right, we don't know that after months still... also in 2014. Usually events in warzones are less clear and certain than outside, due to, you know, the entire conflict going on. Especially with the outdated equipment Ukraine has. It does if people throw out arguments as "Ukranian Government can't have done it, since they have no reason to!" And how can a civ plane being shot down before NOT be related to a civ plane being shot down now? Really! Ukranian Military's gear is outdated, their training sucks, their communication is atrocious... they primarily exist now of civilians recruited to the cause and mercenaries. More than enough fuel for a complete disasterous error, if you ask me. It helped them so well 13 years ago... oh wait, I wasn't supposed to use that argument since it's totally not related apparently. You know, civilian plane being shot down over Ukraine. Yeah, totally unrelated. They have shot down planes with small arms fire and rocket-launched missiles yes. That's quite different from using a SAM-site, I might add. Wheter they actually had the gear is still up to debate and not proved either... Also, please prove "destroying evidence"... since without anything to back that up, you're just making accusations up. Also very funny to keep being told to "stop read RT" with me never reading it at all... *shrug*
  14. Just block Volourn... most of us have. As for the boni, I think some are not working as intended, -40% penalty summon is the exact same as +40% bonus summon. Doesn't sound like that's supposed to be the way. Especially since summons are so extremely powerful, and I only have 2 of my chars use them. If I get all 4 a summon. Well, death upon all who faces me... And Witchcraft (and Scoundrel) where added pretty late in Early Arrival, that's why there's no talents for them (and they were clumped together to one vendor in Cyseal, or dumped with other vendors in the Homestead).
  15. "Anything that doesn't confirm my theory is obviously an error." Great argument... :/ But the question I posed to you all was... how did the government knew that so fast after the incident. I mean, sure, now it seems "doh", but just 15 minutes after a plane crashed you already knew it was a warmissile, not a crash, with these effects. I find it suspicious... you don't? It's the equilevant of someone going after the first plane in the WTC "it was obviously hijacked and flew into there" rather than "what a tragic accident" and then the realisation that it was an attack only after the second plane. Still waiting for the reason why they shot down a plane in 2001, since the obvious belief here that since they had no valid reason to shoot down the plane they actually couldn't have shot down the plane. Which raises the question; "what reason did they have back then if they can only shoot down planes they want" Of course, it's a stupid theory... but one several of you have oppered as "proof" that it couldn't have been the government. Reality is, both sides had no reason for it, we just need to know who made the shot. The resistance could have seen it for an Ukraine military craft, but likewise Ukrain could have seen it as "Russian intrusion" and shot them down on that. What better way to prove Russia's involvement (which I still want prove of) than a downed fighter on Ukranian territory? So yeah, both sides can have made the fluke, it's not automatically the "pro-Russian militants."
  16. Why am I not surprised the pro-Ukranian government side is almost salivating at hoping there are no survivors and everyone is dead. Sickening :/
  17. And I just read 100's of volunteers are now searching for survivors. Tagaziel, tell them how they waste their time and you're 100% sure everyone is dead and they should just give up...
  18. You won't believe the **** people survive. I'm glad you're not part of emergency rescue services. "The mine collaped. Well, all are dead, let's move on", "earthquake, many people under the rubble. Yeah, they're dead!" Despite the many newsreports you sometimes read of people still found alive after the point any remaining people are presumed dead. But of course you know better that can ever happen. As for the argument "The government can't have shot it down since they had no reason to" I counter with "The rebels can't have shot it down since they had no reason to"... it's one of the most ridicilous arguments ever... Also, feel free to explain to me what use Ukrain had in 2001 shooting down a civilian plane. Cause apparently, you're convinced they can really only do so with a reason... EDIT: Apparently they now state 189 Dutch people died due to this crash.
  19. Nothing better than some good brainteasers... but of course I already know I rather disagree with everything Sorophx says. I don't want brainless slaughtering... that's not what RPG is for... http://store.steampowered.com/app/230230/ Don't be a cheapskate, support good RPG-development. Down with modern RPG's, hail the old-school RPG! EDIT: Questions posted above. For crafting; drag and drop ingredients over each other. If they can interact, you're given the option to combine them. Hirelings open up later, yes.
  20. Well... since it was a Dutch-Malaysian flight, and 70-80 Dutch people died it's constant on the news here. Personally I agree with the people saying it's odd how quickly the government knew everyone died (no one's searching for survivors?) and exactly how the plane would have been shot down.
  21. Likewise. I remember my first D:OS game... where I ended up first at the graveyard (lvl 3, lvl 7 area). I defeated 2 lvl 7's (yeah!) but the boss was too much. Then I tried another exit, lvl 7 beach. Got pounded again. Then I tried another area, where suddenly lvl 3 enemies where (I was like lvl 5 by then). And I was loving it...
  22. From what we were told it was 4 million (3 million of their own, and an additional 1m from KS). So it seems the article is incorrect there. And yes, DD (so no physical loss or stores inbetween) giving a bigger cut and the smaller budget do allow less sales to be needed to make even and get a profit...
  23. Already heard Larian put me in Original Sin (for whatever reason)... finally got around there (I need more gametime ). And to answer; what would you do if you met yourself in a game... this? http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/45351511769348294/84900051378833E055E5AD9D415CF1F6460255A6/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/45351511769355783/49846DF29106A84C50B16ED2878327FF35588820/
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