There's a provincial election coming up here in Alberta, and combined with all the fun discussion going on south of the border, politics is a hot topic.
I find it annoying because people ask me my opinion on the stuff in the States, as well as locally, and when I tell them, unless my views match up with theirs perfectly, people either bite their tongues, let slip "well that's because....nevermind..." or just outright tell me I am wrong.
It's quite a bit annoying and I am totally disenfranchised with the whole thing. It has gotten to a point where I simply do not discuss politics with anyone anymore.
You will never find me judging someone because their political views do not coincide with mine. Why do I always feel judged, often by my closest friends (they are typically the tongue biters or have the "well that's because...nevermind" type comments).
Anyways, that's my minirant.