Hey Hurlshot, do you have a Guild Wars account? I'm thinking about getting it later his week -id est Thursday or Friday- and was wondering if anyone here played.
Trying to decide if I should buy the Ubisoft deal off Steam, considering I really only want Beyond Good and Evil -I already have Dark Messiah-, or if I should buy it off Good Old Games and get a DRM-free version. Or I might just wait and get it later...
Well I've been playing around with The Pit DLC, I didn't get it but a friend did and I have her copy of Fallout 3 on my external hard-drive at the moment, and it is, so far, extremely well done - if you got the last DLC this one blows it away.
I would have gotten it too if I had not already had a copy -in fact I paid the same amount for it-. It's a decent game and I'm hoping the sequel is as good, if not better.
That's actually what happened. I bought the Steam version during the massive sale and then, about a week later, ended up getting the other version as a gift.
And it's done. End ending was ok, but considering there's going to be at sequel (or maybe more than one) that will most likely be fixed. As long as there's not a KotOR II type cliffhanger...