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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Looks an awfull lot like the issues I had during DS2 when my PC overheated (especially the mess seen on the icon shares a resemblance) Is it still cool inside the box of your PC?
  2. Did your game ended there? Damn lucky son of a... Eh, did you entirely miss the Ravager, Telos and Malachor V stuff beyond. And to answer Jediphile: doubt that is possible, very few alignment points to be gained after that...and primarily only DS ones...
  3. Even with the most fightingbased build Force Crush can wipe enemies before they even reach you and be replenished for the next enemy (Sion included)
  4. W00T...lvl 50... Guess your problem lies there... some weird thing called "Enemy leveling" *sigh* And infact...it is pretty true...and yes, I have 10 Str. then...
  5. See Technical Section FAQ... "
  6. J.E. was no dev back then " I put my guess on ex-mod, seeing his/her posts...
  7. Easy for you to say :darque: It really is the other way around when you are being "educated"... "
  8. My first game... I was DS'er... trying to conquer the galaxy so I HAD to keep the Republic relatively intact to take it over. Game didn't agree with my way of play since... Defending Khoonda disallowed me to kill Vrook... Defending Onderon disallowed me to kill Kavar... Only Moustache-man could die because he had a "I am going to kill ya" line... so he died And thus the remaining 2 attacked me and I slaughtered them... LS ending For my second LS game I tried things different...like the Khoonda/Onderon stuff... result: Attacking Khoonda killed Vrook Attacking Onderon killed Kavar Only Moustache-man survived since he was no forced kill Result: Moustache-man dies when I rag my sword through him after he attacks me and I get the LS-ending...
  9. My favoriete has to be the one where 10 enemies all spawned into each other. That was SO funny to see (and fight... I should have used nades... but I didn't )
  10. Too much "Hot Coffee" the latest day... Maybe you should tell her that games are not as dangerous as Mr. Thompson make them sound...
  11. And your alignment at that moment would be? ...
  12. Did I mentioned Weapon Finess somewhere...? And I doubt I need additional damage, all my builds with their 10 srt (Sentinel/Assassin, Sentinel/Watchman, Sentinel/Marauder) cut like a hot knife through butter through enemies and already slack them away in 1 hit (Hard difficulty)...
  13. Like it matters what bleeping sound you add for T3's convo
  14. So what... flurry makes well up for that... together with the fact nobody can hit you
  15. Other mouse button? For some reason EaW has a really screwy attack-button set...
  16. Sorry, but I will wait a day or 2 before I believe it " Official words seem to switch too often for my taste
  17. Alignment...UNLESS you are grey. Then the masters come into play. But alignment overrides all...
  18. PC itself is basically a zillion different platforms... quite an exclusive
  19. They are. Does not mean it is going to succeed though...
  20. Well, since it ends on Malachor V I do not see the issue with "cannot have no LS ending with dead masters"... Care to eleborate? LS or DS they are going to pretty dead (how ironic, with DS they get an better dead... must be worth it to go DS no? They get dead on a finer/nicer way) "
  21. I rather see the enemies and have a decent FPS (50) than grass IMO. But everybody their own wish... Also makes it easier to look further; which I find helpfull to explore... And who cares about human faces... pick a cat as char! :D Alot better... I do not find the slower day/night cyclus bad especially since I HATE sleeping/waiting and the current daytime already forces it upon me to do that all the time due to those damned timed actions (shop at day, meet me at X time, arena between 8 and 8 etc.) In MW I only slept 1 hour for levelups and that was it for sleeping/waiting but in Oblivion I am forced to do so frequently... Why would that not surprise me? But I actually rather think you just picked Sneaking as major skill and that caused it, not the actual stuff you did during the tutorial... And on the skill package; I play the game as intended. Meaning primary get used primarily and I level up when I get the level up message (usually with +2 bonusses somewhere). It does make the game kind of difficult though, but so far I managed to keep alive at 50 without having started the MQ and thus not in possession of any of the "sigil" stones I hear everyone talk about...
  22. How many times do people need to tell you guys Alignment does matter for the final ending animation... Really; where do you get that wrong info that it is dependant on Master-killing?
  23. It is a glitch They just didn't add any soundfile with T3's bleeping... and well, since it continues when the sound is over, it skips very fast with none there! (Reversed with the B4-D4 convo's where there is speech when there should be a silence-file like with Handmaiden on Nar Shaddaa)
  24. If you are going to include expansions so was Generals: Zero Hour Guess that tells more about you then it does about the wallpaper ; )
  25. Hmmm, besides John Romero taking away large chunks of Ion Storms finance (for no gain in the end because Daikatana sucked) and the fact they were in problems if no financial good game came onto the market? Also he might be a reputed dev. he was still on a new company; and in the shadow of Romero. We all know what crap Molyneux produced after he left Bull Frog as example... And if Spector's vision could be reached; as you say WHY the amount of cutting in missions (moon, texas, mountain, UNATCO) and the remark he rather had 75% of the gamespace with more character immersion? If he was so powerfull in the dev. why didn't he just made it 75% and improved the characters? As you might have read in the plan they actually even made most NPC's and the way they responded on you that made the game the classic it became on the long way; it was not planned... And ofcourse we all saw what happened with IW, when they HAVE the time and finance...
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