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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Money and purhaces Are tied to google play account, so They Are in cloud. Also your story mode should be in the cloud. But because Bluestack is emulator there is not quarantee if it ever will run the pathfinder adventures in the future. It might but nobody will know. But if you anyday will buy supported Android tablet, your staff will the useable again as long as you use same account.
  2. Yep... This game still need to give more info to the players... But good that your problem is solved! We really need to put a wiki to this game. So Many fratures that you just have to know and Are hard to find.
  3. They have not announced when ad4 can come out, so no need for apologies. It can take some weeks or some months. Who knows, but there is no any information about when it should be released. They will, when They know. One good reason would be need to rewrite some basic rutines. Sometimes it can be better to make some new code that repair old.
  4. I Also have good results considering shuffle. There only Are 10 cards, so From time to time you get same gards to the top and I have Many times had same card in the same location deck that Also may cause some "what is happening" feeling.
  5. Check first that you Are logged in game Center in iPad. I had the same message, because I was logged out From the game Center.
  6. Pass and play is multiplayer mode with one device. Multidevice will come eventually.
  7. A fistfull of d4's! Even more D4 with Ogrekin. https://www.dropbox.com/s/bndkdmmiqdlnfv9/Photo%2022.7.2016%2012.12.57.png?dl=0 Same company as before.
  8. :-x Sound like a bug. The increase should be d4, but D4 has been slighly mad resently.
  9. I was playing in quest mode in normal difficulty. iPad air2. Team Waleros, Kyra, Merciel, and Seoni. First there was those Ogrekin d4 rolls at warrens that were very buggy. After summoning monster, the Ogrekin giant just vanished. Then there were Many times, when after d4, the graphic frose. Visiting wault helped. https://www.dropbox.com/s/klmxa7rpt4s8c55/Photo%2021.7.2016%2023.08.43.png?dl=0 Sometimes the roll worked just like it should be... And then there was time when 2d4 appeared and things goes really weird. The Ogrekin just disappear. That may be what happened in the Warrens, was not just paying attention at that time. https://www.dropbox.com/s/t0pl73g3pdh3li0/Photo%2021.7.2016%2023.10.22.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/3llvl76ntf3aa2f/Photo%2021.7.2016%2023.10.25.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/dwymz4wtlyx5k46/Photo%2021.7.2016%2023.10.28.png?dl=0 This time with Seoni in Thessalonian dungeon.
  10. I was playing in quest mode in normal difficulty. iPad air2. Plase warrens, scenario power increase the Giant difficulty by D4. Team Waleros, Kyra, Merciel, and Seoni. It does not matter if the hero is alone or with someone else in the location. When character encounter a giant in warrens, the roll animation appear, then all options disappear. No evade to Merciel, no backstab, no weapons. Only thing that works, is that you can zoom cards, select differerent character, you can go wault and the reroll the d4. And you can forfeit. But you can not kill that cheepesh coward giant who is waiting to get killed... Warren is the last location open. Other minions does not cause trouples. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wnn8t87zgqpb56a/Photo%2021.7.2016%2021.11.28.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/03pg65rglalihqy/Photo%2021.7.2016%2021.11.20.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/hwey8k4dg14z2ci/Photo%2021.7.2016%2021.03.31.png?dl=0 This may be related with these http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88226-bug-graul-ogrekin-increase-giant-difficulty/
  11. Corrupted game file is same as in any other program. It is gone and can not be saved without a lot of manual work and even then, not quaranteed. And most propably faster to do it again by playing the game...
  12. The cards in quest mode have different appearance table than in the story mode, so some ad 2 cards Are now ad 3 and vise versa. Maybe that is causing chansing Numbers in at the cards, Also one possibility is that some cards have accidentantly (?) put multible boon tables in quest mode and can appear for that reason with different ad Numbers.
  13. It looked different in the previous versions, but has been there all the time. But yeah, hard to find then and even now. It needs to clov when useable or something.
  14. Wiki Are normally made by gamers by themselves. Actually it os good idea to start Pathfinders adventures wiki! But, yeah web rulebook would be nice. So Many times the same things Are asked. - How to log in - how to help other character in multi check monster - how to know if you Are proficient or not and does it matter - how basic card removing works in the app - etc... These Are coming Soon tm to the game according the dev, but it will take time... ... In the mean time open wiki by us could be the ansver!
  15. In wrath it would be fatal ) But Rice of the Rune lords was so easy that it allowed a lot of house rules to make it harder and more thematic at the same time.
  16. Hmmm... Try to click different characters. It may help. The arrow in the right does not work? Sometimes just animation bugs and you still can go on.
  17. Is there same google play account too? Sound a lot that the google play account is different in these devices.
  18. I personally like most the "move only to the closest location", that is already in the app. It is very thematic even it is not in the official tabletop rules.
  19. General advise is to make new post to technical support Forum for program changes. Dev does not read these so often as technical support!
  20. Hmmm... I was stuck after meeting a Hagg in quest mode. Needed to close and restart app untill I was able to continue. Was trying to help with blessing to give another character pass in wisdom test. After restart it did go on for some reason.
  21. Aaaa... I think that it is Nexus P6... This app does not install to iPhones, only to Android phones because the google shop does not make the difference... Even though this app is not mean to be played at this moment in any phone, it may work a kind of. Thats why the real phone ui is the next big step in the development of pathfinder adventures.
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