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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. It is just a game. My first playthrough is more often what I would probably do if I actually was in the situation. But given that I'm not, I have no problems doing the crazier stuff. Even if I know it will probably have poor consequences.
  2. Do you still reload if a MERC loses attribute points?
  3. I think it's possible, depending on how you played, to not get a Kuei-Jin option at the end. Even still, it's not all that difficult. I played through 3 different endings using the save right before the cabbie.
  4. You'll never know if you don't try.
  5. Don't forget the Angorian troops in the area either! Africa has come to help France in its moment of need! Most of Republican SPain's forces are amassed in Saarbruken, Maginot, and Valenciennes. The Maginot has been extended up to the English Channel, though it's not quite as fortified as the Alscaise-Lorraine region. The Stuttgart attack was surprising. It was a multifront battle, but we had the advantage of defending in Winter. Though all of our provinces now require the Germans to cross a river, which can incur some pretty heavy penalties upon an attack. I'm not worried about that region...but the Belgiums...that's a bit nerve wracking.
  6. It's certainly not cliched, as numbers said.
  7. I wonder if real estate on the PCBs for motherboards and video cards is limited, and as a result you don't typically have the secondary BIOS. I know my motherboard has it, though I have only flashed my BIOS about 2 times in my entire time as a PC hobbyist starting in 1999. I guess a backup is typically not used because the BIOS isn't exactly something that gets flashed by accident. If a video card maker put a backup BIOS on their card, they'd almost be encouraging people to flash the BIOS.
  8. Have you seen either the Kuei-Jin or the Camarilla ending?
  9. Well....maybe you're army sizes are limited as well? I always thought it was interesting when a single province country had a stack of 50000 troops. I won't mind seeing that gone.
  10. 10 out of 10 Fresca drinkers prefer the taste of Fresca! I love their ad campaigns.
  11. It's probably because if you kill your BIOS, your computer typically doesn't start. The BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is a very simple system that essentially takes care of all the details for how your computer loads. It's the first thing accessed when you turn on your computer. Hmmm, I couldn't tell if your "For some reason" was sarcastic or not. Oh well, I've typed this much...
  12. I have never really played it. It's apparently quite the AI challenge, given it has an exceptionally large branching factor. I remember reading in my AI textbook that people don't play checkers against an AI, because it's too good, and people don't play Go against an AI, because it's too stupid.
  13. alanschu


    Hey, my team is getting **** on too. We can wallow together.
  14. All I remember thinking was something along the lines of "Wow....that sucks!"
  15. The Camarilla ending was a very, very pleasant surprise. I hate how all endings seemingly must be happy, happy endings. The Kuei-Jin ending was also disturbing. Given the cirumstances, it's probably the crappiest one for the PC.
  16. Sounds like this time it is for real.
  17. Things are going well, relatively speaking. Once Germany defeated Poland, it got trickier as we had to deal with signficiantly stronger armies.
  18. I got mine from the forums in Total War Center http://www.twcenter.net
  19. It sounds like they are trying to limit army sizes.
  20. I thought Christian Bale was an excellent Batman.
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