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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I remember feeling sad when Simon Birch accidentally killed off his Ashley Judd's character, who was easily the person Simon admired the most. Poor kid....finally says screw it and swings at a pitch, and kills one of the very few people that always treated him like he wanted
  2. No, there were some Ewok Adventure movies (they may well have been animated, though -- I never watched them). I liked Willow, but was that made after RotJ? (Certainly GL has displayed a proclivity for height-challenged actors in his career, what with the above mentioned films and the Jawas, too.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "The Ewok Adventure" and "Ewoks: The Battle For Endor" were the two movies. I don't know if they were theatrical releases though, but I know I liked the Ewoks when I was a kid. The Cartoon never appealed to me though.
  3. Losing Wilson was one of the saddest moments in movie history as far as I'm concerned. Shawshank Redemption was an emotional ending, for all the right reasons. Few stories have made me cheer for the main character so much. Andy was such a rock solid character who tried his best to make the best of the situation, and to see him get out and feel the rain of freedom upon him was great. In fact, Shawshank was a very emotional movie period. The poor old guy who just wasn't ready for the world anymore and hangs himself in the halfway house. It was sad/neat to see Red get the exact same apartment, and leave his mark beside his old friend. And in the end, he reunites with his old friend on the Pacific, ooo....getting goosebumps just thinking about it :D
  4. I didn't mind the Vader "Noooo" scene. He basically crushed everything in the area, and it's basically the last bit of his humanity leaving him. I also loved the Emperor's reaction. He tells Vader that Vader killed Padme, and Vader loses it. A quick shot of the Emperor shows a little smile on his face. I also didn't mind the "quick" turn. He'd already begun his turn to the darkside in Episode II when he butchered the sand people. Killing Dooku, and his confusion about everything. I don't think the turn was "quick" at all, since it started in the previous movie.
  5. Excellent, lets keep game developers focusing exclusively on graphics even more, that way costs skyrocket even higher to the point that no one takes any risks and the only people that can afford a game are already established developers!
  6. Except anybody you're fighting should anticipate it through the force. I think it's "usefulness" is dictated by how common it is used (i.e. pretty much not at all).
  7. I didn't have a problem with Dantooine, as long as I didn't finish it off completely.
  8. People really need to study up on the BBB. File a bazillion complaints with BBB and see what it does for you. All filing a complaint against Obsidian to the BBB would do, would be IF Obsidian is a part of the BBB, they would then have "negative feedback" from the BBB. That is, if I phoned the BBB up and asked them about Obsidian, they'd tell me that there has been lots of copmlaints " Wow, a lot sure has been accomplished there. The Better Business Bureau has no power to do anything against any company, except tell customers to "beware." Whoop-dee-do.....a lot of good it will do you. As for the Attorney General.........
  9. Such a naive response. If you were a start-up company, you'd have no choice but to let Lucasarts push you around, since you're dealing with their IP. Only the well established companies don't have to worry about being pushed around. If you tried to stick up to your publisher, the publisher would just pull the plug on your project. Whoops, no more game for you. Guess that wasn't such a good idea after all.
  10. O.o I don't quite follow what you are saying here. 30 FPS is 30 FPS, and I don't know how interlacing would make 30 FPS seem "smoother" on a TV screen than on a PC Monitor. They are both CRT screens and whatnot. However, I could see how interlacing would allow for better performance, since they would not need to render every line (if the GPU is designed that way....which I do not think the X-Box's nVidia GPU is). Also, identical games running on TV and PC Monitor tend to look better on TV, since televisions have a "naturalish" anti-aliasing (perhaps due to the interlacing??). But to me....the X-Box version of KOTOR seems just as choppy as the PC version :\ Also, (and I could very very VERY well be wrong about this), but I though that TVs themselves were not capped at the 29.97 FPS, but that the NTSC signals are. So videos and television and everything run at 29.97 FPS, but I thought that televisions themselves are capped at 60 Hz (or 60 FPS). However, I'm not knowledgable enough about the way Video I/O works for TVs and Consoles, so it's very likely that even IF the TV could display 60 FPS, the way the I/O is handled could still make it conform to NTSC TV signals. Or I could have just dreamt all that. EDIT: I know it's not the best of sources, but I found this on the Net. It's about a Digital Video Recorder, and it says this at one point: Display frame rate NTSC Max 120 frames/sec 4 x 30 frames/sec So I don't know what the heck that's talking about. Would it be recording the same frame 4 times?? Or maybe NTSC screens can handle multiples of 30? I dunno.
  11. I would disagree....otherwise this thread probably wouldn't exist.
  12. I played through with Dantooine first without finishing the planet, and it still works fine. I'll test it out fully finishing Dantooine hopefully next weekend.
  13. But Hades....what about their horrible track record after NWN? Glad to see nothing has changed while I was away. Still holding Fallout as the RPG to beat?
  14. Good to see people haven't gotten any smarter while I was away. Where should I begin? I guess I'll start at the beginning I'm not sure what you're trying to say. It sounds like you are trying to twist the situation that they are somehow not working on a patch, or feel that announcing a potential shutdown of the forums as more important than the patch. Except that a patch annoucement is in big, bold letters on the Company's homepage. So what's so "convenient" about it. ??? Seriously. What are you talking about here? Shutting down the forum (which as others have pointed out, is not officially related to the game you purchased), has no bearing on the patch. It's not like they are closing up shop and just ignoring everyone because they are elitists that don't care what people think. And that's just post 1! On to Master Vandar73's post: Fortunately, they didn't sell a game that does not run for most people, so I don't see how this is relevant. And it doesn't matter what you call it, since the situation you described is not the situation you are in. There is a big giant comment on the company homepage about a patch announcement. Closing down the forums does NOT imply that they have no intentions of fixing it. So sure, you described fraud, but neither Lucasarts nor Obsidian Entertainment have engaged in either point you mention as being "fraud." As for Master Vandar73's second post, check this out: First off, your first sentence is irrelevant. Yes it's the opinion of someone that can actually get the game to install or run. But so can many, MANY other people. But the real kicker is YOU holding Obsidian responsible for NWN not installing on your system, when the game was not even made by Obsidian. You might as well re-register under a new nickname, because when you go around trashing a company based on stupid statements like the one you just made which is actually not in anyway true, I don't blame Obsidian for wanting to close the forums. In case I wasn't 100% clear though, Obsidian DID NOT make NWN. Bioware did. Furthermore, if you couldn't get NWN to install on your computer either, then maybe the problem is not with "buggy" games, but your computer. Quit making crap up about the company just so you can slag on them more. Fortunately, the rest of the thread isn't quite so asinine as these two geniuses. I think they are considering closing the forums because they are getting out of control. There is no moderation going on, and with geniuses like Master Vander73 running around, stupid crap is flying around like mad. Any forum is reflective of the company that controls it. If Obsidian continues to let the forum degrade into the cesspool it is becoming, then it would be unprofessional to let it continue down its current path. Additionally, the lack of moderation also means that he's gonna get spammed with more e-mails. He's busy enough as it is, not considering he just had his second chile, and the fact that things are getting out of control is resulting in unnecessary e-mails to staff members. The announcement is not just for the KOTOR 2 forums though. As I said, the forum reflects on them as a company. It's just as unprofessional to allow trollers that do not contribute to discussions (which is the point Feargus brought up...not that they wanted to avoid people that were having problems with KOTOR 2), to run rampant on their forums, disrupting any hope of meaningful discussion. Which is NOT what they are doing.
  15. I don't think it has anything to do with the Redemption quest. The two times I have played through the game I have had that quest "unfinished." However, I still haven't seen anyone that has had the problem that did not go to Dantooine first. It's the weekend now, so I might be able to get in some playing this weekend. I plan on going to Dantooine first and doing a couple of things differently. I'm going to go all the way through Dantooine and finish the planet, and if my game dies, then I am going to try doing some of Dantooine but not quite finishing off the planet, and see where things go from there.
  16. I am the original poster of this thread, and I have since played through the game twice, just making sure that I did Dantooine last. I have not had a problem with the game as long as I did Dantooine last, so I wonder if it is a Dantooine-First problem. I don't think it has anything to do with Dxun/Onderon, because I would get the black screen after just doing Datooine->Korriban. I am playing through again, and am going to do Dantooine first this time...but I am going to try two different ways....one way will be normal...finish the planet and then go off some where (probably Nar Shadda). My second way will be to ALMOST complete Dantooine, but leave before it's actually finished, and then continue on with the game. If people are having problems, if you don't mind restarting, it should work with no problems whatsoever if you do Dantooine last (and I would probably suspect as long as you don't do it first, you'll be ok).
  17. Odd...considering your name and everything
  18. A quick and simple question....can any PC-Jedi class train the NPC party members? I went through as a Sith Lord and was able to train, which makes sense. If I went through say as a Weapon Master, can I still train people in the force?
  19. Hmm, I just did some testing around, and I cannot fly to Dantooine after I do Korriban...which is also the same time I get my prestige class.... So perhaps it's one of those two in correlation with Dantooine being the first planet I go to?
  20. Actually...I see what you mean. I try going to Dantooine after Korriban and whatnot, and I get the freeze
  21. That is the EXACT order that I went through the planets....hmmmm How did you realize this problem before hand? It hit me out of now where
  22. Hello everyone, This post will contain minor spoilers, although nothing too surprising IMO. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced the same problem I have. Basically I have gotten through all the planets and found all the Jedi and now have to return to Dantooine. I have not had a problem with the so far, but for whatever reason, whenever I try to leave the Ebon Hawk on Dantooine (this is after already being there and doing all the stuff there the first time), the game pauses on a blank screen. I still have my mouse cursor and it moves fine, but the only thing I am able to do is ALT-F4 (which still brings up the "Are you sure you want to quit?" dialog box). I tried various loaded games....to no avail. I have even tried going to a different planet first, and still no luck. It must have something to do with whatever script must go on...because I can still get off the Ebon Hawk at any other planet other than Dantooine. The next thing I plan on doing is restarting from before I was on Onderon (the last planet that I did), and replay that whole planet....but if anyone else has a fix...that'd be greatly appreciated. On a side note, I imagine that since there isn't a thousand "WTF, I can't get onto Dantooine at end game" threads, there are people out there that have gotten past my position?
  23. First time I heard "HK" was in The Terminator. While in the parkade hiding from The Terminator, Kyle is talking to Sarah about life in the future. A lot of time is spent hiding from HKs. Sarah replies "HKs?" And Kyle replies with "Hunter Killers." And then goes on about how badass they are and stuff Don't know if James Cameron got it from somewhere else, but I wouldn't be too surprised if someone picked it up from here, even if it was through cryptomnesia.
  24. I'm currently in my second year of CompSci at my local University and am loving it. Until recently, I never really considered the possibility of going for my Masters or PhD. However, anyone have any insight on how useful this might be? I think it might be interesting to go into grad school and whatnot, but if there was actually some additional benefits that would come with it outside of my own personal growth, then that might help push me in that direction. I guess the problem is that I don't really know what entails graduate school. I mean, I know I do "research," but what exactly does that mean? Or maybe I don't do "research." I dunno hehehe Anyone have any CompSci Graduate school experience?
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