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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I actually wouldn't be too surprised. Imagine a bundle for a game that came with the computer game right on the same disc.
  2. It depends on what the spell does. Contingencies in BG2 most certainly added to the gameplay. Denying this is simply simple. I would agree. Because quite clearly it's an issue of semantics, and what I interpret gameplay is different that what you interpret. Having characters that have different moves and styles doesn't reflect additional "gameplay" IMO. I still play the game pretty much the same way. It's not like the punch buttons are now kicks, or that the block button has me doing an attack. It's just different moves, with a strategy that is used for the particular moves. Just like how I don't consider playing with offensive Ottawa Senators to be a gameplay difference over the Minnesota Wild. And I don't dispute that different fighting games provide different gameplay. A game of Street Fighter is quite a bit different than a game of Tekken.
  3. I played through Half-Life at 320x240 as well.
  4. I'm curious why this question is being asked.
  5. Hehe, taking out police helicopters with shotguns.
  6. Give it a try. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I wouldn't consider adding a new spell in a game like NWN a change, nor a new character in a Street Fighter game a gameplay change. The only difference between Peach and Donkey Kong is their speed and handling, but you still play the game the same way. I think an appropriate analogy to this is that playing an NHL game as a high octane Ottawa team is a different gameplay experience than a defensive minded Minnesota team. Even though I still push the same buttons to do the same things. Given my experience with racing games, I don't think there's been a whole lot of changes to the racing dynamic. Most Wanted could probably represent a change in the paradigm, but not most racing games. I agree with Battlewookiee on this aspect. I haven't played Arena, so I can't comment on that. I agree that I don't think core mechanics have changed a whole lot in video games, but I don't necessarily think that that is a bad thing. Hades is complaining about it, but for some reason I doubt he'd be terribly unhappy if someone made a game (with a new story of course) that was a carbon copy of how Fallout played.
  7. Same as in Mario Kart where Peach drives in a totally different way to Donkey. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think you're stretching to say that this is a gameplay change.
  8. Yes, because if you remove the cross-hair, you immediately get a true-to-life simulation of the events that took place on the eastern front in World War 2. The amount of hypocrisy is staggering. Go go soil erosion. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'd much rather have the realism in a quicker shooter game. The realism in Red Orchestra adds to the game. I agree with his sentiments that the hours of walking didn't really add to Morrowind. I'll say it again, Red Orchestra is a solid experience.
  9. Wow. Are these people just screaming for their mods to be shut down?
  10. What monitors support it? I have limited widescreen experience, but I find using resolutions, even widescreen resolutions, that the monitor isn't designed for results in hideous scaling.
  11. Doomsday NWN2 Oblivion That's all I can think of at the moment.
  12. yeah, but not because of france. I never said that you felt France was the reason why Germany lost. You mentioned that France lost to Russia. So did the German Army, which is the one that defeated France in such a way that results in all of the jokes. I'm not sure what your point would be though. So what if France lost to Russia? They lost to Russia after conquering good chunks of Europe. i said that... taks <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Note that the post I was replying to was well before you mentioned the Russian Winter.
  13. alanschu


    I hope you enjoyed the numerous odd man rushes. Yeesh. The game was pretty good up until the end of two, with the Sharks carrying the play. The third period was a gong show. Poor Roloson, as he had a pretty good effort and made good saves (and controlled rebounds). Hard to stop those 3 on 1s and 2 on 0s.
  14. alanschu


    Hopefully Rem Murray can integrate himself. I preferred the PiMP line personally.
  15. Henry Ford's quote about paying the highest wages possible was to keep productivity high, to the point where no additional costs are incurred for training with employee turnover. This, combined with is idea of the 40 hour work week, was established because he felt it would be best for the company. He also mentioned that doing such a thing ensured that his employees would then have enough money to buy the car he was making.
  16. No story at the moment? What's the game all about then? Is there any raison d'etre, or is just a sandbox style game?
  17. alanschu


    He did have back to back injury riddled seasons, but hopefully that's behind him now. He did miss some games recently due to a knee injury, but his recovery was quick and has only missed 7 games this season. People were saying Pronger was injury prone too, though they'd have a bit more of a case with Samsonov.
  18. I admit I take the odd pot shot and enjoy a joke towards the French. But I understand that it is a joke. They French got clobbered in WW2 primarily because of two things. There was a change of doctrine, and they put all of their effort into the Maginot line. The Maginot line was their main fault.....as Germany still went through Belgium even in WW1. They were more used to a static front, and were expecting the same. The spearhead tactics of the Germans were unlike anything we had ever seen before, and a result of Germany's recognition that they could not win an attritional war, as demonstrated in WW1. It's also important to recognize that much of World War 1 was fought on French soil. They suffered the largest amount of damage to infrastructure, and suffered almost as many casualties as the Germans did. They paid heavily in their defense of France in WW1...part of the reason why they were much more supportive of something like the Treaty of Versailles.
  19. To be fair to the French in WW2, they were on the receiving end of a completely different doctrine approach to warfare. Yes they were complete goofballs for building the Maginot line, as Germany invaded through Belgium in WW1 as well, but the entire French Army was out manouvered and surprised by the new idea of modern warfare. The French technically had better tanks than the Germans at the time too, but their doctrine was wholly outclassed by the German one, which emphasised armored spearheads with CAS support. The German approach was The French can be criticized for building the gigantic wall of defense that effectively did nothing. But it's hard for the Army to do anything but surrender when they get outflanked and surrounded in the Alsace-Lorraine region because of a fantastic new land doctrine, implemented to a tee by exceptional Generals. Heck, Rommel's 7th Armored Division was advancing so fast that German High Command had a hard time keeping track of it, earning the nickname Ghost Division. Von Kleist split the French Army in two with a spearhead straight through to the English Channel, and Case Red had the German's positioned to completely cut off the French Armies in Alsace-Lorraine. Even if they wanted to fight, there's not much they could as their logistics had been devastated. The Allies hope was for a static front (which the French held and didn't surrender in WW1), but they underestimated the German Armed Forces and suffered a devastating defeat. So did Germany, the country that is responsible for all of those French military jokes. Though in Napoleon's case, it was probably more the Russian Winter that beat them, rather than the Russians themselves. The Russian Winter was a huge hit against the German army when fighting the Soviet Union as well.
  20. lol Oblivion suxxorz lol Dungeons & Dragons: Online tagline roxxorz oh look it's a new shiny FPS with graphix!!1 it's in WW2!!1!1one awesomerzzz!!112421 LOL IRONY <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Red Orchestra is a solid experience. I don't blame him for preordering it. It's not like he just picked up any FPS, but a high quality one based on a previous experience with a mod that it's based on.
  21. I didn't realize there was a demo out. Perhaps the conquest of Europe can be put on hold to slaughter some people on a horse.
  22. I don't know about the first two, though I wouldn't be surprised if DS won some awards as well.
  23. I can support numbersman and his interaction with the mods. I have never been put on moderator status or anything, but I have received PMs from moderators if they felt I was getting a bit out of line....even if it's just to stop putting fuel on the fire.
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