Haha, not an easy task indeed.
Back during my surgery rotation, I had the opportunity to test out a computerized laparoscopic training apparatus. Basically, laparoscopy is surgery where, instead of opening up the abdomen with a sizable incision (a laparotomy), you make 3-4 tiny holes throughout the abdomen (2-3+ cm in diameter in size or so) and insert instruments. Basically, you do the whole surgery through these holes (one of them makes place for a camera).
Let me tell you, maneuvering in 3d space is ridiculously difficult. The training program basically had you simulate that. You had your instruments (which, maybe 40-50+ cm), and you were tasked with doing completely TRIVIAL actions, while a computer screen projected what you would see via a camera. Just moving around little objects accurately was quite a challenge. Tying knots, cutting circles, hehe. Trying to cauterize a bleeding vessels (with 'laser') without injuring surrounding tissue was incredibly fun. At one point, I even had the opportunity to operate a clamp during a live surgery. Even positioning it in 3d space was challenging enough.
Aside from finding the rest of surgery completely boring, that part was pretty cool.
Ever tried tying your shoes with chopsticks?