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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I guess I frequently start sentences with I guess.
  2. I still vote. I make informed decisions based on party platforms and so on. I guess I just find discussing politics rather predictable. I almost got involved a few times on this forum, and I do sometimes make the odd comment, and the responses are pretty predictable. Sand will make a comment one way, Guard Dog will address it in a certain way, Taks will say something, and so on. I guess the thing I find is people fit so neatly into various voter archetypes that it's no longer really interesting. I guess the thing I have noticed is that it's always the same. I rarely have a political discussion where something novel is actually contributed. It seems I have heard it all before.
  3. There's a provincial election coming up here in Alberta, and combined with all the fun discussion going on south of the border, politics is a hot topic. I find it annoying because people ask me my opinion on the stuff in the States, as well as locally, and when I tell them, unless my views match up with theirs perfectly, people either bite their tongues, let slip "well that's because....nevermind..." or just outright tell me I am wrong. It's quite a bit annoying and I am totally disenfranchised with the whole thing. It has gotten to a point where I simply do not discuss politics with anyone anymore. You will never find me judging someone because their political views do not coincide with mine. Why do I always feel judged, often by my closest friends (they are typically the tongue biters or have the "well that's because...nevermind" type comments). Anyways, that's my minirant.
  4. I knew that Mass Effect was pretty much coming to the PC when Mass Effect was first announced years ago. I think it's only real news to you, because you really want it to be. Because you really want there to be a KOTOR 3, you'll take these pictures (and anything else) as a sign that it is the case.
  5. It's not uncommon for governments to have systems in place to help protect against tyranny of the majority.
  6. Gorgon is correct. There were indeed still Cavalry divisions (often semi-motorized) in WW2, because horses were a way to conserve petrol and so on. They were common in logistics, but combat divisions still existed as well. Full on Cavalry charges didn't happen though.
  7. Of course. It's not like the Electoral College makes there decisions in any way based on a state's popular vote.
  8. Would Cavalry at that time still fight from their horses? Or did it basically just let them move from area to area a little faster, while still fighting in the trenches?
  9. I like screwdrivers. My last drink though was a Chocolate Milk haha.
  10. Wait...she wrapped around?? Haha :D
  11. Canes have lost Rod Brind'Amour for the season, which is a big blow to their lineup.
  12. I kill people. (In video games!!)
  13. Detroit can still win. I have no beefs with them. Especially if they beat teams we are competing with.
  14. Alcoholic drink was a shot of Black Berry Vodka (for a guy that rarely rarely drinks, I hold my liquor pretty well. We were playing card games with shots as penalties, and I still seemed the most lucid afterwards than the 3 other people I was playing against.) Last other drink, is a Coca-Cola Classic. Can't beat the real thing!
  15. Did I ever tell you you are one of my favourite Internet personas? I regret never finding Close Combat 3 hahaha.
  16. Anybody else humming the Kirk vs. Spock fight music?
  17. I think it's presumptuous to assume that those things are added simply because of the "console" audience. You assume that stuff was removed because you couldn't have thought or tactics on the console, when such changes really don't strike me as being changes specifically for the purpose of having it available on the console. To be honest, until your post, I didn't even know that CoD 2 was available for the console.
  18. I am more active again mus!!

  19. I liked this reaction so much I thought I'd quote it rather than Sand. Hehe, it had me literally lol-ing too but all credit must go to the esteemed Xard who I yoinked it from. That picture is very common on the hockey forum I frequent.
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