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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. The problem is that some of Scientology's actions are, at best, only semi-legal and, at wrost, criminal. It is also true that it was founded to fleece people, the main mythos is, in fact, based on a regected screenplay that Hubbard could not sell that was writen while he was high on painkillers and achohol. “Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous, if a man really wanted to make a million dollars, he would start a religion.” - L. Ron Hubbard
  2. Exactly the point I was trying to make in the other thread - glad to see we agree. Nor should you.
  3. Nope. I think the other thread had all that needs to be said -id est that Cult has several meanings, including one that would apply to any dogmatic religion- but if he wants to continue to talk about it I don't think that there's any harm in that. Although I do wish he would continue in the other topic and not spam this one.
  4. ... do we really need to go over this again? Evidently... But only because he brought it back up.
  5. It is. Nope, like it or not, Christianity is a cult.
  6. Grim Fandango seems to run fine for all of those who have tried it on Windows 7.
  7. I'm not seeing the file but if you do upload it I'd be happy to convert it (I have Works, Word 2005, Word 2007, and Open Office on my laptop).
  8. It's the new hollywood fad.
  9. Not really.
  10. I'm no fan of 4chan but this is bull**** - nothing more and nothing less.
  11. Dragon Age Alpha Protocol Mass Effect 2 The Mount and Blade expantion ...
  12. Nice, I'm actualy about to start another run of that myself - although I might use an old save and jump right into MotB or just go with SoZ.
  13. ok thank you. I would "hope" thats enough support to play some older 3D titles? Well, I tried it some and it seems to be a mixed bag - some older games like it and some do not. However, I belive the final one will be even more powerful so I would hope that all titles would work after that.
  14. Not that the "darkness" is a bad thing - although the setting should think that it is.
  15. The last time I tried it they had not added 3D Support, although I think they have said the final version will have it.
  16. Mount & Blade - So far so good, thanks for the recomendation Hurlshot!
  17. Heh... I might go along with that if only for the reasons Calax stated.
  18. Cult has all of these negative connotations, that's the only reason it's not used in the same way as religion. If it were not for that would we be having this conversation?
  19. You just did. By defending it you just took time - time you could have been using to make money. Either than or really, really gullible. It was strongly implied by the placement. Nope, I'm not. Nor do I really care if people are religous, some of my best freinds are "strong" Christians, and I would have not brought it up if he had not. I'm sure scientologists say the same thing. EDIT: Spelling...
  20. Nope. No, he would be living according to a false reality, wasting, at a minimum, money, time, and thought on a worthless myth. Ever heard of Pascal’s Wager? If not, look it up as you just presented it. It is a logical fallacy for too many reasons to mention here – look it up if you want more information. Is the Bible not the holly book of Christianity? So? He belives in Christianity - thus he is a "Christian." I do not care if I am “cool,” nor do I care if atheism is “cool.” This is nothing more than an attack to make any non-theist seem if they are expressing their disbelief because it is the popular thing to do – id est, it is an ad hominem attack. All religions with dogma are cults - nothing more and nothing less. It is to me. But you are a member of the Christain cult, be you a "fundie" or a sane member. O RLY? I did not know I spewed dogma about them in threads. Also, that's another ad hominem attack.
  21. I might pick up the PC version if I see if on sale.
  22. Oh noes, a "facepalm." Why does that fact matter? No, it is a cult. Cult: A system or community of religious worship and ritual or A group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols. Does this not apply to your religion? Yes, it is. However, Christianity is also a cult.
  23. Nah, I might pelt the Pope with fruit -well, I would like to sometimes- but not general members (unless they're doing something dumb like trying to get state-led prayer in school).
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