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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. If the will of the people is going to oppress the rights of others, yes, their will should be overruled.
  2. Actually a state can, it will just be stuck down.
  3. Mob rule is tyrannical. Lulz. You obviously have not seen the campaigning that goes into many of these ballot initiatives. Yeah, that's what happened in this case - so why the long face?
  4. You're right! We should leave civil rights issues to the popular vote - nothing bad could happen, right?
  5. Looks interesting, any word as to a release date for the English version?
  6. Again, my forces prevail.
  7. I actually thought I was going to loose to the invading army and so I was rather surprised that I actually managed to pull off a victory.
  8. Medieval II: Total War - Kingdoms, Teutonic campaign.
  9. I bought two copies of Hidden and Dangerous 2 today, really shouldn't have but they were only $0.99 each.
  10. I would be flattered if I did not know you were being sarcastic.
  11. When did this happen?
  12. Yeah, I ordered the "Gold Edition."
  13. I was at a blacksmithing workshop all morning and most of the afternoon, then I hung out with some friends -who were also at the event- and decided to buy Rome: Total War and Medieval II: Total War when they go on sale at GameStop tomorrow[s/] later today.
  14. It offers a hell of alot more than "b00bie Cards."
  15. Guild Wars. I ended up getting the regular version and the factions "expansion" as they came in a set that was as keep as buying only the base. If I like it I'll pick up Nightfall and/or Eye of the North.
  16. I have to agree with you there.
  17. Not Bloodlines!?!
  18. I know the feeling and I think I can safely say that everyone has, at some point, made at least one impulse buy (and, no, I am not talking about the Stardock service).
  19. Because it's not. At least when we're talking about the un-modded version...
  20. IIRC the developers even called it a CORPG (competitive online role-playing game) and not a MMO.
  21. Care to elaborate on that?
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