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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. Hmm, hello? That was exactly what I was saying.
  2. Does it matter? CRPGs ultimately offer pathetic roleplaying by their very nature, anyway.
  3. Hmm, Spirit Shaman mentioned in that interview. Is this new? From Wiki:
  4. I'm going through Zelda Minish Cap (GBA) right now. It's great. I love the exploration elements so far.
  5. Well, yeah. It shows what the basic gameplay will be like, but it's hardly any indication of how that and the level design will evolve. The main thing the demo helps in showcasing is the style and humor of the game, and it does so quite well.
  6. Also, bear in mind that the demo is basically just a freaking tutorial.
  7. Hmm, let's review. PC Left 4 Dead (coop + zombies > all) Combat Mission - Shock Force (though I may wait on this, since I'm *years* away from finishing the current batch in the series) Airborne Assault - Battles from the Bulge (same, though given the number of scenarios, I may get this one sooner) NWN2 Xpac (this is almost by default - I'm not even sure if I'm supporting the game 'just because') Close Combat rereleases (3 is out, 2/4/5 are not) 360 Too Human (coop action RPG ^__^) Halo 3 (coop + Legendary difficulty = hehehhehehehhehe, though I'll delay if I haven't finished Halo 1/2 by then) Mercenaries 2 (coop + sandbox + destroying everything + burning down jungles) Army of Two (coop, though the devs' lack of credentials makes me at least a bit skeptical) Eternal Sonata (JRPG with a fun battle system - great demo; coop makes this a day1 purchase) Blue Dragon (another JRPG, though lack of coop makes this NOT a day1 purchase) Mass Effect (bargain bin at best, if even that - coop would have made this a day1 as well. When will devs learn?) Ace Combat (action flight game; depending on how nice the coop mode is, it goes from day1 + joystick bundle to bargain bin) Overlord (nice sense of humor, will wait and see how the final game ends up) Bioshock (hype?) DS Dragon Quest IX (coop JRPG ^___^) Front Mission DS (SRPG remake, the localization better be real) Luminous Arc (another SRPG, can't have too many portable ones) It's a Wonderful World (interesting-looking JRPG, gameplay/combat looks compelling) Heroes of Mana (RPG-RTS, I'm still on the fence with this one) Phoenix Wright 3 (no-brainer) Phantom Hourglass (Zelda, and I'm interesting in seeing how the stylus controls turn out) Megaman ZX Advent (2D action <3) Ninja Gaiden DS (because Ninja Gaiden is so awesome)
  8. I just tried the 360 version demo on Live Marketplace. Game is pretty cool. The sense of humor so far is very nice. Burning hobbits hiding in wheat fields will never get old. I'll pick it up eventually.
  9. The real crisis here is that Hades is going to quit gaming forever. We must stop Bethesda.
  10. Quitting gaming forever != complaining about games that haven't come out in the general gaming section of a gaming forum.
  11. I too have no interest in the game but will continue to troll FO3 threads repetitively.
  12. The game came out in Japan already. As expected, it didn't really sell too well, being a PS3 title in Japan. It's apparently not a bad game, just a Dynasty Warriors game with a Gundam shell. There's also a 360 version coming.
  13. I saw the new footage on Gametrailers (which apparently is running on the 360 version). Looks nice enough, but it portrays the game as an elaborate FPS with more exploration and a RPGesque character system, but still a FPS. Though, to be fair, they only showed mainly combat. I haven't played SS2, so I can't attest to how much more awesome that's supposed to be. I'm glad they didn't overexpose the Big Daddy crap AGAIN. That's already getting old even before the game is out. Though at least this time that fight actually looks like it could be fun. They need to show more of the rest of the game, though.
  14. The difficulty slider in D&D CRPGs suck. I mean, SUCK.
  15. I'm about '5 hrs' into Metroid Fusion, but that doesn't involve the countless times I've died (mainly at bosses). It's not too easy and not too hard, but the bosses provide a pretty good challenge for the most part. The game isn't actually as linear as I expected it to be. Sure, there's usually only one way to go, but they don't, er, hold your hand as much as expected. The exploration elements are quite nice. Sometimes you have to do a little exploring before finding the way forward, or go out of the way to look for secrets (of which there seems to be a good number). Gameplay, pretty awesome. The upgrades are nice. The bosses are great. I'm not really concerned about the length anymore, because I *will* be replaying this game (haven't really spotted any tedious moment at all during the whole playtime so far, so replaying will be easy) and going for the different endings. I can certainly see the challenge in fighting bosses with extremely limited upgrades. Metroid Zero Mission also arrived, but I haven't touched that.
  16. The 27 Final Fantasy titles coming out this year are going to save that franchise!!!
  17. I too spend valuable time reading up on expansion packs of games I hate.
  18. This is what R-Type plays like. http://youtube.com/watch?v=i0n6YiWrh-E In any case, I think I had played Gradius instead. I never got past the first level anyway. Though, really, the SHMUP I'd really want to play is Ikaruga, especially with 2p coop. Now that game's gimmick looks extremely cool.
  19. It's a turn-based dungeon crawler. If you like the genre and have a DS, just get the game. No further impression is required. I mean, I'd write some if I weren't playing it right now.
  20. Well, let's just say I've played about 6-7 hrs of the game since getting it yesterday. I can't actually recall the last time I did that.
  21. Hehe, I played R-Type back on the NES (or was it Gradius? I forget). It's been a while since I've played a shmup
  22. Alright, game finally arrived. Impressions to follow eventually.
  23. Oh, hush. Pope is working hard to pump out those extra 200$
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