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Everything posted by MaxQuest

  1. I'm also curious if attack time has any influence in this mode. And what's the relation between recovery/reload time and time between character's turns. Does it work like initiative from HOMM Heroes of Might and Magic? Or perhaps only the total action time is of importance for next character's turn, otherwise there could be problems with Bloodthirst, Tempest and such?
  2. What kind of advice? Or you mean something like: - Leliana in Dragon Age: Inquisition - Steward from PoE - Keep sergeants from NWN2 ? Out of recruitable companions for PoE3, I'd like to see: Eder and perhaps Rekke. With must-have cameos from Aloth and Ydwin. And possible cameos from Xoti, Pallegina, Maia and Kana. I'd like more new party companions: - some supporting druidess - a paladin (a mix between PoE1 Pallegina, Calisca and Casavir?) (with a larger focus on his/her own principles rather than country) - some sort of ranged/utility rogue (a mix between Varric and Neeshka) - and some hilarious wizard (think Tayn or Dorian) - and ofc a dwarven mix between Oghren, Zoltan and Khelgar To each his own I guess... I liked the Crossroads Keep from NWN2. And after I learnt that PoE was designed by the same guy, next weekend I was already playing the game. That said I expected Caed Nua keep management to be more intricate than in NWN2... But I still prefer having at least such thing over no property/management at all.
  3. That's strange tbh Hmm, didn't see this mentioned in the patch notes. Gotta check this in the weekend) Well yes, I've seen you mentioning morning stars in general and The Willbreaker in particular several times already )) I do agree, that's a great weapon and the player can debuff enemies fortitude. My point was though that it's easier to deal with bosses deflection. E.g: Neriscyrlas (with Safeguard): - deflection: 125 - fortitude: 160 Dorudugan: - deflection: 159 - fortitude: 192 Yes you can lower fort by 25 via Body Blows, and by 20 more via MIG/CON afflictions (provided that you have landed them). But their deflection still gonna be lower with just Confounding Blind.
  4. Are you sure that they stack? In statuseffects.gamedatabundle it has the "UseLongerDurationIfAlreadyApplied" behaviour and not "AddDurationIfAlreadyApplied". Btw, in PoE1 v3.0+, Disintegration was completely stacking with itself. It was not apparent because it would still show only 1 icon on target, but if you applied 2 disintegrations immediately one after another, enemy will take complete damage from both. Just like with Dragon Trashed. See, I quoted myself. Ehh, and that's why Disintegration is the power I love to hate... Despite of permanently ciphering around, I've used it 10 times tops during two playthroughs. And yeap, was considering multi-classing with helwalker at the release, for the idea of maximizing it's damage. But gave up on that, because: - majority of enemies die quicker than Disintegration hit elapses. Mind Blades and Amplified Wave usually result in higher effective DPS. - the enemies I really would like to use Disintegration against... are Neriscyrlas and Mega Bosses. And the issue is their high Resolve (as already mentioned by Kaylon) and especially their very high Fortitude. The rate of misses and grazes, made me switch to Bleeding Cut instead, since it's so much easier to deal with their deflection. Also, wasn't Disintegration considered a "bad dot"?
  5. Yeap, while there are a few pros in current approach, it's indeed a bit confusing. As for finding out, at first I have deducted the formula, and later found the related code in the decompiled source (as Boeroer has mentioned). During beta this was used mainly for attack speed calculations. Later, damage was calculated using these as well. P.S. You can check Onyx/Math.cs and Game/AdjustedValue.cs for more info.
  6. That's because they are not factored in multiplicatively, but via double inversion. The math behind this is: step_sum = [1 - 1/(1 - 0.48)] + [1 - 1/(1 - 0.5)] + [1 - 1/(1 - 0.35)] step_sum = [1 - 1/0.52] + [1 - 1/0.5] + [1 - 1/0.65] step_sum = -0.923 + -1 + -0.538 = -2.461 final_coef = 1 / (1 - step_sum) = 0.288 So if default duration was 10s, it will get reduced to 2.88s.
  7. This is indeed a very game breaking bug. The good thing is: they wrote that they already fixed it (check the spoiler in the top post):
  8. ^ After a full attack with "aoe" weapon vs 2+ targets, there was a high chance to start skipping your auto-attack recovery until you issue a new command.
  9. Mega bosses are optional, completely unlinked from the story, and are mostly created for power gamers who want to test their party compositions. That said, I do agree though that health pools are over inflated; and that would rather seek challenge from smarter scripted behavior. The thing is: - there are specific optimal party compositions for main game. - there are specific optimal party compositions vs megabosses. And these usually do not include hard-cc, and builds that can run out of resources. Moreover megabosses have high enough AR to rule out quite a lot of non-raw spells since their penetration scales slower compared to weapons.
  10. It wasn't a bug before, but perhaps it is considered now ^^ Most likely there will be a limit of one Wall X per one caster, as mentioned by Boeroer. Or Unbending will stop stacking with itself. And just the duration will get prolonged)
  11. In the previous run: - in the early game: I used blunderbuss in mainhand and pistol in offhand (both with modals on) because I could spam Full Attacks much faster; meanwhile Rapid Reload acc penalty was affecting only pistol. - in the mid+ game: I switched them. Blunderbuss in offhand (with modal on) and pistol in mainhand (with modal off). I had already enough effects to reduce reload time (including Sure Handed Ila), so extra accuracy with pistol became more important. Additionally (!) full attacks with pistol/blunder would use pistol's range for both shots, so I could shoot from greater distance. This was already fixed though. Also I just wanted to have 1-2 recovery time reduction instances from Scordeo Trophy, since it also affects the power casting spam once ascended. P.S. But now (in v3.0+)... I would say there is no "rule" for pistol+blunder over blunder+blunder. It more comes to a personal preference in a specific situation.
  12. You are welcome P.S. You are probably aware that that weapon was changed to apply injury only to non-injuried enemies. But just in case)
  13. Iirc it was Belt of Magran's Chosen. It is sold by Sautara on Deck of Many Things.
  14. ^ It depends on how often resting is needed. In my first playthrough, MC was under effect of Captain's Banquet for most of the time. (you start with a few from Scavenging Hunt, and later just buy rum, lobsters and craft it) In my second run though, I had to use other food\, because Captain's Banquet was interfering with my streetfighter triggering self-flanked via blunderbuss modal.
  15. I second the WotEP and max INT suggestion. So the spread can be: 15/8/15/18/18/4 (if human) or 18/8/17/20/21/6 (if human with berath's blessings). As for survivability: heavy armor (ideally Crimson Panoply, but others will do too) + 2AR from berskerker's frenzy + defiance + (optionally) leap (for -4 PEN from Dazed). Plus Abraham pet on MC, and Nalvi on Eder to offset the armor penalty. P.S. Alternatively, you can use medium armor (if it turns out that you don't have problems with survivability). It could be the already mention DoC breastplate in the mid game; and Contender's Armor in the late game (if you rise athletics).
  16. Well, those: > 17.2 => 13.6 x 0.25 = 4.8 > 15.5 => 12.2 x 1.3 = 15.0 definitely didn't look elegant during beta and early release builds The best thing about current system though is: that modifiers are handled in additive manner (to each other), but kinda emulate the multiplicative effect (e.g. -50% from graze can be "countered" by a +100% damage bonus). The worst thing about current system is: that it just creates a lot of confusion due to this double inversion, and adds some doubts if the computations reflect the situation in the correct manner, once there are 2+ maluses and bonuses in it. "-300% damage" - i.e. a modifier to base damage that is handled in additive manner and decreases damage to zero, unless you counter it with a 201+%? If so... yeah, in Deadfire and majority of games (that don't use straight additive approach) you can't express that. P.S. I still think that damage could be calculated in the following manner: dmg = base_dmg * penetration_modifier * power_level_modifier * hit_quality_modifier * weapon_quality_modifier * [Σ(other_dmg_bonuses) / Σ(other_dmg_maluses)] or at least: dmg = base_dmg * penetration_modifier * power_level_modifier * hit_quality_modifier * weapon_quality_modifier * Σ(other_dmg_modifiers) So it's easier to estimate the resulting damage, e.g: - when you graze you deal x2 less damage than when you hit. - if you underpenetrate - that's a strict x1.33, x2, x4 damage decrease, comparatively to normal penetration. - power level and weapon quality (fine, exceptional, etc) damage bonuses - provide the same relative increase no matter what might you have, or do you have sneak attack or not.
  17. Ah, indeed Forbidden Fist curse does something similar. I have took a look, and now my version works too) The trick was in using two status effects (one with 10s duration, and another one with indefinite cost change). There is a "Attach File" option if you click "More Reply Options". P.S. Regarding VFX: I don't know how to attach item VFX to statusEffects. But can attach a statusEffect VFX. For example have a attached red flames from frenzy SE, and set them to last for 2s after you use Soul Annihilation. P.P.S. Have re-attached the mod files.
  18. Part as in "moment"? Well there were a few: - Worthless Idiot being the best fit for Navigator in the game (before Coreto was added via Scalawags pack) - Nemnok's transformation. - Some unexpected funny moments like: - The existence of such dialogue options: - That the things can go grim:
  19. Josh says it is players feedback that made him re-examine AR/DR system in an attempt to make it less "mushy".Here are a few related links: - one - two - three - four Oh gawd... The whole accusation of "mushiness" doesn't make any sense to me - I mean that literally, I don't understand what it refers to. As for this reaction to the feedback, it's pretty, well, between /facepalm and depressing. It seems to, again, focus entirely on the mechanist aspect while ignoring the immersion/simulationist and not realizing that maybe these complaints weren't actually valid... The entire idea that all damage should be reduced the same is just idiotic, and a reason why I hate penetration... Small strikes SHOULD be much affected by armors, large strike SHOULD be less affected. That's logical, and that's precisely a mechanical difference allowing for variety instead of everything being the same, duh. Well, it partially does sense to me. Through if speaking of preferred armor/penetration system, I would describe it as follows: And by that I mean: - yeah, it is more realistic when effective armor protection is not linear, and that bigger damage is mitigated less. So it shouldn't be a strict % reduction. But neither just a flat reduction as it would render heavy armor almost useless vs the heaviest-hitters. - but I also do like the idea itself of having penetration (completely, or at least partially) separated from weapon damage. Also I do find it a bit weird when a plate-armored character tries to tank a dragon that weights like 10.000kg? How do you even stand your ground against such thing? Tbh I am more liking tanking separation: - Heavy-clad warriors tank via armor and shield blocking. And this is effective vs anyone except for: > massive heavy-hitters (for whom that plate is like a tinfoil) > really quick and precise enemies that can target weak spots between the armor plates. - Light-weight warriors and rogues "tank" via evasion. This being effective vs: > slow heavy-hitters - since they have hard time to actually hit you, due to dodging. > small enemies - whose attacks you can also parry. But this is less effective vs not so slow medium-armored enemies; and also when out-numbered, because evading a swing from one enemy, puts you in reach of another. - Spellcaster tanking: > a non-channeling, barrier buff - that blocks 1 attack and breaks after that. > a channeling barrier which you have to actively maintain (and usually can't do anything else while you do this) - which blocks all attacks while you hold it, but consumes resources. And still breaks if the damage exceeds certain threshold and staggers the caster.
  20. As I understood: Before Engwithans have altered THE WHEEL: - none from the living really knows how it worked exactly. Be it because noone ever knew, or because all information about this was destroyed. - but we know that people were born and that people died. - most likely it was an unmanaged process of BORN->LIVED->DIED->traveled to IN BETWEEN->got moved by WHEEL to THE BEYOND->was born again. - iirc Thaos also made a remark how you could be knowledgeable and have a strong soul in this life, but get randomly reborn as a hare. After Engwithans have altered THE WHEEL: - the cycle was generally the same: BORN->LIVED->DIED->traveled to IN BETWEEN->got moved by WHEEL to THE BEYOND->was born again - but gods now are feeding (by chipping little bits) on souls that pass through IN BETWEEN. Although it doesn't look to be because of alterations made to THE WHEEL, rather because they are gods and if they want - they can. - additionally gods can now deny a person it's reincarnation, for example by sending it to soul prison (Breith Eaman). - additionally gods can control (if they wish so) in what body will a soul get reborn (e.g. Berath reborns you as an animal, if you deny her request). Josh also mentioned a thing known as Lottery of Souls. - also gods can awaken a soul or keep it from splitting (e.g. Woedica awakening Thaos on each reincarnation). - and ofc, gods can bring a soul back to an unhoused body (e.g. Berath sending you back) - edit: and they can also create godlikes as noted by OEI_Alex below. According to Eothas - it looks so, IF gods feed too much. According to Rymrgand - yes, even if they don't. As he considers that entropy is inevitable in either case. But my current understanding is that Rymrgand lies. Because it looks that there are 3 sources of degradation: - Gods chipping on some souls passing through the IN BETWEEN. - Ondrites. According to definition "A soul is the essence of an individual's consciousness, memory, and personality.". Ondrites destroy all three of these during their ebb and flow rites. - Shadows. According to Shadows bestiary entry, when a creature with heavily fractured soul dies, it's soul might not be able to enter the cycle of rebirth. "Because these souls are damaged, they drain essence from other creatures in a futile attempt to repair themselves. The more essence they steal, the more powerful and dangerous shadows become.". So what do we have here?: they try to absorb spiritual energy, but can't repair themselves. Hence: either the energy is lost completely, or is used for their corporeal form and is released only once they are killed/dispersed. Btw, this looks partially the reason why Galawain likes to strengthen souls so much - it could be as a counter-measure to fracturing. And now there is also a source of soul consolidation: - The more a soul has to endure, the more memories and experiences it has, the stronger it becomes. That's per soul definition itself. And this plays nicely with monks' view in general and Zahua's in particular. Galawain again... Even the character levels-up when he gets more experience ^^ Edit: just noticed OEI_Alex's post about soul growth above)) Shoulda read the whole thread first, to avoid redundancy) Eothas believed so, and wanted to break the current state of things, where gods chip on the souls that pass through IN BETWEEN. As I understood his idea was: that passing mortal would decide himself - to give a part of his essence to a god or not. This would force gods to be more... willing and helpful towards mortals in general, and not just lose time in endless quarrels. Edit2: On the other hand... gods would rather be in position where they can take what they want and when they want, without being dependent. So they are likely trying to figure out how to guide mortals to the outcome they want. With machine being broken, souls currently are not passing from IN BETWEEN to THE BEYOND right? If so, THE BEYOND will get empty after awhile and hollowborn get born. And it looks that, in a short-term perspective, this will pressure mortals more than the gods (who have the souls of mortals in IN BETWEEN to feed on). So perhaps they aren't telling everything they know about THE WHEEL to the animancer builders, because they wait to strike a deal on more favorable terms? Or perhaps infiltrate their own agents into machine-rebuilding team and keep all shady?
  21. So... area increase is 5 times bigger than area decrease? Or is it not balanced? Increasing area: decreases PL by 5 Decreasing area: increases PL by 1 PL values were confirmed by SChin here. So yeah, it's an asymmetric effect from PL perspective. And according to Volsalex (source): - area increase is: +30-40% (increases safe/foe area) - area decrease is: -40-50% (decrease starts with decreasing safe/foe area) I would also echo Purudaya's suggestion to change this from +1/-5 to +2/-4 or at least +2/-5.
  22. A simply auto-attacking monk with dw-fists can deliver a hit every 2s. Applying 500 instances will take 1000s or 16.6 minutes. Now take 5 monks. Or 4 monks and 1 herald...
  23. Seems so. And a cap of 20 - looks like a good spot. Although the fact itself, that it's possible to reach 500 resonance stacks in a such short time - is an indication that something is oversighted in mechanics department. As I understand you stack them via Whispers of Wind (with Garland's Tears/Rake)? If so... while I can imagine a monk hitting everyone in a blink of an eye with his palm; or slashing with a melee weapon, I have hard time imagining how he repeatedly skips the reload of his pistol or the pull of his bow, in melee range amidst a stack of enemies... I think making Whispers of the Wind use monk's fist if he wields ranged weapons - would also make sense.
  24. I have tried a Helwalker of Berath. Sceptre (with modal on) + Tuotilo's Palm, Aloth Armor. And Magran's Favor + Tuotilo's Palm in offset. You get to +10 MIG/INT really fast and Shinning Beacons damage is amplified quite nicely to 230+. But in practice... this was still not good enough. The general fire-priest problems were: - enemies that are fire immune or have high fire AR - enemies on upscaled PotD have relatively high will; and you can't as easily debuff their will in 4m AoE as you could before. You will have to deal with grazes - and that's not good. - this priest easily kills trash... but so do other party dps'ers. And then there is relatively little he can contribute damage-wise vs remaining enemies. - in Deadfire priest can cast only 2 Beacons per encounter (3 with empower-resources). In PoE1 priest could cast 5 (4 + talent). - in Deadfire bosses have up to 7500 hp. While in PoE1 bosses had less than 1k endurance, and priest had enough spell damage to deal with them. Additionally scrolls no longer benefit from character's MIG, INT and PER. Additionally Helwalker of Berath struggled with: - focus fire from enemy archers, and requiring increased amount of healing. Figured that going for Helwalker of Wael was better due to Arcane Veil. Also he was a consistently the weakest link during Neriscyrlas fight. Dracolich was keeping tunnel-visioning him, so I stopped resurrecting the helwalker and it was basically a 4-man fight. - lower PL comparatively to single-class priest, and especially delayed access to next spell ranks. He was able to cast 2 beacons per encounter only starting from lvl 12, and by that time my mindstalker was consistently out-performing him damage-wise by a great margin. So what would I do now, if I wanted to go for a priest-nuker: - built him as a single-class priest of Wael (if companion or hireling) or Berath (if main character). Reason being: Wael provides access to Arcane Veil for extra protection; while Berath provides access to extra DoTs and Rot Skulls. MC can get away without Veil, because he gets extra stats, talents and is usually better supervised anyway. - although there is a late game bonus of going for priest of Magran or Rymrgand. As these are the only ones who have periodic damage spells at rank 9. - or perhaps ditch the idea of nuker-priest entirely, due to encounter design behind boss-fights in Deadfire.
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