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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. I'll be getting one unless all the games mysteriously end up sucking. There are a couple of Gamecube games I've been meaning to play, as well. As for the name, Shadowfax is right ^_^ But then, constrast that with no one caring about the 360 at all.
  2. Haha, not an easy task indeed. Back during my surgery rotation, I had the opportunity to test out a computerized laparoscopic training apparatus. Basically, laparoscopy is surgery where, instead of opening up the abdomen with a sizable incision (a laparotomy), you make 3-4 tiny holes throughout the abdomen (2-3+ cm in diameter in size or so) and insert instruments. Basically, you do the whole surgery through these holes (one of them makes place for a camera). Let me tell you, maneuvering in 3d space is ridiculously difficult. The training program basically had you simulate that. You had your instruments (which, maybe 40-50+ cm), and you were tasked with doing completely TRIVIAL actions, while a computer screen projected what you would see via a camera. Just moving around little objects accurately was quite a challenge. Tying knots, cutting circles, hehe. Trying to cauterize a bleeding vessels (with 'laser') without injuring surrounding tissue was incredibly fun. At one point, I even had the opportunity to operate a clamp during a live surgery. Even positioning it in 3d space was challenging enough. Aside from finding the rest of surgery completely boring, that part was pretty cool. Ever tried tying your shoes with chopsticks?
  3. I thought THQ confirmed 2007 months ago.
  4. Bioware wins. The losers are the ones who want to play their games but can't because they 'sold out'.
  5. People MAKE prophecies come 'true'. 'LOL NOSTRADAMUS PREDICTED 9/11' Right.
  6. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...ic=41255&st=225 Read this thread, you hunk.
  7. Stagnation is death.
  8. You know he's lying. He better get some very 'unlucky' rolls next session.
  9. Confusion? You just sic'ed the cat on me.
  10. I don't know how those whispers got in there, because I sure didn't type them!
  11. You have posted a message with more emoticons that this board allows. Please reduce the number of emoticons you've added to the message Here's the chatlog for session 2.
  12. 50 million uninsured people can't be wrong!
  13. On the other hand, it's not like JE isn't capable of coming up with newer better stories. The past is in the past. I won't lose any sleep if we never see any version of Jefferson. Though, I do recall JE saying something like him focusing more on technical/gameplay mechanics now.
  14. Xpac! DD mod series!
  15. I dunno, the name's growing on me. I like it already. It's certainly less bland then Xbox and Playstation, especially how those two seem to be naming subsequent generations.
  16. Heh. Look at the publicity it's getting. Compare to 'You just added a freaking 360 to your bloody console name, idiots'
  17. 'Touching is good' 'Nintendo Wii' How can you not love this marketing?
  18. Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!
  19. Wiihihihihiiiiiihiihihihiihhiihiihiihihii
  20. I'll wii *you*.
  21. I dunno, the XBOX 360 was a much dumber name when it was announced. At least this one has comedic value.
  22. http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20060426/noyle_01.shtml Haven't read through it yet, but it seems like an interesting read. Spot on.
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