I think they might get some of their feedback via focus groups now (even as far as bringing people to Bioware offices), as IMO the Bioware boards became pretty dominated by either the fanboy (whom typically has nothing of substance to contribute) or the hater (whom typically has nothing of substance to contribute).
I left the Bioware boards mostly (outside of the fact that they currently aren't making a game I'm interested in) because the threads were either all fanboy nonsense, or some guy would come in, post something critical, and the fanboys would jump all over him with the thread being utter chaos.
After seeing this thread alone (and the numerous other JE units sold threads), it's not surprising that Bioware would instantly shut down any thread regarding the topic. Not much use seems to come out of them. You'll get the fanboys arguing that it sold well, and the haters saying it was a disappointment. Bioware knows what the sales mean to Bioware, and if the game wasn't up to expectations sales wise, I would be surprised if they didn't stop to analyze why. They may have grown complacent because of previous success, but the only way I could see Bioware getting stuck in believing their own lies is if they actually did feel that Jade Empire sold well (paradox alert!). There may have been some rationalizations and whatnot, but given how big the company is now, the law of averages suggests that there's at least some people in positions of influence/power that recognized that they were making rationalizations.
Yeah, it may have been good for a new IP, but that doesn't mean it's good enough for them. Perhaps they seek to rectify the situation with Mass Effect.