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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Damned if you do, damned if you don't... Anyways, it seems like alot of people missed my post which I used to necro this thread; so here it is again:
  2. Sure. But as I mentioned loads and loads of time before I don't go to DD if it seems like it goes now; which means higher pricing and milking of previously free material...
  3. 9.04 is free, 9.1 and onwards cost $10,- (one payment for all patches after that... for now... )
  4. There was a dev (game: Savage, dev name: S2 games) who, despite Savage being a relatively unknown title made the statement that they made more profit from DD than retail sales. While the sell of Savage was 20% DD and 80% Retail. I see why it should be more profitable for devs; but I repeat once again... If they continue to drop stuff at us for the same (or higher) price and do **** like making HL2 mods like "the Ship" and "Gary's Mod" content for which you have to pay for (or worse, Bethesda's downlaods) while it was free during Retail-intensive times I am going to stay shopping at the shops. Bad luck for you guys; but then you really should give a part of the profit to us, instead of becoming more greedy than the avarage producer...
  5. Okay... let's do some more checking... Moustache- Do you have Mira/Hanharr and Go-to in your party? Vrook- Is Khoonda overrun by the Mercenaries or are all the mercenaries dead? (in short; Has the battle for Khoonda take place)?
  6. BW casts "Revive +1" In a preview in the PCGameplay Feargus said the following about gametime; Main-quest only 30 hours +(large part of the) Side quests 40+ hours There could be other new info in the preview, but I didn't really follow NWN2 production, so I have no idea what is already well known and what not...
  7. That is cause the disk is only that big. And so far as I know there haven't been multi-DVD games yet. A second DVD has so far always been used for additional extra fluff...
  8. Reason why some devs even hire somebody and THEN tell them what they work at. To keep this "but there is not even a NDA signed" stuff at bay "
  9. Yeah, if you don't talk to Kreia about the history right after leaving Peragus that quest gets forever stuck in your journal. Nothing to worry about; it is "Bonus" after all... Check; Met/Killed Kavar - Yup Met/Killed Moustache-Man - You tell me... did you? Met/Killed Vrook - You tell me... did you? Seen Vash dead corpse - Also did this? If all 4 are met talk to Kreia; does she mentions going to Dantooine? (Ps. If you already completed the game once why do you think you need Atris to continue? )
  10. Is your LCD actually a wide-screen monitor?
  11. No telling of size whatsoever, eh... " Also note this is a "small" map. It can be 16x bigger!
  12. Besides that it is from a very old engine of SupCom. The "current" SupCom looks very different (read: better). Anyways; Watch the movie!
  13. This might be something for you (NOTE: Shaky cam video made on E3. So don't expect high-quality!)
  14. Okay, let's try some other games. Sequels or not? C&C and Red Alert GTA3 and VC and SA Total Annihilation and Total Annihilation:Kingdom Age of Empires and Age of Mythology UT2K3 and UT2K4, compared to UT Sims and Sims2 Dungeon Siege 1 and 2 NWN 1 and 2 Half-Life 1 and Half-Life 2 Maniac Mansion and Day of the Tentacle Dreamfall and The Longest Journey etc. etc. etc.
  15. No... you can't. Since you won't meet Master-with-Moustache (and a name I cannot remember) you cannot finish the game; since he is needed for that...
  16. Can't you see the chars/monsters/clans/areas of FF (enter number here) in FF (enter an other number here)? " Like I have pointed out many times... Same goes for everything else that might be common in FFs. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> From what I have heard Morrowind in Morrowind is alive and Morrowind in Oblivion is a dead place overrun with Daedra and totally demolished and such... Ah well... Also the "dark brotherhood" changed quite alot between the 2 versions... same with "Mage guild"; "fighters guild", "blades" etc.
  17. Have you installed the High-Res movies patch from Nzone? It might help... Link coming soon... Edit; link PS; you can also view movies through the "movies" tab on the main screen; no need for an actual movie to start during gameplay...
  18. Even higher quality then the FilePlanet one Credit to MadBoris (from the GPG-forums)
  19. " (okay...okay...I wanted to use above post... but twice the same user...nah)
  20. You really think I was going to type that myself...think again!
  21. Can't you see the chars/monsters/clans/areas of FF (enter number here) in FF (enter an other number here)? " I probably should use spoilers; but since it could prevent people from playing DX:IW and thus saving their soul: After meeting JC in Antartica the first quest he gives you is to free Paul from the Templars. If you decide to free him (instead of killing him) you will see him ingame...
  22. Silver. The main bady just killed one of his Elite Commando's for staring at him... certainly no RPG for Hades
  23. Tech section is no more... R.I.P On the issue; no idea... I actually have no idea too what you mean with compressed and half-inch missing. Have a pic of it?
  24. *grabs even more popcorn* *Awaits "that can NOT happen" comment by random wanton slaughter #203* He just says so for you... "
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