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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. What's that Fallout Tactics in the background??
  2. Was that a Simmed season? I can't score very well with my defensemen at all. Bergeron has 2, Pronger has 1, as does someone else. That's after 20 or so games too. They have a lot of assists from deflections and whatnot though.
  3. Well, I created myself I'm rated 80, and a playmaker. I'm not overly fast or anything, but I have a decent Hero Rating and am a good passer. Smyth-Me-Dvorak Torres-Peca-Hemsky Moreau-Reasoner-Horcoff Salmeliman-Stoll-Pisani Pronger-Bergeron Smith-Staios Ulanov-Semenov I still have Cross, but haven't been looking to shop him around too much. It might be something that happens towards the trade deadline.
  4. Hehe, Crosby is living on the second floor of Lemieux's mansion, and I guess has become friends with the oldest son by playing hockey in the driveway :D
  5. A huge amount of Ubisoft's games are made at Ubisoft Montreal. That place is freakin' huge!
  6. Except it's gone way beyond that.
  7. Hahaha, you're right. Hmmm, he has a stunning resemblance to the Gman IMO!
  8. Then you need to re-read the article. I pat on the back the likes of Deus Ex and Bloodlines. The, IMO, successful merging of 2 genres. Moving forward with technology is great. But deluting the CRPG so it more resembles a twitch game isnt what I consider 'evolving' or moving forward on a positive note. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What constitutes the successful merging of two genres? Many people swear that Deus Ex is NOT an RPG for example, but just an FPS that has some RPG elements. And how is Deus Ex and Bloodlines not part of the dilution problem? Both games are both much more twitch based than many other RPG games. Or is it just a case of "I like these two games, so I'll consider them appropriate achievements because I've declared myself some sort of authority and what is or is not an acceptable merging of genres." Ironically, first person perspective in RPGs is older than the FPS genre itself.
  9. Hmmmm....to be honest I can't remember. I think they still have the "Militaristic, Expansionist" etc. traits between nations.
  10. The revolution will not be televised!
  11. You'd think he was a University student or something
  12. Apparently the Oiler's camp went off really well, with MacTavish stating he's confident in his top 3 lines as well as his top 2 defensive pairings. Says he likes the chemistry so far, and the guys are having fun and getting along well.
  13. alanschu


    Wait a minute! It'd be easier to kill us if he convinced us that he didn't really dream about killing us (much), so that we'd be less on guard around him.
  14. alanschu


    If you rarely dream about killing us, that would mean that you do dream about killing us....
  15. Nah, I just disappeared from the board when I left too. Pending my workload at school, it may happen again!
  16. alanschu


    Jeez, post two pictures and you're marked for life! And the second posting was just because it was still in my clipboard. I'd post it again, but this is now in my clipboard:
  17. Well there's a shock! I would bet that many of the devs do both. It would certainly be more valuable to the company if you could do both.
  18. That's a rather silly question - it's only natural for a consumer to be dissatisfied with sub-par mechanise and/or service. To blindly unquestion such lack of quality is to adhere to the realms of conformity. However - to push the envelope, and relay these expectations of nothing short of improvement, is how otherwise inevitable mediocrity is defied, and progress ensured. --- ALSO: If you were crazy before, I can't understand why you're angry now. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's not a silly question. Hades has already made it clear his stance on the game (numerous times at that). If he is continuing to spend his hours complaining about the game in attempts to express his "dissatisified" experience, then he's wasting his time. Besides, it's not like he paid for the game. I find it odd that a game that he didn't even pay for was able to push him away from PC gaming. Seems odd, given he wouldn't have been burned out of his money.
  19. That about sums it sum right there. Someone give this man a medal. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Too bad development ran on too long and they're now out of business. I was really hoping for Jagged Alliance 3 too! RIP Sir-Tech
  20. alanschu


    I would bet on said "pimple" in fact being an ingrown hair. I used to get them when I was like 10-12 in that area, and becoming a man (which is defined exclusively by "hair, where there was no hair before."
  21. alanschu


    I'm not going to kill you.... But I don't have to save you
  22. I've had it happen to me before when I send a post, and for whatever reason it ends up in a completely different thread. I believe Ender had the same thing happen to him. However, given that he's going to be raising a kid for the next 18 years, I'll not expect to hear anything from him until 2023.
  23. Bring on the nicknames for me. I dare you! <prepares Flamemaster> (plus I still had that link in my clipboard and figured what the hey!)
  24. Errr, I think a big thing is the "at one time" is a pretty big part of your statement. I'm not going to concern myself with the right or wrong of the action, but I do think the complainers are just getting their panties in a bunch. I remember John Szafron having an interesting point, about how so many athiests that like to point out inconsistencies with religion and whatnot, and seem so educated about it, but have no real idea about the big-bang or many of the more secular ideas behind the creation of the Universe. I snickered and realized he was right! (Interesting tidbit, the Big Bang initially was frowned upon by the scientific community, because it reeked of divine intervention :D). I am an athiest (well, maybe more of an agnostic), but for some reason religious references don't piss me off. Most of my extended family is quite religious, and I don't feel as though I'm somehow being sleighted when I'm present during the saying of grace (though I don't say the Lord's Prayer at the end of it, not that it would matter as I don't know the words anyways). In fact, I remember reading up about a quote from Ernie Pyle, that was something along the lines of "There's no athiests in foxholes" to which I just snickered. I laughed because I could visualize someone praying to anything to get out of a crap situation alive. Although it's now been scrutinized by Atheist groups claiming that even faith can be undermined during war. Well whoop-dee-do. I still like the comment, even if it's not particularly true, as being pinned down in a foxhole is a situation of immense stress and I'm sure any man pinned down in a foxhole would give anything to not be in that situation. In short, I find atheists can be as big of whiny babies as the hardcore religious. And I think this is a good case.
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