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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Four, not three...
  2. I don't think so... I'll ask a freind who has a "Hackentosh" though and see...
  3. I wonder how much of Apple's sales were their computers and how much was their iPods... EDIT: Yep, Mac sales were down but the iPod and iPhone sales balanced that out.
  4. And you know why that is? They gave Oblivion a negative review.
  5. About 10:00pm-3:00am EST or from about 2:00pm-5:00pm EST.
  6. And there goes my interest...
  7. Age of Conan party... I hope...
  8. I'm not sure I understand your question, are you trying to ask for help regarding how to install KotOR II modifications?
  9. But you got to play with us in the end... Too bad you hated the new mode.
  10. Lulz... No, no, no... The main problem most people had, and I am talking about people who do not like the game here, is that it is a bad game. If you wish I can go into more detail, hell I'll even post my review of the game if you want it, but, let me assure you, the size of the game world was not one of the points I focused on.
  11. Yeah, they're both good games. Rome is also great of you can find that.
  12. 43298,0,8776,0,43282,0,8708,0,43080,0,8736,0,43136,0,8736,0
  13. 69634,68,37064,69632,0,16704,0,33736,16384,2114,32768,66312,16384,2112,64,69634
  14. Yeah, I agree. I really don't like having to go to another forum to discuss an Obsidian title - essentially if I tend to dislike the forum I am being directed to.
  15. Lulz. Doesn't that defeat the entire purpose of having consequences for your actions? No wonder Fallout 3 was practically devoid of those.
  16. Yep, I have to agree with you there.
  17. You're doing WHAT?!
  18. I don't know, Neverwinter Nights is also a contender for that title.
  19. Nice, glad everyone had a good time.
  20. You really should seeing as they're two of the best games ever produced.
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