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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I will agree with some of the X-COM nominations. Though for the most part I don't really need remakes.
  2. I laughed my ass off through all the goofy stuff on television and the radio and whatnot. For comic relief, it did wonderful as far as I'm concerned. I don't remember all the lines, but at no point did I think "OMG the political propaganda is too much!" Heck, it's not really any different than watching a standup comedian. And it most likely was the former, given that the former was "they just did it because they could."
  3. If you paid attention to the game, it specifically told you that the Exile has an innate ability to attract Force Sensitives to his group. It's why people who were against killing and all that found themselves having no problems doing it when they were around you. You influenced them, through the Force.
  4. You're clearly on a crusade to convince people that your impressions of the game are the correct one. Why do you care if people think the game was incomplete?
  5. The political commentary was for comic relief. As for the sex, seems par for the course for any story involving vampires.
  6. How is the technology better? You can't just say "Hey, it's 4000 years later, it has to be better." Especially given that stuff like hyperdrive has been around for 25000 years with much in way of significant changes. Besides, it doesn't matter if the ISD had hundreds more gun turrets (it seems like the Interdictor Class is more focused on laser turrets than turbolasers, though it does have some turbolasers), if it can severely outnumber the ISDs, both with fighters as well as capital ships. And Death Star comes out of Hyperspace, gets its electrical subsystems fooked up by the disruption field on the planet below, and essentially becomes a giant meteor.
  7. The new world seems like a very small part of the world. It apparently only involves the Aztecs, so you probably only have access to the Mexico area. Sounds like it is just there to help your economy for the end game...assuming you haven't already won. Given I won't need to have huge armies as I can recruit them much faster now, I expect to actually go through the game significantly slower now though. My first playthrough will likely be as the ENglish.
  8. Ah. As soon as I heard about PhysX, I figured an AI one wouldn't be too far away.
  9. Not sure why this is "LOL" because essentially the entire Games Group at my University feels that this is the only way AI will get a fair shake in commercial games.
  10. By the end of the game, you will have professional, "gun-toting armies" so I wouldn't worry too much about the lack of guns. I wouldn't be surprised if their expansion moves into it, given they are teasing us with the new world as well.
  11. Well, this dude is saying that the Sith were never a species.
  12. I actually took Carthage as the Julii as well, effectively nerfing the Scipii as they wouldn't be able to do really expand. Hey, the Senate wanted me to!
  13. I doubt the game is very friendly at 1600x1200 on any AGP system. But I play the game at 1024x768 and still get slowdowns on my Radeon X1900 XTX, so I think something is less than optimized with the code, whether it's graphical or not. But I think the game looks fine at 1024x768.
  14. Man, I seriously don't think I have been this hyped for a game since Half-Life 2.
  15. Sure, you can count the Endor Shield. The problem is, the Star Forge doesn't orbit Endor, and it isn't moving anywhere. For the Death Star to attack the Star Forge, the Death Star would have to come to it. If not, it'd still have to deal with the infinite fleet the Star Forge can create. I don't know if the Endor Shield could still withstand the firepower indefinitely. And I doubt the Endor shield generator is generating a shield around the Death Star from across the galaxy.
  16. Meh, if you're Julii, I get the impression that's the way you are supposed to go.
  17. Why is someone on a crusade to convince people otherwise?
  18. How could the DS shoot? http://www.starwars.com/databank/technolog...orge/index.html
  19. So it's completion would have marked a battlestation with zero weaknesses. Just like the first Death Star? IIRC the main reason why they attacked it when they did is because they found out about it, and it'd probably make the most sense to destroy it when it wasn't operational and couldn't really defend itself. Heck, the uber leader Ackbar was ready to call it quits the second he saw the thing shoot. It doesn't mean it was going to be invincible. Even the Bismarck was able to be damaged to the point where it was useless, and all it did was sink the Hood. But do you think the British would have skimped on an opportunity where they thought they could get it even easier?
  20. ERrr...I didn't even notice that. But Flat obviously is supposed to be flight.
  21. What on Earth do you do with yourself? The number of movies you watch is through the roof!
  22. "Small Republic Fleet?" Wasn't it the bulk of the Republic Navy? It's been a while since I played KOTOR 1.
  23. It's all good. You'll get responses from more than just me, so be prepared
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