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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Aren't you REplaying REmake? For the REumpteenth time? Which one does it remake? RE1?
  2. They've had no problems doing it for the past 20 years. Though with inflation it's actually gone down in price.
  3. If we get off the rock, where are we going to go? The closest star is over 4 light years away. And then we'd have to hope that there's a planet there that is habitable. Alpha Centauri A is at least the right type of star...though there's that annoying Alpha Centauri B that will likely screw things up. Not sure how many habitable planets a twin star system could have. Proxima Centauri is a little closer, but way too hot. We better figure out how to start warping Space Time. But to be honest, I think we'd have to learn how to terraform a planet like Venus first. This way if we go somewhere and there's a planet that is close to what we need, we can at least do something with it. I don't see us colonizing other worlds anytime soon though. At best maybe using resources from off our planet.
  4. I'm pretty sure that's the case. Even then, people always talk about how it is possible to beat the game in a ridiculously short period of time if they know where they are going.
  5. Not too much of a fan of Mr. Wayne. I love all of Clint's Spaghetti Westerns though.
  6. Survival of the species. We learn things from our experiences (or the experiences of others), and we learn what causes us danger/harm. It's what tells the deer to run at the sight of a human these days. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's never a good thing to have to be checking over your shoulder. Yes, it's survival of the species and all that jazz....but it's not a good thing. Either it's not good because you're stereotyping a race, or it's not good because there is a threat, and being threatened is never good.
  7. I'd have to watch the movie again. I only remember the part where he tells him to go to Dagobah, and Han comes running through him.
  8. I multitask, and bounce back and forth. My CPU is a neural net processor...a learning computer
  9. He's done alright penalty wise with the Oilers. Funny...he was being criticized because he went the first few games without getting a single penalty.
  10. He sees Ben in the distance and follows him then as he's reaching out for him Ben fades away and Han is there. At least thats how it is on the DVD It could be a coincidence but I dont think so. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Grasping at straws IMO.
  11. Because if my family are with me I'd rather notice something than not notice it. I'm pretty happy that we don't carry guns as a rule over here though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's still a bad thing. The fact that you have to be worried because of your family's well being is always bad. The only "good" thing would be if the world were in such a way that you wouldn't feel compelled to look at them.
  12. DOn't forget about your family missing in the Carribean though!
  13. Clearly you were surprised, as you seemed to think that since I "never" play games until patch, I would not be informed. And the reason that you would still be informed, despite claiming to never play PC games anymore, was because you had friends that still played them You're the one that referred to it as jumping through hoops. You make this big deal about how it's an insane inconvenience to you. I could probably do it in my sleep. And the fact that I can explain to computer illiterate people how to patch their game (as was the case with my friend and NHL 06...well...he actually figured it out by clicking on the...<gasp>...."update button"), people are really overstating the complexity of the issue. Especially for someone that claims to have as much experience as you do. Then that's your failure as a person. To be honest I have no beef with you being upset as being a bit burned. Obviously you have PC gaming experience, and if this is what pushed you over the edge, then I think you were just looking for an excuse to get out. Furthermore, given your already beefy gaming budget, it should be pretty much impossible for you to have to get every game immediately upon release anyways. I don't think you're being disloyal. I think you're being misrepresenting, trollish, and annoying. You have come across as "patch = broken, no matter what lalalalala I'm not listening" simply because a game didn't work out of the box. You've severed yourself from a hobby that I'm assuming interested you before, for a petty reason. I think you're being shallow, as well as judgemental when people talk about the issue. The ironic thing is that in most threads, I do recognize PC gaming's place among console users, and even use the patching and price arguments against it. But your stance is way to extreme and absolute. Quite frankly, you sound like someone complaining because he didn't get his way. So much so that he rationalizes a complete boycott of a hobby he used to enjoy. You pass judgement on people, going so far as to make inferences about why they continue to purchase such games. The only reason why I'm arguing to such lengths is because the impression you are casting about the PC gaming situation is actually wrong. It sounds to me like you have to give yourself some sort of justification for not actually playing the games. All you had to do was say "It doesn't have the games I like to play." Because IMO if it did still have games you wanted to play, you'd still play them. On a side note, I think you should read up on Civ4 a bit more. I suppose it's not to fundamentally different, in that there's civilizations, technology, and you build stuff.
  14. Meh, if you were following other threads it'd make sense.
  15. How can you think that that would be a good thing?
  16. Sacred was the name of the game. And as for Vampire...look what happened to the company that made them. Do I think you had fun with those two games? No. But I do think you're a tool if those two games is what caused you to completely sever your contacts with the platform. Perhaps a bit more patience with that platform's releases would have served you better. How many people had fun playing Angel of Darkness?
  17. Because I only totally gave up PC gaming after Vampire , at least thats the last thing I bought anyway. Plus I've still got friends who duitifully patch stuff so I'm pretty current at least on the software side. Oh I see. And you're the only one that has access to these "friends?" Seriously, did you honestly post this thinking that it wouldn't apply to me as well? In any case, I'm the one that still plays the PC games. You're just disenfranchised because you bought a game and it struggled out of the box. Hope you didn't buy the GameCube version of Warrior Within. At least the XBOX version could be patched. I have the technical aptitude for patching to be a non-issue. Sorry if you never really "got it." I also have the patience, as waiting 5 minutes for a download typically isn't skin off my back. I usually just frequent the forums until it is done. Fortunately, with auto-updaters, my computer illiterate friends can easily patch their games now too.
  18. I enjoyed the remake (as well as the original). Nothing like having a fleet train of treasure galleons hauling your loot behind you. When you get a chance, strike at Henry Morgan! :D
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