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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. It also derails threads. If you want to talk about the merits of character creation, citing Gothic 3 as being an example of what not to do in a game because of the lack of character creation, it'd probably be best served in its own thread.
  2. Necroposting? It's only been a few days. It sounds like Chivalry also shares a spot with dread. So you can be a heroic, chivalric dude, or a mean, fear-inducing dude. Rule benevolently, or rule with an iron fist!
  3. That's fine. Some would say your loss, others would agree with you. However, did you not know that Gothic 3 had a pregen before coming into this thread?
  4. They aren't CRPGs therefore irrelevant. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> NO!!! I'm not in the mood for your mindless bull**** today. You can't hold one subgenre of gaming to a different standard when it comes to making serious claims such as sexism.
  5. Given your disclaimer, you just basically said Gothic will be the future Mecca of gamign.
  6. It wouldn't be the first time that such a thing happened in an RPG. It's still moot. If the developers don't want to spend the time making a female model, it doesn't mean that they are sexist. Lest we start accusing Valve for making HL male only. Or Monolith for making NOLF only playable as Cate Archer!
  7. No, I don't think it's sexist. It's a video game, and given the overwhelmingly large majority of games don't let you pick the gender of the character you play, I'm not going to read too much into it. Especially seeing as, AFAIK, you're playing the same character that you have been playing since the first Gothic game.
  8. I just shoot them all with the Jaime Sue.
  9. Mythbusters had an interesting episode where they examined stuff like driving your car on hydrogen. The little bit that they separated wasn't enough to start the car. But because they are goofs, they did use some pressurized hydrogen and they were able to start and run the car with that. No modifications to the engine even (though at one point the hose started shooting fire, so they stopped doing that quickly. They were able to get a diesel to run entirely off of used vegetable oil. They just had to use some filtering process and do some work on it first. Again, no modifications necessary (and I think they got roughly the same gas mileage too!).
  10. Steam Power is what most power plants use to generate power already.
  11. Awww. I was hoping for a discussion on the situation regarding DX10 being implemented on the XBOX 360.
  12. I think I've done most (every?) ending. I did Anarchs, Lacroix, Kuei-Jin, and a solo ending. I can't think of any other. I prefer the "solo" ending the best.
  13. alanschu


    That was a laser beam. Top corner if IIRC. And then the nice play in OT to Horcoff for the win!
  14. alanschu


    Mikhnov seems pretty agile for a big guy.
  15. I thought you had a Radeon x700?
  16. Yeah, I disabled the airstrikes as it made things insanely hard.
  17. I saw this when IGN was talking about the big upcoming PC games. I hadn't heard of it, but I think WW2 naval combat is cool, so I looked into it a bit more. It's a neat looking game with the US versus Japan in the Pacific. There was a demo at Fileplanet, and gave it a try. It was actually quite fun. The game has 3 layers to it, there's a strategic map, where you expand your empire, build bases, build infrastructure, new ships, do research, refits, and all that jazz. There's also the tactical map, which is essentially a naval RTS. You direct forces (or you can let the AI do it. In the smaller scale battles it seemed okay, if perhaps a bit too aggressive with one of my destroyers who went rampaging in to combat, despite the Yamato BB punching holes in things from afar! And there's also the "in the action" part of the game. In the tactical combat area, if you want to jump into a plane, you can! It's actually pretty straight forward, and a lot of fun. Running a torpedo bomber as a destroyer was spraying 20 mm AA guns in my direction was good times. It had some quirks with my dual analog controller (wasn't up for digging out my joystick), but the keyboard commands worked fine. Stick work with the arrow keys, rudders, bomb doors, flaps, etc done with the lower left letters of the keyboard. Need to see how it works with my joystick though. You can also jump into a ship, but only AA guns (though you could still be better than a rookie crew!). Here's some pics from the first couple of training missions: An unlucky destroyer meets a battleship Shooting on the now escortless Transport! A lucky shot hits an ammo hold. Boom! Instadeath The Yamato unleashes a salvo (with the sinking psycho destroyer beside me. ) The grand campaign actually looks pretty deep. An interesting thing is that you have to take care of logistics. You need to build that transport fleet so you can stock Pearl Harbour with goods and operate out of Hawaii. You'll also need them to ferry goods back to the mainland (though America has a strong economy...this is probably more important for Japan). R&D looks pretty cool as well. Lots of useful stuff like SONAR and RADAR developments. You can also alter history a bit by bringing in Jet Fighters. Looks like there's a bit of "fantasy" in there as well, with you being able to have the opportunity to build some early cruise missile that get fired from heavy bombers. Though the tech requirements are pretty insane. Need high tech radars and gyroscopes and whatnot. As you get new technologies, you can modify current designs (alas, it does not seem like you can design a whole new ship, just variants of existing types. Though the level of customization is pretty in depth, the Iowa class Battleship will still always look like an Iowa Class Battleship, even if you have tweaked it out like crazy. Probably done for modelling sakes and whatnot). So you can have a variety of builds for your ships, opting for choices in cost versus effectiveness. Since the Hull types are static, it does allow you to refit any ship with a design for that particular hull. You can also tweak out ammo configurations so that your bombers are using ship busting AP bombs and whatnot. Or some of the later rockets and cruise missiles I even saw an option to refit the Essex class Carrier with a SAM Site (though, again, my tech was way, way, way far away). It just went Gold in Germany, and apparently it's slated to go soon in America. If you're a naval warfare buff, I suggest giving the demo a try. It's remarkably in depth. If I had to pick a game, it's style seems to remind me of Total War, but on water with thousands of tons of steel.
  18. I think I may have played this, because my last encounter had guys jumping up and down off of rooftops.
  19. Pushing forward into France A few days later I'm in an Alliance with Hungary and Slovakia. Pushing to have an alliance with Yugoslavia, and with the fall of France, Italy should be all chumy with me. Denmark is also mine, and am currently making my way through Norway. As far as I know I have taken all the troops, it's just that it's slow going with all the mountains. In the future I'll have to have a squad of Mountain divisions sent up there, rather than the standard infantry. Holland will likely be next on the chopping block, as well as Spain. They defeated Franco and the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War, so I don't trust them to the south.
  20. They outnumber us immensely. I almost wonder if an elastic defense is what we'll need. Let them take some territory, so that we can encircle them and eradicate them. If your army has no territories to retreat to, if they lose the battle they effectively surrender and every unit in the stack is elimated. Historically France didn't have a Spain sending allies either, so that could be what we need to slow down the advance. As long as we can stop them from taking Paris, you should be in decent shape. If we can stall the advance, we can put reinforcements right near the front line. Germany won't have that luxury, as units have to be placed in owned provinces, not occupied provinces (though I think there's an event that switches Belgium and the Netherlands to German owned territories, mostly because they are impossible to annex and it became really annoying). Also, if we can get some of that Infiltration doctrine stuff, we'll become more effective at night, which essentially lets us fight more effectively around the clock. If we can get to the second one, we'll actually defend more efficiently at night than during the day!
  21. Maginot is pretty secure with it's high fortress ranking. Most units (except for generals with Fortress Buster traits) typically fight at 1% effectiveness (They get a 9% penalty per level of the fort). Even with a Fortress Buster (which Manstein, their whoop-ass General, is) they still only fight at around 20% effectiveness. Plus, if we can hold onto Saarbruken, they also get the extra penalties of fighting across a river. Mulhouse, with it's single border into Germany, is pretty secure. Though with the new system, both bombers and fights slowly wear down forts. The fact that their level 10 lets them rebuild at a decent rate though, and they'll probably lose most of their organization before they can sufficiently wear down the forts. As in history, Maginot seems pretty secure (at least until it's cut off). The forts you built along the Belgian Border will help. We need to hold Reins because it's so pivotal to encircling the Maginot line, and it provides a great way to provide supporting attacks, since it's adjacent to so many provinces.
  22. Absolutely! If anyone turns me into a vampire, they should be careful!
  23. Yeah. Much like how for a while old SIMM modules were 2x the price of the old school PC-100 DIMMs, AGPs seem to be doing that as well. They dipped a bit in price, but given that they aren't being made any more, they are becoming rare yet still in demand.
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