Hey Hurlshot, do you have a Guild Wars account? I'm thinking about getting it later his week -id est Thursday or Friday- and was wondering if anyone here played.
Trying to decide if I should buy the Ubisoft deal off Steam, considering I really only want Beyond Good and Evil -I already have Dark Messiah-, or if I should buy it off Good Old Games and get a DRM-free version. Or I might just wait and get it later...
Well I've been playing around with The Pit DLC, I didn't get it but a friend did and I have her copy of Fallout 3 on my external hard-drive at the moment, and it is, so far, extremely well done - if you got the last DLC this one blows it away.
I would have gotten it too if I had not already had a copy -in fact I paid the same amount for it-. It's a decent game and I'm hoping the sequel is as good, if not better.
That's actually what happened. I bought the Steam version during the massive sale and then, about a week later, ended up getting the other version as a gift.