Mob rule is tyrannical.
Lulz. You obviously have not seen the campaigning that goes into many of these ballot initiatives.
Yeah, that's what happened in this case - so why the long face?
I was at a blacksmithing workshop all morning and most of the afternoon, then I hung out with some friends -who were also at the event- and decided to buy Rome: Total War and Medieval II: Total War when they go on sale at GameStop tomorrow[s/] later today.
Guild Wars. I ended up getting the regular version and the factions "expansion" as they came in a set that was as keep as buying only the base. If I like it I'll pick up Nightfall and/or Eye of the North.
I know the feeling and I think I can safely say that everyone has, at some point, made at least one impulse buy (and, no, I am not talking about the Stardock service).