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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. Here's another one I missed from a while back.
  2. Meh, that would just replace another game that would have been in its place given the same dev cycle.
  3. Yeah, and he just dragged Role-Player's honor into this now! There will be blood! In any case, living in the past and reminiscing old games is one thing. Living in the past and fixating over games that never got released is quite another. #1 Torn fan 4EVA
  4. I'll frag doll *you*.
  5. I was personally attacking Eldar because he's a jerk, but the post was meant for all the losers in this thread.
  6. Pinnacles are meant to be shattered. You guys can live in the past if you want, but those games are all flawed no matter how you look at them. It doesn't matter how bleak the future can look, the point is that there is a future, and products will keep being made. I, for one, look forward to them. Or, I guess you could keep replaying old games again and again and whine about the good old days.
  7. We find him inside one of the cats we just killed.
  8. Well, actually, since the lure and corruption by wargames, I have absolutely no interest in anything remotely RTSesque anymore. TW still seems too mainstream for my tastes. The only possible exception would be China: Total War, but that's not due to being rational or anything.
  9. If RP joins, I slit his throat.
  10. Haha, I'm not interested in MTW2.
  11. Silly Wolfie. It's easy to find ugly people on any continent.
  12. Bringing some civs up to having 3 leaders while others still have one for the sake of awesome scenarios, meh.
  13. I'll Friday *you*.
  14. Bop.
  15. Thanks for posting in a console thread, genius.
  16. Otherwise, in terms of actual gameplay, in what way is the 360 actually a generation above the Xbox?
  17. I guess there'll be Medieval 2, which people generally seem to like.
  18. Ah, see, perk #1. This will filter out the losers who fixate on superficial crap and retain those actually interested in gameplay.
  19. And you'll buy it anyway.
  20. It was part of some research survey thingie, so you were evaluated based on your speed, accuracy, etc. But there was no time limit per say. Too bad I never found out where I ranked.
  21. Is next week's session planned for Friday, dawgs?
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