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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. The impression I get is that the option Bioware will present will be a condensed, paraphrased term. So you wouldn't see "Evil," but rather "I'll kill you!" or some other short phrase. Fair enough...but, from your next point... You say you were misinterpreting what lines were saying and didn't really know what message they were conveying. Wouldn't Bioware's approach help reduce this ambiguity, helping you to pick an option with the intent that you would like your character to have? I see no reason why you could not still quote the stuff that a Mass Effect PC says because of some witty remarks he has. I'll continue to reserve my judgement until I actually see it in action.
  2. DX was the integration of the Math coprocessor wasn't it?
  3. You must have been a big fan of Lord British.
  4. Not quite the example I was hoping for. Do you really pick the choice for the specific words used, and not the general meaning of the message?
  5. Then you have clearly not played many games.
  6. I think you're just putting your head in the dirt and ignoring the realization that this isn't actually as rare of a phenomenon as you're making it out to be.
  7. I assumed you'd figure I was talking about the experience you could have had, such as picking your dialogue options based on the actual words used.
  8. How can they say conclusively they're at the halfway point, when they regularly find new, previously unknown deposits?
  9. Says who? And it also depends on what you consider a "hack and slash" game. Bloodlines does have sequences that are combat heavy, but I'd hardly call it a hack and slash game.
  10. You can also kill yours. Clearly they aren't invincible. How did Nines kill his? I'm supporting it because I don't think it's as bad of a design choice as you make it out to be. As previously stated, I clearly found the encounter to be an enjoyable one.
  11. That control is a facade. You don't have any more or less control over what your character really says. It just means you don't know what the PC is going to say before he says it. Dialog options in today's RPGs are still pretty cut and dry, and I don't think it's a stretch that most people pick them based on what sort of impression the dialogue is, rather than what the words specifically are. People often pick the "nice" option or the "evil" option, or the "neutral" option. It's a very rare thing to have two options that are both "nice." And if there are, it's usually dealing with an extreme (one is much nicer than the other). Which is still easy enough to replicate with the system Bioware is implementing.
  12. But none of them are a werewolf. If you had killed other werewolves fine, you'd have consistency issues. But given the game slapped you across the face saying Don't fight the werewolf. You can't win! Don't even think about it. It won't work!, it's hardly inconsistent. Unless you were metagaming your character, knowing that in the rules the game is based on, you should be able to hurt the werewolf in spite of the gigantic, obvious warnings a far more elite, superior, and knowledgeable vampire was telling you just moments before the werewolf came lunging out at him and in all likelihood killed him. Telling you straight up that it was pointless to even attempt to go up against a werewolf. The same vampire that had no qualms telling the Prince bull**** at the beginning of the game, and dealt with a group of Sabbat that were about to ash your ass like he had ice water flowing through his veins, but was so absolutely scared of sticking around because of these werewolves.
  13. I am indifferent. I don't know how it will be, and I am curious if the initial dislike has moer to do with it just not being something we are used to (i.e. different).
  14. Wow, are you ever going to be dissapointed! Just a hint: Don't trust the Danish on this board, their sneaky. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I suspect things may be anti-climactic as well. At least no one here seems to be scaring you off the board (yet). Though you talk a big game, and might be able to withstand some of the more...difficult...posters.
  15. No kidding. "Why is the apocolypse upon us?" "Uh...well...I wasn't able to play M2TW"
  16. I tried playing it, but it just felt so dated. Had I actually played it back in the day, it'd have the nostalgia factor (I can play the old school games that I enjoyed playing while growing up, but not so much the other games). Good luck.
  17. I had no idea people were such fans of black!
  18. Could you get the flamethrower by that point?
  19. I'm sure it would be the apocolypse!
  20. You're making a logical assumption that since the only way we could kill it was with the observatory, hence it required observatory doors to kill it. The only conclusion we can make from the game though, was that conventional weapons and disciplines had no effect. Who knows what Nines was able to manipulate in the environment when he got knocked down the hill.
  21. So? Who's to say he had to use the observatory?
  22. According to Hades it does Oh come on. A lack of consistency? If you were fighting and killing werewolves the entire game and suddenly met up with one that was invincible, sure. If you hadn't been told just prior by a guy who was an exceptional badass, and been a vampire way longer than you, that it was futile to try going toe-to-toe with a werewolf, then sure, some lack of consistency. Yes, there's one way to kill it, but hey, you don't even have to kill it. But this is coming from someone that claims that Half-Life was particularly bad for these guys (with the grand total of 2 "gimmick" bad guys existing in that game), so I'm not sure what to think. Talk about inconsistency!
  23. Irrelevant. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We also don't know how Nines killed it.
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