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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Actually his point was that winning a Stanley Cup doesn't really make you all that special. Listen to the interview, the guy kept asking him about Burke stuff, and Lowe answered (it wasn't an "article" it was an interview, with websites and newspapers quoting what they want). Proving your ignorance to Kevin Lowe's contributions as an Oiler. Lowe never played a single game in the minors, and only once was a team he played on unable to make the post-season. A lot like how NY crapped the bed without Sean Avery. He was a tough as nails, stay at home, defensive defenseman. Say that to the Vancouver franchise that Nonis tried to salvage. Not to mention some stellar contracts in Mathieu Schnieder and Todd Bertuzzi (since bought out) that left him susceptible to the whole offer sheet to Dustin Penner in the first place. Muffin. What dumb moves are those that are "obviously" turning off potential free agents. Hossa opted for an opportunity to win the cup rather than guaranteed money (kudos to him). Both Jagr and Hossa had nothing but good things to say about the Oilers and their negotiations. Three years at $8 million is a good chunk of change. The Oilers have important contracts coming up in the next two years, in particular their rookies (Sam Gagner in particular), as well as players like Shawn Horcoff, as well as both goalie contracts. Jagr's point totals have dwindled, so perhaps teams were hesitant to give him a long term contract because he is over 35 years old, so if he retires, the team is on the hook for the entire contract still from a cap hit perspective. It's something you see with every player that is 35 and over. It's uncommon for teams or players to have any loyalty. It's been that way for a long time now.
  2. Hey when people keep poking you, you respond back too. The comments that Lowe made aren't reflective of not moving on. They're reflective of him wishing Burke finally would. But I agree with Lowe, Burke is a media junkie and does it for attention since he doesn't get much in the LA market. I think it might be reflective of the new ownership as well.
  3. I always had to go prone because I am a wimp
  4. Exactly. Burke scored a Hall of Fame defenseman for a pretty good price, and won himself a Stanley Cup. No sense making a big deal about Lowe attempting to do whatever it takes to make his team better. Some things workout in your favour, some things don't.
  5. Then why is Burke still not letting it die? He's the one that keeps bringing up the Lowe drama from last season. Oilers and Kevin Lowe have moved on.
  6. I prefer PC games so I am a "PC Gamer." But I can acknowledge good games on the consoles as well. I get sad that games like Force Unleashed won't be gracing my PC
  7. Chicago's goalie situation is interesting right now, and they need to dump salary in a hurry.
  8. Hellgate: London definitely could have been better. It was fun to play through it as a marksman, and it showed that you can have a neat, skill-based system ala diablo 2ish in a FPS environment.
  9. Maybe something similar to Hellgate London?
  10. http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?artic...0866&page=1
  11. Except that Escrow exists.
  12. I still remember Otacon's weird diversion where he started babbling on about Otaku. You know, you'd think there'd be a bit more urgency.
  13. /me remembers the Naked Guns and Hot Shots movies. <3 Zucker Abrams Zucker
  14. I enjoyed taking my merc (high marskmanship, night ops, and stealthy) combined with Shadow, and the two of us would go in with scoped laser sighted rifles and wipe out whole patrols by ourselves at night. "Too easy" Great for gaining levels and helping you get those precious interrupts.
  15. By 1945, the Bismarck would have been refitted with extra layers of barnacles all over It would probably be a fairer comparison, if Bismarck (and it's often forgotten twin, the Tirpitz) were compared to the ships it was designed to go up against, those of The Royal Navy. The Yamato (and the Musashi and the Shinano, the last two were never finished and were not named) was designed to go toe to toe with the US Navy. I think if the Bismarck had made it out into the Atlantic, it would have been happy hunting season for it for quite some time. Enough for the RN to divert its resources from the Mediterranean and the Far East. The Bismarck did go up against a King George V (The Prince of Wales). Though I think it had pretty much just been commissioned.
  16. My Oilers fanboism still feels Pisani should have won the Masterson trophy. Alas.
  17. I disagree that telling students to "be concise" is a pointless thing. People feel compelled to add useless drivel to boost their word count, but rather than sounding impressive, it obfuscates the point and irritates any critical reader. Simply cutting down the wordiness of my essays moved my marks from 50-60% to 80%.
  18. I'm a jerk and have never really had a hard time writing essays haha. Important things I find are to: Be concise. All that high school wordiness will kick your ass at the University level as profs can read through BS like nobody's business! Being concise also makes it easier to get to the point. Occasionally some lead in is required to ensure the reader understands the content that follows, but remember to take the time to acknowledge your audience. Take some time to review the rules of writing. When you're reading your own work, you know what you were thinking while writing it, so the point may seem obvious to you, but if you start having passive voice and comma splices, the point may become obfuscated. Usually I only need to do a single draft of an essay, with editing afterwards. Occasionally I'll have to rewrite some areas of my paper, or possibly cut content (which can be scary since you may feel it's necessary for future parts).
  19. I primarily use firefox, and at home it's on WinXP, at work on some form of Linux.
  20. I haven't seen Taxi Driver, but I think Apocolypse now is pretty entertaining.
  21. I agree wholeheartedly with Torment being a grind. It's just I loved the story and the reading enough to get through it. I know I lot of people that couldn't get past the clunky gameplay though. And even though I love the game, I still stealth my way through Baator.
  22. Go Lidstrom....I mean Detroit!
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