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Everything posted by MaxQuest

  1. Btw, can non-beta backers post their feedback here as well?
  2. Agreed. They indeed seem lacking. To guarantee a spot in the party, a character has to bring something valuable to the table. For PoE1 priest it was: - big accuracy bonuses: Inspiring Radiance + Devotions for the Faithful - great defense maluses: Painful Interdiction was really useful in making hard cc landing more reliable - huge total damage potential: via Shinning Beacon spam - big offdps impact: via Cleansing Flames, which could skyrocket the damage of Disintegration, Dragon Trashed, Wounding and Beacons even further And now 2 out of these 4 points are gone. As there is no Painful Interdiction, no Inspiring Radiance and Devotions is conflicting with Beacons due to both being rank 4 spells (and there are only 2 spell usages). Btw, can someone list what spells do different priests get? Am especially interested in: - if priest of Berath can get: Autumn's Decay, Plague of Insects and Rot Skulls - if priest of Eothas can get all the Storm spells - if priest of Wael can get access to Mass Confusion and Call to Slumber - Skaen priest: numbers on his Sneak Attack, and if does/doesn't scale with power level What do you mean by passive? Isn't that just the UI label thing? I thought the chanting menu/system has remained as it was, with phrases being chanted sequentially. Btw, yeah, I remember as well, Josh was indeed mentioning that all phrases will be available for learning from the start. I was wondering at that time what he gonna do with Dragon Trashed.
  3. Well, I wouldn't say it was that obvious. For instance I thought that Eder's primary class was limited to being either Fighter or Rogue, which made sense, since having Eder a wizard/priest would be just weird. But I was under impression that we are still free to choose their secondary class. That said I am ok with the new limitations, like having to choose for Eder to be fighter, rogue OR swashbuckler. So long as we can at least choose their subclasses (be it from the start, or via some companion-specific quest)
  4. I am already away from PC, typing from phone, so... To add an item, use: addItem px4_principi_arbalest 1 To level it up: LevelUpSoulbind px4_principi_arbalest(Clone) I don't remember the exact ids. But you can find them in: PillarsOfEternity_Data\assetbundles\prefabs\objectbundles all with px4_ prefix.
  5. I have cleared the fog via console afterwards. Still haven't seen him. Or perhaps there is a trigger? There are 54 objectbundles with the px4_ prefix. Will check further tomorrow)
  6. Welp, Ponamu Bird-Scorned doesn't appear to me. - Loaded a save from playthrough #1 (with a party that wasn't to White March), and traveled to Anslog Compass. - Loaded a save from playthrough #3 (with a party that was in WM), and traveled to Anslog Compass. Still nothing. I guess I'll have to use console than: Here are 3 unique items: Here are the 4 soulbounds: And here are their upgrades:
  7. Example: LevelUpSoulbind px1_hunting_bow_stormcaller(Clone) Btw the game version is not displayed as v3.07 to me:
  8. Yeap, noticed that in the transcript. Have a feeling that he's a bit exaggerating though Sure ranger can now fire more than 2 Wounding Shots (but same thing is with FoD, Knockdown and Barbaric Blow). Plus you need to invest an extra ability point for it to Hobble now. Curious how it works with carnage, dual ranged weapons, blast, aoe weapons (e.g. kalakoth's minor blights) That'd be great) Geez, have so many questions...
  9. Definitely there will be some new stuff above rank 5. But there also must be some incentive to multi-class into pure ranger. And we already see the talents that are available to x/ranger up to character level 15. I really hope that Twinned Arrows become available at least at rank 6. Or if there is an interaction between Wounding/Hobbling Shot and Kalakot's Minor Blights AoE.
  10. Six previously all-class talents became fighter-exclusive now. I would expect rangers to get access to Quick Switch as well. Also PoE1 had racial-slaying talents that could fit rangers nicely. (Avenger ability of Sylvan heroes from HOMM5 anyone?) Meanwhile druid and wizard could get access to elemental talents. For example I haven't noticed Scion of Flame, Heart of the Storm, Spirit of Decay and Secrets of Rime anywhere. It would be a pity if they were just... removed.
  11. I am looking at the list, and there are only 6 members already.
  12. Added more stuff, including spell schools for shown wizard and priest spells. The interesting part is that some priest spells can belong to two types at the same time. Gonna make subclass selection a bit more tricky. Maybe. Can't say for sure yet. I am not a beta backer as well. So just hoping that testers will post enough general and mech-related information.
  13. Maybe indeed you are) Personally I loved transmog. In TBC everyone where in s3, s4 and t6. The whole difference was: haircut, and visibility settings on helm and cloak. And I liked the added ability to create a custom and unique outfit, often built from non-set items, not even epics, but just the ones that were going well together.
  14. It doesn't affect save games. You can start using this mod right away. There is no need to create a new character.
  15. Pretty much everything periodic in PoE happens once in 3s. Except hazards, those have 1 second between ticks. But yeah... I didn't how many wounds will be restored per tick. Damn, am feeling stupid now. I was thinking that in Deadfire there will be enemies that are inherently and always immune to Sneak Attacks (like Undeads in NWN2). But if the description refers to "currently vulnerable to SA", hmm, such cipher could just open every fight with an AoE illusion spell, and yeap Phantom Foes will do. (note to self: check someday how much focus will it restore). Btw, was curious to what 'schools' do cipher's power belong. Looking at Ellohime's stream: -- Shred: Mind Wave, Detonate -- Deception: Phantom Foes, Borrowed Instinct, Wild Leech (note: it's called Deception, but I have a feeling this is what Beguiler's "Illusion" is related to) P.S. Feeling sad that he didn't mouseover Whispers of Treason, Mental Binding nor Echo.
  16. Well, we already knew that from Update #40 On the other hand, here's the updated Cipher subclasses:
  17. Watching Ellohime's Deadfire Beta stream and taking note of the differences from PoE1 (or even early Q&As), because it's easier to take a glance at textual list than to check the video each time. - It seems there are no all-class talents now. Some of them were removed, some made it into class trees. - Weapon Focus made it into barbarian's tree: - Bear's Fortitude is now a monk talent. - Iron Will is now a cipher talent. On the other hand druids and monks get Bull Will, which judging by description is the same thing. - Quick Switch and Body Control are now fighter specific talents. Being obtainable on Rank (power level) 4. - TwoHanded, 1H&Shield, TwoWeapon and OneHanded Styles are now fighter specific talents. Rank 1. - Fighters can now get Stances on rank 2. You select 1 talent and get 3 modals: Defender Stance, Cleaving Stance and Warrior Stance. Self explanatory: the first one is related to tanking, the second is good vs multiple enemies, the third one for 1x1 situations - Fighter stances can be upgraded separately on rank 5, to: Guardian Stance (bonus engagements), Mob Stance (bonus cleaving) and Conqueror Stance (bonus acc/def) respectively. Mob Stance is especially interesting: - Ciphers get a few new passive talents. One of them being: - Chants are referred as Passive Abilities - Invocations are referred as Active Abilities - Dragon Trashed requires power level 5 to acquire. (that's character lvl 9 for single class, or ch.level 13 for multi-class) - Aefyllath requires power level 4 to acquire. (that's character lvl 7 for single class, or ch.level 10 for multi-class) - Paladins - are still good old fellas we are used to. Their talents now include: Sworn Enemy + 2 upgrades (1 refunds zeal on kill, other unknown), FoD + 1 upgrade, Lay on Hands + 2 upgrades, Zeal Auras (combined, i.e. you can get all 3 for 1 ability point) + 3 separate upgrades. And ofc Liberating + Reinforcing Exhortations. But most interesting is: they get a Glorious beacon ability - that blinds all enemies in vicinity; plus 2 upgrades (Enduring Beacon granting extra deflection to allies; and 2nd unknown). We don't know which defense the Beacon targets, but if it's not Fortitude, it's one of the best Blind sources in the game because it's FoE. - Monks get a more feasible ability to gain wounds. Instead of Mortification of the Soul they get access to the Dance of Death at rank 2, and it's upgrade The Dance Continues at rank 4: - Torment's Reach requires power level 3 to be acquired. - The Long Pain requires power level 5 to be acquired. - Rangers don't seem to differ much from their PoE1 implementation. - Although they get a new escape mechanism: Evasive Roll: - Some of wizard spells, divided by school: (mouseovered by Ellohime) -- Enchanting: Infuse Vitality, Iron Skin, Minor Arcane Reflection, Minor Grimoire Imprint -- Illusion: Arkemyr's Dazzling -- Conjuration: Essential Phantom, Maura's Writhing Tentacles, Kalakatoh's Minor Blights, Kalakoth's Sunless Grasp, Wall of Force -- Transmutation: Dimensional Shift, Form of the Helpless Beast, Ninagauth's Bitter Mooring -- Evocation: Fan of Flames - Some of cipher powers, divided by keywords:(mouseovered by Ellohime) -- Shred: Mind Wave, Detonate -- Deception: Phantom Foes, Borrowed Instinct, Wild Leech, Mental Binding -- Echo: Psychovampiric Shield - Some of priest spells, divided by type: (mouseovered by Ellohime) -- Condemnation: Repulsing Seal, Despondent Blows, Devotions for the Faithful (also counted as Inspiration), Barbs of Condemnation (also counted as Punishment) -- Protection: Prayer for the Spirit (grant's Smart Inspiration), Withdrawal, Blessing -- Inspiration: Holy Meditation, Devotions for the Faithful (also counted as Condemnation) -- Restoration: Triumph of the Crusaders, Holy Radiance (also counted as Condemnation) -- Punishment: Barbs of Condemnation (also counted as Condemnation) - Interdiction (dazing enemies in AoE) is now a rank 1 priest spell. Note: there seem to be no Painful Interdiction! - Radiance is now a rank 0 priest spell. Note: there is no Inspiring Radiance now. - Alchemy was changed. It no longer is related to potion and explosive crafting as we expected by earlier Q&As. It now affects the use of all drugs, potions and antidotes. This cuts the possibility to have a dedicated alchemist in party that would create top-notch potions for the whole party. - For bombs there is a separate skill now: Explosives. Active skills: ('used' in combat) - Arcana - increases power level when using scrolls, and defines what level of scrolls you can cast in the first place - Athletics - Mechanics - btw, Perception is used for Trap Detection now - Sleight of Hand - pickpocket and reverse pickpocketing - Stealth - Explosives - Alchemy - affects the use of all drugs, potions and antidotes Passive skills: (basically conversation skills) - Bluff - Diplomacy - History - Insight - used to understand underlying emotions and motivations - Intimidate - Metaphisics - Religion - Streetwise - Survival - unfortunately Ellohime didn't mouseover this one P.S. Feel free to add to the list guys, any stuff that you have found interesting about new or modified talents/abilities/spells/and skills.
  18. Notified. Fingers crossed. So... I've woken up in the middle of the night (like 04.40) (for reference the Q&A stream started at 02:00 EET), opened out of the curiosity the Twitch app on my phone, and was like: dude wtf, you are selecting the color of that robe for like 10 minutes already; I want to see the spells, ability trees, talents, proficiency values! Once he arrived to character's name and those stupid suggestions,.. I was like: well back to sleep it is. In rest,.. he seems to be a funny guy. When I've woken up, he was still streaming, so the morning started with a chuckle (Obs take note about long descriptions)
  19. You've been quiiite of the loop then as it was mentioned quite often. As smjjames mentioned, injuries are going to remain. You can get them when your hp reaches zero, or via scripted interactions. They are the soft reason to rest now, instead of the 'hard' reason which was the limited health pool. And empower is the 'soft' replacement for per-rest spells.
  20. There are no per-rest spells/abilities in Deadfire, plus there is no "long-term health bar", so the only incentive for resting is: - getting rid of injuries, if any, plus - getting empower charges back And it is counter-weighted by: - wanting to keep current food bonuses active (if you consumed some good and rare stuff) So... dunno if there is a need to have some food carry limit.
  21. Yes. This replaces camping supplies. Source Yes, you can burn through good stuff, as food bonuses last only until next rest. Source Seems like you will need to have food for everyone. But basic food (water and hardrack) is really cheap and plentiful, so it's not really an issue. Source Adam's Tweet Fingers crossed that they will fix that pesky UI flickering.
  22. Yeap, seems so. I like it. Just by looking at that "+1 Penetration with weapons" I'm already sure I'll have a cook in team)
  23. This. This thing always happens during the first playthrough. Hoarding consumables (including food) as you don't know when you'll need it most. On the subsequent runs it's not really an issue though. This is more immersive a bit. But am curious: #1. can a character consume several types of food during one rest? E.g.: meet with bear, fish with rice, etc. #2. are there any "feeling full" bonuses or "overeaten" maluses? Edit: #1 is answered here. Ok, but can a character consume several meals? (during one rest ofc)
  24. My going-to-import character is from Deadfire Archipelago) East coast island, born and raised. Look at that fur; or "dunk in water" for berserker's frenzy.
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