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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. See! That is interesting as they were concerned about PC piracy affecting console sales. Never considered that before.
  2. From what I have found Crash Girl, you are indeed correct that while exercising beyond the "Fat Burning Zone" means less percentage of calories being consumed from fat, you'll still burn a higher amount of fat. You'll just have to be careful to make sure you adequately replenish your glycogen stores and whatnot. To Taks and his curls, weight training seems to be an alternate way to lose weight. When I first took Sports Medicine courses in the late 90s, it was generally believed that weight training had limited weight loss benefits, but was good at building muscle mass (obviously). However, when talking with a friend of mine about how he was suggested to do weights to help him lose weight, I investigated it. Looks like while the act of actually lifting weights does little for burning weight, the recovery time for your muscles is actually pretty decent for it. In addition, increased muscle mass will increase your basal metabolic rate, which can help keep the weight off. When I added some resistance training to my workout regimen, I found I shed a lot of the weight around my belly and in my face at a much faster rate than the pure aerobic exercises that I was doing. I'm just an anecdote, but seemed to work well. And yes Krez, I have also heard that stretching information is probably more based on myth than fact. I've been meaning to look into it, but haven't had much time to do so. On the other hand, I have never heard of anyone refer to the runner's high as being a symptom of oxygen deprivation. People can go for light jogs that don't even cause them to breath very heavily, but they can still get the endorphin release to cause the runner's high. Sniffing glue != runner's high.
  3. I merged a branch onto the trunk in SVN
  4. OMG no game deserves a perfect score!!!!
  5. It's not about me seeing it differently. It's about bringing up points of discussion that don't directly adhere to the topic of discussion. Bringing up the video games industry in general, and its issues with piracy, and applying it to a discussion about computer gaming (must be careful to no longer use the term "PC") is a textbook strawman. Crytek has issues about the piracy of the computer gaming market (valid or otherwise), and obviously is less concerned with issue of piracy for the video game industry in general, since they are expanding their development to the console platforms. Stating that the video game industry is thriving as a refute to Crytek's claims of piracy hurting computer gaming is logically incorrect. It is absolutely misdirection and obfuscation to trivialize my comments because I used the term PC, and then you decide to focus specifically on the term "PC" as in IBM/Compatible computers. Platforms such as the Apple II, Amiga, and Atari ST all suffered from the exact same type of piracy issues as the IBM/Compatibles did since they were all personal computers. If you're going to discuss gaming history, don't try to demonstrate how "PC" gaming was significantly different than gaming on the Commodore 64. With the deaths of platforms like Amiga, Atari ST, and the Commodore 64, came a consolidation of computer gaming onto the IBM PC/Compatible (x86) home computers. You quoted an entire paragraph where I point out the audacity of you scrutinizing the usage of the term "PC" for the history of gaming, and focused on a line that was in parentheses about where I bring up where you get the information for the level of piracy during the 80s. And you didn't even do it correctly, because it was a parenthetical comment in reference to the comment immediately preceding the parenthesis, and relating to your comment about piracy on IBM PC/Compatibles being less than on other computers. Even then the comment I made was about how you knew this...but I digress. Fortunately Pidesco already dealt with that particular comment, so I will not deal with it any further.
  6. This comment doesn't really address anything. I understand the advantages of a multiplatform release (and the disadvantages). My comment was talking about why titles have gone from PC Exclusive to non-PC Exclusive, and why some companies have ceased developing for the PC platform in general. I'm never saying you did. However, the discussion (and very reason this thread exists) is about how Crysis made a comment about how piracy of their PC exclusive title has caused them to shift their development to include consoles. I know. That is why I was clarifying how you should focus your discussion. A comment about the trends of the video game industry in general in a thread is misleading in a thread about why a PC Exclusive developer has reconsidered that stance. Now you're just being obtuse and obfuscating the issue. Taking "PC" to mean, literally and only IBM PC/Compatibles (I am uncertain as to what data you have to say it didn't have much piracy in the mid 80s), creates a disconnect that somehow the piracy of "PC" versus the Commodore 64, as well as the Amiga and Atari ST computers was somehow different in an attempt to validate your point. The platforms you listed are all personal computers, and were all subjected to the similar forms of piracy (namely, copying the floppy disk the application was on). In fact, there was nothing stopping you from making pirated copies of an MS-DOS game using an Apple II if you knew what you were doing. Console have historically required a licensing fee in order to release a game for the console, which has resulted in the higher price for the console game. Are modern day consoles any different?
  7. When you only have 6/30 teams it's not really that surprising.
  8. Go Pittsburgh and go Detroit!
  9. I picked Detroit and all is going well so far!
  10. Because I am sure that every single person that pirated the game would absolutely not have bought it otherwise The unfortunate thing is that the only company with a vested interest in demonstrating that piracy can result in lost sales are the companies themselves, which means if they ever do any type of study on it, people just casually dismiss it. I know that there are people out there with the idea of "Why pay for it when I don't have to?" because I actually live with one. That's anecdote unfortunately, so you can casually dismiss at your leisure. If you don't know of anybody that actually feels like that, then I'd wager you live a rather isolationist lifestyle, or you are in fact ignoring the blatant evidence. Especially since you only need ONE to show that piracy = lost sales (even if it's just one lost sale).
  11. I am skeptical as to how much money PC game development really makes, especially since PC Exclusive titles seem less common, and many development houses that once supported PC games no longer do. PC Gaming does not make more money than the movies do, you're talking about the videogame industry in general, which everybody knows the bulk of the revenue today comes from the console game companies. The Crysis developers aren't saying that the piracy of video games is why they made their decision, but the piracy of PC games. As an avid PC gamer that does not feel like PC gaming is going to die, I do feel that PC gaming is on the decline.
  12. Oh, please. You can still give him an A, just not a perfect score? What if there were some syntax errors throughout the paper? Doesn't necessarily detract from the quality, and you can still receive an A, it's not perfect. Why is an A not a perfect score? Assuming you have the standard letter system of A, B, C, D, F would an A not be akin to 5/5? (or 4/4, if you conisder and F to be 0/4)
  13. Ok, as a teacher, that's absolutely ridiculous. Students and parents would lynch me if I had that mentality, and rightly so. If a student turns in a great essay with minimal errors, they get a perfect score. Again, why have the number 10 if it's never used? I know plenty of teachers who'd disagree with you. Then again, they use a grading system that's got a margin of uncertainty less than 10% (i.e. out of 20 or 100). You certainly can't just assign the maximum mark to the best student in the class. That makes the grading system relative, which is a very bad idea. Why is a grading curve bad?
  14. I'm pretty sure Direct2Drive lets you download as much as you want.
  15. Lol no. It's called an excuse. They can make up any number of those to justify their game not living up to their sales expectations, but that doesn't make them true. Yours is living in denial. You can state that people that pirate wouldn't buy the game anyways, but that doesn't make it true.
  16. We finally had some sun today after 3.5 straight days of snow! If it wasn't giant puffy snowflakes, it was sleety blizzard snowflakes. My car is not moving for a while haha. Back up to 11 by Monday it says though. Should melt fairly quickly. I'll bet the farmers are happy though!
  17. Hahaha. We got dumped on too. Sounds like all the prairies did.
  18. Yeah, I was pretty embarrassed that San Jose did that to Edmonton a couple years ago. Of course, those folks were pretty much called out in the newspaper (at least the section that booed was) and I haven't heard anything disrespectful since. Their was also a bit of confusion, because they had put Chris Pronger up on the jumbotron during the Canadian anthem and I think people were more booing him. It sounded like I heard San Jose fans singing the Canadian anthem, so kudos to them!
  19. Avery's actions were all over the highlights.
  20. That's the only thing I didn't like about Avery doing that, given that all you need is some guy to come a little close and suddenly the waving stick is hurting someone.
  21. Since I am bored: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/agnostic http://www.answers.com/topic/atheism http://www.thefreedictionary.com/faith Looks like there is Faith and faith.
  22. I'm not surprised about them making what Avery did illegal, though I did find it particularly humourous when I was watching him do it to Brodeur. I'm not surprised because I know football and basketball also have similar rules preventing players from intentionally doing stuff like that as well.
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