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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I asked my teacher if I should go for the 64-bit version of Fedora Core, but he said I should probably wait, likely because he knows I'm using it so I can do some work on it. He probably hasn't done much checking with his project to make sure that it'd run fine in a 64-bit environment. Fedora Core 4 was actually a pretty smooth install, and the default GNOME X-Window GUI is actually pretty clean. It's much nicer than that time I watched my Dad try to get Red Hat Linux running in the late 90s when he was checking out options for a server he needed for work Being in CompSci, I am surrounded by some uber-geeks (myself being one of them). I remember one time commenting in class that I used Windows XP, and I heard a few snickers :angry: I'm sorry, but I'd use Linux or MacOS if they actually supported the games I'd want to play. I don't understand many of the people that install and use a different OS simply for the sake of being different. In fact, I switched from MacOS because the games I wanted to play were all on DOS. Although my Dad has a neat idea of building machines for customers that only want a computer for e-mail and the Internet. He's hoping he can configure a simple enough system with Linux on it to help save the customer some money, as they won't have to buy a $150+ copy of Windows XP just to check their email. EDIT: I find ATIs drivers suck ass in Linux (in my one week experience). Unless someone knows where I can find some better ones, it might be something to think about.
  2. Really? I don't remember that. Even then!!!!! In unrelated news, Fionavar seems to be back. Oddly enough, he feels some threads need to be taken care of He's taking it quite well though. I was expecting a healthy amount of :rawrs: when he came back
  3. She kept it in safe keeping as a memento of you? I wondered the same thing
  4. I actually just got a 250 GB HD (for free!). Both of them are SATAs too. Thank goodness Fedora Core 4 recognizes SATA. I found it ironic that the only way I could use my state of the art hard drive was if I temporarily hooked up an old obsolete floppy drive so I could load the HD controller for XP to install I've split both my HDs into partitions. My 160 has a 10 GB partition that holds ONLY Windows. I did this so if I reformat, I don't have to worry about backing stuff up. The rest is a 150 GB partition used mostly for games and other junk. My second hard drive is split into a 200 GB and 50 GB partition. I *just* got this hard drive, and the 200 GB partition is still empty and basically all I did was put the swap file over there for now (no sense having it compete with my constructive spins of my HD ). The 50 GB is a new install of Fedora Core 4. My work is basically all done on Linux, and while I had Cygwin running for a bit, it just isn't "real" Linux, so when the new HD came into my possession, I figured it'd be a good time to go with a dual boot system. Considering I only use it really for work (and I'll still surf on it if that's all I plan on doing and it's already loaded), 50 GB should be plenty for it. I'm a mediocre Linux user at best (never really had a need until school and work this summer), so learning about how to use everything has been quite a bit of fun
  5. Yeah...I was hoping for a bit more from her, especially seeing as you seemed to have quite the history with her from before the game. Even if it was just an opportunity to get your original lightsaber back
  6. Then again, the game wasn't meant to portray the events of World War II with one hundred percent acurateness. Much like, say, Lionheart used real events contrasted with fictional ones, so did Silent Storm. In my opinion it really works because it gives the story and gameplay a fun twist, B movie meets sci-fi. Although I can see why people wouldn't like this, it's how the game is made. And personally the fun still exists after it. The only real problem I had with that element was that the mech suits felt overpowered. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's probably the biggest beef I had. I didn't seem to have any inclination that they were coming, and then suddenly I met up with one and my team of commandos was relatively ill-equipped to fight them. I just felt it was too much of "lets make a cool new twist since fighting humans gets boring" event. While I still haven't played Far Cry (though I intend to), I am weary about it since apparently it takes a turn for the Sci-Fi too. I guess what I don't like about the "twists" in both of these games is that they same unnecessary. The demo of Far Cry was insane fun and I expect the retail will be too, and I loved Silent Storm and was having an absolute blast. I guess I just didn't feel it needed a twist. The second mission I got with those panzerbot thingies was crazy....there was like 8 of them....and I can only carry so much heavy weapons to deal with them. The first mission there was only the one so it wasn't as bad, just a shock.
  7. Or don't alternate at all. I almost always use a new slot (having a 160 GB HD certainly helps). I have 1.5 GB of saved games for KOTOR 2
  8. It was very common for people to get black screens when trying to return to Dantooine after finding the remaining Jedi. I actually played through the game a variety of times, and found that as long as I did not FINISH Dantooine first (i.e. I could get right up until the end with the mercenary fight), I never had a problem. But if I did, then I would have a problem. I tried to mix and match the planets up as best I could, but the only way I could ever have the gamestopping bug was if I finished Dantooine first. Some other people in a thread I started a while back reported the same problem and agreed with my solution, but there are those that said they had finished Dantooine first and had no problems, so :\
  9. Spellmar should be lucky he survived that ordeal.
  10. My Ryu will r0x0r you (unless you use Chun Li...at which point it might be close :D). Fei Long was definitely the Bruce Lee clone of the fighting games. Crazy fast punching combos for him. I'll admit that I didn't continue playing Street Fighter into the EX ALPHA GAMMA Epsilon squared to the root of Omega Marvel edition.
  11. I have this friend, who knows a guy that sold his soul to become friends with some dude's wife's girlfriends little girl, that knows a guy in vicinity of LA that overheard a security guy that said something along the lines of KOTOR 3 being in development. WOOHOO!! Another KOTOR. AND IF I DON'T GET IT ASAP!!!!!11111ELeventy-one I'm gonna so fug up LA beeecuz I am l33t h4x0r and demand KOTOR 3, and it better bees Revan becuz Revan ROX....imagine how coolz0rs it wouldz be if we was Revan and r0x0red like 10000 guys at once with lightsaber because he's l33t with madz skillz0rs d00d! EDIT: I actually feel dumber having written this post.
  12. *ding* *ding* *ding* However, as much as I love the influence system and what it wanted to accomplish, there is one glaring flaw with it, which has been mentioned elsewhere. The characters should have reacted more to their alignment. After convincing Handmaiden to fall to the dark side and become one of my apprentices, it kind of ruins things when she still comments that I should have helped Person X instead of leaving them to die But I love the idea of reputation and influence.....it's just not always implemented the way I like it
  13. [RANTMODE] ****ALANSCHU INFLUENCE: DECREASED**** I think that's EXACTLY the problem with people that complain about the influence system. People get pissed because they can't be a good guy and have Kreia with them for the Refugee Sector. I say suck it up! The thing I liked most about the game was that sometimes people would get pissed at you. Trying to play the game so that you have maximum influence with everyone simply for the sake of having maximum influence defeats the purpose of having the influence. If you're going through the Refugee Sector thinking "Damn, I want to be good, but I need more influence with Kreia, so I better not bring her along since there are events that will force me to choose between being good or being buddy, buddy with Kreia and that's just geh" then you're metagaming, and defeating the purpose of the influence system (or just powergaming). Although it was not nearly fleshed out enough, and allowed you to circumvent influence changes by skipping party members, the influence system was an attempt to create a certain autonomy for the NPCs in the game. But noooooooooooo, as soon as someone said something that caused negative influence with a character they influenced, they cried "WTF! This suxx0r I want to be wubbed by that NPC......<loadgame>" never realizing that if they wanted to influence that NPC, they should have just picked that option. But wait, now I gained a few darkside points and I no longer have full lightside bonus because I just *NEED* that +3 bonus to my attributes. I'm not lightside unless it's ALL the way up there The first time I played KOTOR, I tried roleplaying my character as someone that tried to use my new found power to be a positive force in the galaxy. Unfortunately, I would rationalize doing some "evil" things, if I thought it was for the greater good. And when on Korriban, I felt I had to fully "embrace" the Sith teachings to keep my cover. With the combination of being indoctrinated by the Sith Master, and the lure/hold of the Dark Side, I came out of Korriban a permanently changed man. And by the time of the big twist on the forgotten planet, I had *just* finally received my darkside bonus, as I know embraced my heritage of being the Sith Lord Revan. It was seriously perfect timing, and was easily one of the most enjoyable experiences I had ever had playing any game, let alone an RPG. [/RANTMODE] Don't worry about the next level, next attribute point, or a precious LS/DS mastery bonus, and just play the character. If your good decisions piss off someone in your group, then roleplay with it. My LS play through was a self-sacrificing Jedi, that already understood many of the gray areas Kreia reminds me of. Because of her dogmatic teachings, my character began to intentionally go against whatever Kreia said, simply because I was feuding with her. I had maximum negative influence with her, and heavy negative influence with GOTO and HK-47 as well. If you want to be good, understand and accept that some people are going to not like your actions. If you want to influence someone, understand that you're going to have to sacrifice that precious LS/DS bonus (in some cases). Just play the game without worrying about crap like that. You don't need max influence with everyone. You DON'T need to say the exact same thing every time, because you DON'T need to have max influence with everyone. My Darkside playthrough (first playthrough) liked Atton and his cynicism. Turning him to the darkside was one of the coolest things I had done in a video game. It didn't matter that Handmaiden thought I was a prick, because I was such a jerk to her. She deserved it! On a final note, to refute the "say the exact same thing every time" bit, don't you play through the character quests in KOTOR 1 the exact same way and everything too? Often talking with them in the exact same way as well?
  14. I think you've got it the wrong way around. Those character quests were good. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Character quests != character development.
  15. What is this Daggerfall that everyone talks about. Apparently it's supposed to be pretty good ^_^
  16. I don't even experience half the bugs people see in most games either. :\ Many people complained about horrible bugs in Silent Hunter 3's forums, but the only one I ever saw that was a big deal was that you would frequently crash to desktop when using the auto crew management buttons. Considering how easy crew managment actually is in the game though, it's better to not use them so I don't worry myself with it. I have seen some bugs, particularly when loading a game while at sea, but considering I almost never do that, I don't concern myself with it much either :\ The only game stopping bug I got in KOTOR 2 was the Dantooine bug. Fortunately I liked the game enough that I didn't mind starting over (although I was darkside ). I don't know if I'm just lucky, or maybe I'm doing something that most people don't bother with that screws things up
  17. How was Morrowind buggy? I played it a long time ago, but I don't remember it being buggy.
  18. I disagree with the weight being an issue. Fly-weight Chun Li obliterates Super Heavy Weight Edmund Honda.
  19. Well, he should really be more concerned with the adverbs. They are scary!
  20. What the heck is a "clandestine?" Is he knocking out spies??
  21. Heh, you can't just mash on escape like an absolute maniac can you?
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