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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Gah! Kill it! *push* Hated that encounter my first time through.
  2. It is worth playing, although you will need to either tweak the game yourself or download fixes to get everything working. Is it different from the released version of SOC? Or just less polished? It has some, if not all -I'm not sure how much is left in this build-, of the cut content including at-least six-ten new levels.
  3. It is worth playing, although you will need to either tweak the game yourself or download fixes to get everything working.
  4. Here's a torrent of the build. I didn't upload it but I'll most likely not do that now that there are others available. EDIT: If the file is not allowed, please delete it. I am not trying to flaunt the rules by posting this.
  5. I'm playing Mass Effect too!
  6. Here's two: http://www.legaltorrents.com/ http://www.legittorrents.info/
  7. Or buy it off Steam, SoC has no extra DRM, or get a boxed version. It's only about $10 in most shops IIRC.
  8. It is a legal, free release from a developer. The original mirror is on their website and I fail to see why a release of a free product, well it's sort of a mod, though a torrent -so it has faster speeds- would be encouraging piracy. I think this actually highlights one of the major issues with torrent sites is that they, in fact, have legitimate uses as well as less-than-legal ones.
  9. I'll try to have it downloaded by tomorrow night and up via a torrent for those who want a faster speed.
  10. Are you sure you were talking about the same type of measurements?
  11. Yes. Or you could just download the file.
  12. If you're on the PC there are several mods that take care of that issue and de-bug the quest.
  13. Humm... Two you say? We Ski might be a good game for her, and some of the Wii Fit games could also work.
  14. Evidently it is, or else we would not be in disagreement.
  15. Have you tried a DVD-drive cleaner? That might provide a temporary fix.
  16. Again, you continue on about them going out of business. Is that your only point? Are you going to keep spewing it over and over? Oh wait, that's what you're already doing...
  17. Maybe because there are other measures of success, ones that you are purposely ignoring so you can continue to troll.
  18. Lolz. I'd write more but I don't have the time at the moment - maybe later.
  19. The former, of course.
  20. Bye.
  21. The Dream - In The Moment
  22. Rabbit Hole - In This Moment
  23. Is it a kilt or a skirt?
  24. With only the 1.2 Patch from Troika. After one play-through you can try either the "Unofficial Patch" or the "True Patch." Both of those have some elements that I would have preferred to have been left out, but of the two the "True Patch" is the much better one - in fact, I will go so far as to say that the other mod patch line is complete **** for the most part, breaking more than it fixes.
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