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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. I have reached 50 (by Hssiss) and there were enough feats/powers. Most of them were useless though and only cluttered my Force Power Selection screen, but it still...
  2. If the amount of whining would make somebody less attractive for fanbois/girlz then I haven't noticed that much with Bastila VS. the others like Mira/Handmaiden and Visas.... From the fact you write Bastila incorrect I can already see you are no fanboy. That's enough...
  3. But that one has a "-" between bat and like. And since you don't have a "-" you made a totally new name...
  4. Ah, but you should be... you should be NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *grabs popcorn* *waits for a fight... a pretty unfair one too*
  5. Carth... Atton... what's the difference " Bastila...Kreia... what's the difference "
  6. Or on the DS-path the creatures already loose control when you enter the castle...
  7. Sayeth the Carth/Atton fangirl... Afraid of competition?
  8. So Oblivion and Morrowind are completely independant of each other, right? But you do find DX and DX:IW sequels... even though the entire game-machanic got changed and raped...
  9. Smoke...smoke...smoke Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 helps; but it still will give a (altough smaller) smoke-framerate-reduction...
  10. *Cough*Grim Fandango*Cough* Do I need to say more; or is all clear for Darque?
  11. Stickies are fun! And thus... X-Box has no KSE; and X-Box has no fix...
  12. According to Volourn no differences were made between Dungeon Siege and Dungeon Siege2, so give up or end up discussion till infinity (engine re-used...)
  13. The trailer is also available now in Full Res on other sites (free) for people who do not want to have a Gamespot account... One such a site
  14. Feargus should be used to hear such voices... And since it is online there is no way... wait... you use Kirottu in FL too?
  15. "best" and "most balanced" are NOT popularity words... But I know that this discussion; like any and all discussions with you end in nothing, so I might as well end it right now... Anticipation for a Blizzard game? That is something I will never understand...
  16. Sorry SS, you're out of luck... (See *CD vs. DVD* thread... )
  17. You weren't talking about popularity in that quote...
  18. People would disagree and call Total Annihilation; who had done that long before SC... "
  19. Ofcourse not... Lvl 50 Junks... (see "Best atribute thread")
  20. You know you have savegames for every character... You can select other chars' saves with "Other Character" in the load menu...
  21. First RTS since RA1 that seems worth looking at... Says enough for me...
  22. Not that that really matters... considering: Plenty of modern adventures that use pixel hunting. Runaway to call one; and that one is getting a sequel in the near future. Syberia 1 and 2 can (altough less) called pixel hunting games... less items on a screen != better game... many adventures have showed that already... Syberia 1 for example is VERY easy due to the lack of interactible items that are irrelevant to advanchment... And the Maze stuff... I think I know what you mean. But that one made sense and the sollution was given in one of the most funniest (Pirate I was meant to be (MI3) aside) songs in a video-game...
  23. Got to disagree with you. Played in the order 2, 3, 4 and then 1 and I still think 3 is the best and 4 sucks COMPLETELY 100%... 4 is not a game for the avarage adventure gamer atleast. You bash 1 and 2 for illogical puzzles but you fail to mention 3 and 4 do also have their share amount of illogical puzzles. Monkey Island 4 adds silly stupid action sequences (not fun like Fahrenheit...was that advised already?) and annoying controls. Don't tell me you found the parfum/house of the thief name machine/giving the beach guy (what was his name again) his name back etc. were at ANY way logical... Therefore MI4 lacks the Humor that the first 3 do posses. Please call some puzzles from MI and MI2 (Adventure's Mode, the easy mode I could even finish even if I was 10 when I played it...) that are "nuicanses in modern games" And just to mention it; I tried it for you and MI3 works perfectly under XP. Some graphical distortion if you exit the F1 menu or skip a cutscene, but nothing ingame that seems to malfunction...
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