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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. GC, PSU I actually ment there is a VERY small chance that what has been made sofar (not knowing the actual time already spend on PG ofcourse; but I doubt it has been very long) will actually be like that in the game. Be it ingame footage (UI, gameplay, graphics etc.) or movie footage (bikanimations or similar)
  2. You cannot get all since LS'ers don't get Crush and DS'ers don't get Force Enlighthtment...
  3. You are so correct it is scary...
  4. Hmmmm, guess my favorite mag was wrong on that part then...
  5. Or they won't show it at E3 at all, seeing as it probably is in a very early state and not representative for the final product at all?
  6. True. I probably play the game paying more attention to broken thingies than the avarage player and on occassions try to do some stuff to see if the devs thought about preventing it. There is probably a reason why I also had more bugs during my gameplay in KOTOR2 and Dungeon Siege2 than the avarage player, wouldn't it be (and then I mean non-technical issues)?
  7. Lol. You two are really made for each other, isn't it? :D
  8. Of that list Grommie seems like a good candidate to me, yes. Lol. Like I ever listened to that...
  9. Ehm, no... when did that started to happen then Yeah... I have learned my lesson NOT to discuss with Sue Happy Yankees. If you just flame the Europeans or the Consolelovers you atleast get to keep your task... " (oh my, that was flaming was it not )
  10. When did they add "harass the members" to the description? And yes; the game is broken on several ways; but the rest is just too good to be bothered with it...
  11. Well, they add that HavokFX chip thingie to the card... It just isn't "the GeForce 7800" has program X and then can process physics, nope... they actually add that physicschip thing to it Nope, but you are doing VERY bad at your moderator job at the moment... "
  12. That doesn't mean the exile is right That is about Sion, not T3
  13. The only things not working are sound effects (game issue), physics (game issue), the patch and the loot tables... Why should I stop playing for that?
  14. Who says T3 was out to find the Exile? Perhaps the powerfull Jedi being seeked was Kreia?
  15. Ehm...No... NVIDIA and HAVOK are actually going to add their own physicschip to the new generation of GeForce cards... Thus you get graphics and physics-chip in one... http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_30478.html
  16. Look up the C&C thread about Lego Star Wars to see how many forum members you insulted. I can tell you it will be more than a dozen (Original quote dedicated to Dark_Raven, but that one got mysteriously deleted with her post )
  17. Nope. Only with the Houses you can only join 1 (I think... never joined a House myself, but they are hinting at that). When I was very good with the Imperial Cult so the Temple folks hated me I just joined the Temple... now they both me
  18. Not alot is known except the Harbinger intercepted the EH with T3 and HK on it (and Kreia, presumed dead). When the Harbinger was then attacked by Sion and his invisible crew HK-50 took you (Exile) to the EH to escape. And that is how the Exile got the EH...
  19. Yep. Since Nvidia and Havok will put a similar thingie on the new GeForce thingies such a card quickly becomes useless and a waste of money...
  20. Could be.... IF I used it " No background programs running that can interfere as far as I can see...
  21. Query: How to actually install the freaking patch? I doubleclick, accept it to run, then click ok. All I get is "UPDATE ABORTED"... that's it What the Hell?
  22. I would say "Try asking in the TSLRP sticky... or on their forums"
  23. Another thing you could try is using KSE (links in sticky FAQ) and under globals-numerics find 800KOR_Tomb_Vision (or something like that) and put it to 10
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