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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. There was a Half-Life: Day One demo. I don't know when that came out relatively speaking. Though by the time Thief's demo came out, it would have been waaaaaaaaay to late for Half-Life to start changing things. The thing about Thief was the supernatural stuff. It turned me off immediately.
  2. The game itself played fine (better IMO) with mouse and keyboard. But yeah, I wanted coop. But I had heard good things about the game. All in all I enjoyed it, just not the repeated level design crap.
  3. I don't care for this excuse either. Not having the money is not a path to entitlement.
  4. The copy and paste school of level design was an excellent idea!!!! I actually enjoyed the last level, though I played it on the PC and it would have been infinitely cooler if my friend could join in and play the game as well!
  5. <nitpick> Half-Life came out a month before Thief. </nitpick> Thief was definitely a bit of a paradigm shift.
  6. Sounds like guilds approach you based on how you act, and you can allow them to set up a guild hall in a province. Making lots of trade income, the merchants guild will come calling. Assassinating people, sniper crossbow style? Assassin's guild comes a knocking. The guilds will also provide missions for you to do. I'm not sure if you'll be able to approach the guilds or whatnot, but it sounds like they provide some pretty significant bonuses. I imagine an Assassin's Guild will probably get you higher quality assassins (always sucks training them on useless captains and crap diplomats in Rome). The merchants guild seems to have significant boosts to your trade economy. To make things interesting, it sounds like you can only have one guild per city (now when it says city, I'm not sure if it means town/province, or actual city as opposed to castle....I'm interested either way), so you have to make some decisions. Speaking of missions, it sounds like when a factions asks you for help in exchange for something, it sounds like it becomes a mission. Helps with record keeping and whatnot...reminding you of the details of the mission.
  7. Why would getting the toolset now (rather than when the game gets released) result in you losing your module and all your work (to bandits no less!)?
  8. Hehehe. Plus, the game did predate Far Cry by a great many years.
  9. Be patient, and you should be able to get by with one grenade on the way back up. Make sure to not fall off the ladders and make a "thud" when you land.
  10. Make sure to toss grenades and use crouch. They sense you by the noise you make.
  11. The Sims does fly off the shelf. (Note, while I don't care much for The Sims, I think it's an excellent game for the PC game industry, as it will get people involved in PC gaming).
  12. Well, Rome is the star of Rome: Total War, so it probably makes the most sense. It's also a faction that (barring mods) everyone is going to play. As for M2TW, I sort of expect a bit of bias towards Western Europe (Eastern Europe and the Middle East/Africa seem to have less cities). Looking forward to the Zweilhanders of the Holy Roman Empire. The fights also look cool, with soldiers actually parrying, and providing visual feedback of actually landing blows. Eye candy, but when it's a good game, eye candy is always appreciated.
  13. Wouldn't the Star Forge just build a gajillion fighters, and destroy the Death Star via fighters like it always seems to be destroyed? It didn't really look like the Executor crashing into it caused no damage, especially seeing as it seemed to make the whole station shake. As for it's impregnable shield.....that was on a planet. I'm pretty sure there'd be no planets with shield generators on it near the Star Forge when the Death Star finally came into firing range. Assuming it could get past the huge amount of fighters attacking it to get close enough.
  14. Well that's your own damned fault. If something that shallow pisses you off, go to anger management. Every Exile I played was male. If you were actually expecting canon to take on the specific Exile that you created, then you were dreaming. And the Exile was a warrior, like no other (especially if the Exile was indeed a woman). But you're just using this argument to mask your sexist ideals. Sorry if you don't think women can be capable warriors, and it is such an affront to you that your own personal experiences with a game that full on lets you choose what you want the Exile to be, then that's your failure as a game player. In a variety of other posts, you have built up the Exile as being the most powerful Jedi, when compared to canonical characters. But being the repressed, sexist twit you are, you just can't handle the possibility that this super strong character is actually a woman, because it doesn't mesh with your twisted perception of reality that has men being superior to women. What do you expect? Why does the canon Exile have to be a man? Do you honestly expect the "official" canonical designation of the Exile (and Revan for that matter) to be some sort of androgynous hermaphrodite or something? Sorry it didn't mesh with your idea of men being more fitting for heroic roles than women. I'd suggest not playing KOTOR 1 as Darkside either (or KOTOR 2 for that matter). Because all your work will be wasted, because it isn't what canon says (OMGOMGOMGOMG teh w0rld is cr4sh1ngz0rs!!11!1). It's been quite a while since I last played KOTOR 2, but if I remember correctly, when you start talking about Revan, Atton says something along the lines of "She was a Jedi blah blah blah..." to which you can reply something along the lines of "You're mistaken, Revan is a man." Atton then responds with something like "Yeah, you're right. Maybe it's just something that I really wanted to be true" or something to that effect. So in conclusion, unless something has been changed or broken in a patch, your claim that "in the game both of KOTOR2 [Revan] was considered a girl" just flat out wrong. You get to choose the gender. And this was still after the fact that Revan had already been declared a Lightside Male in canon. Since they can't create 4 different timelines of canon and try to work around that, the people that take care of canon had to make a choice between LS/DS and male/female. The game itself still let you choose, because there were people that played every permutation available. But hey, if you'd rather KOTOR 2 forces you to play a female just to match up canon, then that's up to you. I'm rather glad Obsidian and Lucasarts gave us the choice, because then someone like you (that feels a male would be more appropriate for the role) can actually play a male through the game. As far as I'm concerned, take a timeout and come back when you've ditched your backwards, sexist patriarchal perspective of life...particularly when it comes to dealing with gender roles in fantasty fiction. I'll even provide the transportation:
  15. I know. But if you don't let Atton continue the discussion before the option comes up, then Revan gets set as male. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You had said that "the only time either game says Revan is male is if you refuse to say anything about Revan to Atton."
  16. Look for a thread created by you talking about NWN portraits. I could link it, but I'm a bit lazy at the moment "
  17. Hahahaha. I'll admit, that's bad. There may be some growing pains like this, but I'll relate it to the movie industry. You don't see Coca-Cola product placement in a medieval movie. So I'd be surprised if you started seeing Coca-Cola product placement in a medieval RPG.
  18. To be honest, I don't even think it's that out of place for a future game either. Would it look that out of place to have a beat up Coca-Cola billboard that looks like it can barely stay standing on a side street in a city?
  19. Unfortunately, not many would. Which means it'd likely be a case of the content of games getting shorter. I have a feeling that this type of product placement wouldn't happen. The developers/publisher, as well as the advertiser, would probably recognize that this isn't the type of placement that makes much sense. However, it could work really well in a post-apocolyptic setting. Instead of the Chrysillis Highwayman or whatever, you could actually use the name Chrysler. Nothing too shocking if people do have Coca-Cola vending machines, rather than Nuka-Cola.
  20. I remember my first kill with it in Single Player. Good times good times.
  21. So you'd have no problems if the price starting going up to $60 or $70, if it kept things ads free? Or games got shorter as content gets more expensive to make? As a consumer, I'd think you would care if it meant a greater chance of the games you want to play being made.
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