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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. A collection of three.
  2. Incorrect. Just because the masses did not buy the games does not mean the the games themselves were bad, nor does it mean the company was bad.
  3. Lolz.
  4. I fail to see how making two great games and one good game was "failing."
  5. They're a pain to use by all accounts though, as the multi=player has been set up for Steam.
  6. Never forget... ...that Troika was awesome.
  7. Lolz. Or maybe we think they're boring and dull.
  8. Deadly Creatures, I just got a copy and so far it's been a good little game.
  9. Got it on the PC? If so, mod it.
  10. That's an understatement... In other news I'm getting back into Pen-and-Paper gaming as some friends have asked me to run a World of Darkness campaign for/with them. Should be fun.
  11. See, I told you this would happen.
  12. It's IGN, what did you expect?
  13. Yes it is. Very much so. No, it's not - I'm fairly sure that she'll regret it later on just as Calax said.
  14. War of the Ring IIRC.
  15. But from which mother? an Asarii girl from Liara, or a Human child from Ashley or a Human from Kaiden? Liara. That is the ony romance that both sexes could do.
  16. No not at all. I won't have internet service not even dialup, since I won't have a phone line. If you have a laptop -or a wireless card in your desktop- you might be able to snag a wireless signal or two.
  17. At this point I would choose the unknown IP, Star Wars is getting done-to-death.
  18. Indeed, or you might try the place I work for, we have a bunch too. And your site isn't run by asshats!
  19. If you want I can give you a link to his home forum, it's an anti-DRM site that has some useful information (not anything I didn't already know though).
  20. My guess would be that SecuROM fried your drive.
  21. I deleted about half of my post as I thought it got too long and speculative. Anyways, here's what survived the purge. From what you have told us of the situation, I agree that this would be the best course of action. The worst thing any person, be they young or old, can do is to get themselves into an abusive relationship. A small percentage might be strong enough to get out of one without any assistance, but even in those rare instances there will likely be scars. As for the others, well, they either require assistance or simply cannot do it on their own. This is a bad sign, even if it is simply a harmless fetish at this point. I would never recommend that any person, man or woman, get involved with another person who demands this level of adherence. Sure, you might keep your hair long, or short, or choose a certain outfit because it would please your partner -even if it is not your preferred style or fashion-, but outright banning of any clothes other than dresses is taking this, in my mind, to an unhealthy extreme. In fact, it seems like this fits into a pattern of a current abuser. While I think she should remove herself from the current situation, I am not sure if your parents' house would be a good long-term solution. However, as a temporary hold-over, it should work - provided that your mum and dad know why she is there and do not think that she's your girlfriend, lover, etc. and accidentally, unknowingly make everything extremely uncomfortable for the girl. This is both the best and the worst thing you could have done, it all dependeds on how she reacts to your attempt to " break down her psychology of why she's getting into this relationship etc." and if she affronted by that fact. While I understand why you included that portion, it might make her feel insulted if she feels you are mis-characterising her. If this does occur, apologise if that is warranted and try to make her understand that it was not your intent to belittle or otherwise demean her in any way. Yes, if everyone could see their own faults and fix them the world would be a much better place. However, I doubt this will happen unless she finds your arguments extremely convincing. It is more likely that she will accept your offer of aid and move out of the relationship with assistance, not by herself. Once you are in an abusive relationship it is very hard to remove yourself from one, so, yes, this could be one of the most costly mistakes a young lady could make. And this does not even take into account the possibility of children, something that would only further complicate any future break-up (not to mention the fact that custody is often used as a weapon by the abusive party). That would depend on how you proceeded afterwards, but I would recommend the "protective older brother" approach as that actually makes sense given the situation and does not make it look like you are taking advantage of her. Again, there is nothing wrong with your goals as far as I can see. Your aims are commendable. I forget the name, but there is a known psychological issue that fits what you are describing. The woman wants attention as she has been deprived of it and believes that getting pregnant is the best, or only, way to achieve that. Also I think that she's wanting that unconditional love from the child (which due to the situation she's entering she might not get it) to replace what she might not have had at home. Again, this fits into the profile of someone who is likely to get into an abusive relationship or is already in one. The person seeks love but the only way to get it it by giving into the demands of the abusive party. I agree that it would be best if she removes herself from the relationship. The relationship is VERY complicated... and I'm still confused about what I'm trying to do, and what role I'm taking here. I don't even know why I'm posting this for you guys... probably a part of me wants to affirm that I'm correct in the actions I'm taking. You are posting this here because you are looking for advice and, possibly, support for your course of action - and it is only natural that you would look for these things. If it helps you any, let me tell you this little story and while some facts might be a bit sketchy, it's been awhile since I've heard it and it's a bit late to call my dad and ask him for the details, the general gist is correct. When my father was in high-school he happened to see that another student, a girl, was getting into a bad situation against her wishes -it was more serious in this case and bordering on rape-. You have to understand one thing about my father, he has absolutely not tolerance for violence or abuse of women and thus when he saw this he basically confronted the male "suitor" and said that he better leave the girl alone "or else." The aggressor backed down and didn't bother her again and my father didn't pay any more attention to the girl. However, years later, she actually contacted my father -who had moved, gone through college, and had married- to tell him how the act had changed her life and how grateful she was that he had taken it upon himself to intervene. In fact, she even named her firstborn son after him. Anyways, I just thought you might want to know that other people have had to deal with similar choices. I don't know, I agree I'm flying off the handle but I'm also trying to pull her out of a situation that I think will end up with her leading a life that she probably doesn't want. Again, I agree that the situation, as you describe it, is a negative one. I'd probably end up trying to have her start living with a friend (female, who I'm actually trying to start to date from my class) rather than just out of my parents house. That might be a better situation, it might not. Still, as I said before, I would recommend you treat her as a younger sister for the reasons I have already discussed. Ah hell, I'm still confused as ever about this whole situation but I'm also trying to straighten myself out. The fact that you are even taking the time to reexamine your actions puts you ahead of many people, but I still think you'll do whatever you think is the right thing - if you don't you'll end up hating yourself. I just wanted to note I'm being specifically vague about the relationship she's jumping into because I don't want to spark a debate about something else. I have a fairly good idea, or, rather, I believe I do, of the nature of the relationship - but feel free to send me a PM with more details, I would like to try to help as I feel sympathy for both you and the other persons involved.
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