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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. For the beginning of the game: Flurry For the middle part of the game: Flurry Once I hit level 15-16ish or so: Flurry, Flurry, Flurry, Flurry, Flurry! Seriously, my "tactics" if I'm playing a melee character involve me making sure that my special attack has been set to Flurry (it changes whenever you load a new level), and then run up to bad guys hitting: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1 until my queue is full, and if I'm unlucky, I'll have to use my second flurry. If I'm using dual sabers or a double-bladed saber, then add an extra flurry to the end because it just makes things even more goofy. With Master Speed and good lightsabers, I can't really think of many situations where an enemy survived more than one flurry. Including the Jedis as well as Sion (I know for a fact I could defeat Sion in a single attack round). Flurry for teh win! How can you say no to 5 attacks?
  2. The total party size is 6, including your PC. Sounds like you've hit the max.
  3. I think because Heatley was the new addition and seems to be the missing "cog," and Spezza is crazy young with what seems to be his potential fully realized.
  4. I felt the Ventrue avatar looked the best too! .
  5. I saw the Weatherman. I actually enjoyed it quite a bit.
  6. How daft am I? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was going to jump in and correct you, but thankfully I checked the next page of threads and noticed you have already realized your mistake Now I don't need to waste a post telling you
  7. I might get "bugged" by those pesky barbarians!
  8. It's like those people that would always refer to the lemon water for washing your fingers when eating greasy food like ribs as "Lemon Soup!' aaaaHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA, you are sooooooooooooooo funny....haven't heard that from the first 300 customers TODAY ALONE! I concur with Aurora, and add a *zing* Everybody's a comedian...unfortunately they don't realize it.
  9. I've never hit below 3 humanity regardless of how I played
  10. The map is indeed small, and it only lets me play 100 turns. I'm still betting on a flawless experience, just in spite of you
  11. I believe the N64 controller was a series of very small stepping of digital sensors that would determine the pitch and yaw of the stick, rather than a "true" analog device. It certainly was not like the d-pad.
  12. I never had any problems with the N64 controller. Though I did prefer the PSX controller in terms of buttons, the analog stick was very nice. (As an aside, analog sticks aren't really analog in the correct sense of the word are they?)
  13. How does the new remote come into play? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You use the remote for an insane interactive experience for rappelling down ropes and the FPS sniping sequences when the koopa-troopas infiltrate Peach's castle.
  14. Mario 128 is a spy-thriller much akin to MGS and Splinter Cell. Bank on it! "Oh noes Luigi! Its-a gonna destroy Mushroom Land if I'sa don't stop it!"
  15. The demo runs great on my machine. I guess I will continue my trend of never experiencing what other people do with respect to game problems. Not that I mind of course. Maybe I have good karma, and this is how it pays me back. Though I'd rather put it towards other things if I could
  16. The problem with the internet is that it's exceptionally hard to enforce. Sure you can ban a guy from a server, but he just anonymously jumps to a different one.
  17. Hehe, I was all about the Breach too. I also had my main character as a Paladin that equipped the Carsomyr which would dispel many things as I wailed on people. It's a fun game, but I found it to be a bit too much of a munchkin gamer's wet dream
  18. That's odd. http://www.webhallen.com/prod.php?id=7713 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't think there's anything odd about a store being out of stock. It's not like they weren't selling it. They just didn't have the stock.
  19. I would have figured there'd be some sort of OMGz0rs statement from him.
  20. I've heard rumours that EA had to cut stuff from their EA Sports lineups to make the launch (I consider my source somewhat credible too). Any truth to these statements?
  21. In other news, the Oilers are 8th......two points out of 2nd!
  22. It could be possible that he was hired to go onto the forums and post. Now that the game has been released, it's not necessary. I remember a guy that was clearly hired to post his party's propaganda during an election on one forum. Once the election results had been come in, he just upped and vanished like a fart in the wind. Though I have a feeling that's not the case with Epiphany.
  23. I've always used guns at some capacity (I have played as Toreador and Ventrue), so I'm not too sure. But there are points where I would think ranged weapons would be rather useful!
  24. I always preferred Jaheira in that game too! EDIT: On a side note, why on Earth would you use the "Ease-of-Use" mod. I'm not familiar with any of the mods, but it seems all it does is make the game rather easy. And I didn't really find BG2 to be that difficult to begin with.
  25. I don't think it was just that no one did anything about it, but that the whole ordeal ended up with him on moderation status for some reason.
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